Works great (Full Version)

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Hexed Gamer -> Works great (7/20/2004 11:59:18 PM)

There are a lot of threads complaining of all the flaws all the bugs all the headaches all the errors all the omissions the crashes the video troubles, the seemingly unfathomable results.

I just want to say, I have been playing 8.2 in it's various capacities quite a bit the last few weeks.

I'm as happy ****, and I haven't had any troubles at all :)

What, was it something I said?

Orzel Bialy -> RE: Works great (7/21/2004 3:16:52 AM)

I'm Happy as Hell to hear that you have not encountered any problems. I'm also happy to hear that there seems to be no widespread DL issues...but on the flipside it almost seems like your post is implying that those of us having troubles shouldn't post anything about their issues?

Hexed Gamer -> RE: Works great (7/21/2004 3:52:17 AM)

Quite the contrary Orzel, people need to know if there are troubles.

I just wanted to point out it isn't all bleak :)

Now, people can read into my message what they wish. Life is to short to fret over worrying if people can't see I am merely saying it isn't all bleak.

Orzel Bialy -> RE: Works great (7/21/2004 4:27:21 AM)

Just wanted to get a clearer picture of what you meant.[;)]

Far too many people in the recent past have taken any type of complaint or difference of opinion as a full blown attack on MG or the OoB Team (or whoever) and rushed in to "Rah Rah" down anything that wasn't blind praise.

I'm cool as long as we are both in agreement that problems need to have attention called to them...otherwise some people might get the game, have problems and shelve it...and never get to experience the great gaming action that others before them got to have.

#Vassago -> RE: Works great (7/21/2004 5:26:07 AM)

Hi Orzel!

I have complained about MG, because there is a major bug that doesn't seem to have been two years....that seems a bit unacceptable considering the recent launch of the General's Edition I just bought.

Not that I want to just complain, I love the game, but replaying a turn because I saved or loosing victory points for no reason...that is just plain lame from Matrix Games to ignore such a flaw. I hope I am wrong and this is being worked on but in more than 200 posts I haven't seen a single line from a Matrix Game representative confirming this is going to be fixed...on the contrary I was told today Matrix Games has confirmed it will not be a newcomer and a 100$ buck poorer how should I feel with that kind of support from Matrix Games?

I am not just a bit unhappy, I feel like I've been robbed in way. It's like buying a car with manufacturing flaws the carmaker won't fix.

Hexed Gamer -> RE: Works great (7/21/2004 7:03:16 AM)

I hope this is taken the right way, but I won't stand around worrying if not.

You could have bought any number of wargames out there, wargames with baggage trains several miles long.

Lets see, screw it I will just list some, and not care if I piss someone off slagging their precious garbage game.

HoI. Garbage, started as garbage, still garbage. Not just a few bugs the whole program is garbage. Only the total fanatics can see it as something else.

Blitzkreig, someone forgot to program in anything that remotely could be called realism. Program runs, but like it doesn't matter.

Sudden Strike 2, only useful as a teaching tool for grade three teachers learning the fine art of controlling large groups of irrational dependents. Again, the program runs, but no real wargamer would make the mistake of calling it a wargame.

Sorry if I instinctively picked games that run in RTS mode, but then they make so many of them, and so many of them suck. It was just to easy to think of those examples.

Now Steel Panthers was a great game in the first year of its sales, and it is still a great game.
If not for Matrix Games and SP Camo though, odds are you would just have to settle for something else now eh.

The game is not perfect. Sadly the logic behind who ever owns the name SSI is also flawed. Matrix Games doesn't own Steel Panthers. Sadly they can fuss with the game, but make almost nothing off the effort.
That they do it for love just only goes so far. Love ain't paying the bills.
If DH OWNED Steel Panthers, odds are he would have long ago built a much better mouse trap too. It would have been possible to SELL the whole game, make a better profit and have the financial muscle to actually have an easier time doing so.

What is not being said about Steel Panthers, is it has a multitude of ways to be played. Not all of which are equal.
I think Battle mode for instance has no value. The game "functions", but the AI is so bad as to be pointless.
That doesn't mean anything though if you only want to play the scenarios.
The 8.2 file has a few files missing.
Now that might annoy some, but I find it hard to endure a person crying over their missing 301 302 and 303 files, when you consider they have 300 other perfectly good ones.
I am not 100% sold on the Long Campaign mode, but I love the Mega Campaigns.
Do the MCs have quirks? I suppose they might.
But what is interesting, is if I had bought the MC, and never once visited the forums, I would still be playing Desert Fox unaware anything was wrong.

The game plays so well, that often these "bugs" that get so much attention, often refuse to reveal themselves.

I have heard of the crash problems and the video and sound problems etc etc.
I am not saying they don't exist, clearly they must exist.
But they are not dominate conditions.

I have been playing the game years now through numerous variants/versions.

In all that time and through several computers, some older some cutting edge some cheapo modular junk, some loaners with scavenged parts a buddy yanked out of a parts box only moments before the install, and I have actually had zero trouble playing Steel Panthers at the hardware level.

Must have something to do with Aries liking me :)

At the end of the day, Steel Panthers will out do any computer wargame out there new or old on the market for return on investment.
The 4 MC purchase is the safest purchase on the planet.

But as nothing is ever 100%, you will find at least some have had "difficulties".

My sympathies go out to all of you guys having difficulties.
Remember, I said you have my sympathies.

If you didn't like my post, get over it.

Warrior2 -> RE: Works great (7/21/2004 2:02:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: Orzel Bialy

I'm Happy as Hell to hear that you have not encountered any problems. I'm also happy to hear that there seems to be no widespread DL issues...but on the flipside it almost seems like your post is implying that those of us having troubles shouldn't post anything about their issues?

I didn't pick that up from his post at all. Are you feeling cranky today?

Orzel Bialy -> RE: Works great (7/21/2004 3:19:23 PM)




ORIGINAL: Orzel Bialy

I'm Happy as Hell to hear that you have not encountered any problems. I'm also happy to hear that there seems to be no widespread DL issues...but on the flipside it almost seems like your post is implying that those of us having troubles shouldn't post anything about their issues?

I didn't pick that up from his post at all. Are you feeling cranky today?

No Steve I'm not feeling cranky. Thanks for asking though.

As you can see I posted in the form of a question in order to clarify the issue and didn't get sh*tty or personal over it. Sorry if that offended you or anyone else.

Hexed Gamer -> RE: Works great (7/21/2004 3:31:15 PM)

Guys this is how arguments over nothing begin.

I said something, Orzel asked for clarification, he got it, was pleased, and that really should have been the last of it.

You two are now supporting a non argument.

There is NO argument.

Please take the non argument off life support :)

Orzel Bialy -> RE: Works great (7/21/2004 3:45:53 PM)

It was a done deal for me when I read your reply HG...but I guess my post rubbed Steve wrong.

I don't plan to take it any further...I apologized to those who may have taken exception to it...and nothing more I can say after that.

Jim1954 -> RE: Works great (7/21/2004 7:36:58 PM)

Your GamersHell DL should reach you in a day or so, Ken. Maybe that will fix those ctds.

Rhodan -> RE: Works great (7/21/2004 8:34:34 PM)

You know Orzel, I think I take offense to that rah-rah comment, where I come from we don't call it 'rah-rah' when some give us something for free. We call it gratitude and say 'thank you'.

Spwaw is not without it's flaws and frankly I dont think it will ever be perfect in everyone's eyes, but that is fine with me. Because somewhere, someone along the line sacrificed his/her spare time for me to enjoy this game for a far longer time then any other game I had to pay € 50,- for. All I have to do is download it for free, kick back, open a can of beer and have a nice evening.

IF the only price I have to pay is focus more on the good then the bad, then that is a price I am more then willing to pay. Not only out of respect to the guys that sacrificed THEIR time, but also to ease my own conscience. If -that- means rah-rah, expect a helluva lot more rah-ing from me in the future.

Where did this notion come from that MG owes anyone any kind of explanation for a game they did not have to pay a dime for?? ( Aside from the Meg Campaigns. )

Now, I know I probably should not post this, for the sake of the good memories I once had of this game and it's community, but it's been a long hot day , my fuse is perhaps a tad short, but most of all I think I, or anyone else, don't need to be called names for being grateful.


can't believe I'd ever use THAT dumb smiley

Orzel Bialy -> RE: Works great (7/21/2004 10:03:53 PM)

I hate the idea of being a part of yet another tit for tat flame thread...but you know what? I'll respond anyway.

First of all save the [:-] for someone else my friend.

I for one have never understood the whole concept of "The Game is FREE so therefore we should not complain". If there is something wrong...even for a small number of people...then it should be addressed. For some time now I have seen numerous examples of where some people were talked down to for voicing their issues...some in the name of the STUPID defense of IT'S A FREE GAME.

As for being thankful and saying so...I've done so. Been here for over two years and I said thank you plenty of times and all without anyone having to remind me or prod me to do so. Believe it or not I do know something of manners and respect.

However, that being said, when there was something wrong I never told people to just be thankful that they didn't pay for a game with some errors. Broken is broken and as far as I am concerned and this is NOT about someone not liking the way the OoB's are...this was referring back to the fact that there are people that can not even enjoy the game because of crash issues. That is a fundamental programming issue in most cases and the more that MG knows about it the more likely it is that they will be able to track down any causes.

That point aside I would also like to point out that I have paid my share of respect to those who worked on the OoB's and I myself even contributed time to the Screaming Eagles Mega Campaign and other projects. So I know something of giving up my free time to help others have a blast. On the same topic I have never personally attacked any of the team members or belittled their efforts...even if I didn't agree with their idea's. Again that doesn't mean that questions shouldn't be asked...or objections raised as long as they are done so in a civil manner.

In ending if you took exception to my post and made it personal (the rah rah statement) that is your problem not mine. Sounds pretty sh*tty...but you know what, I don't really care at this point.

My sole intention was clarify something HG posted...and when he did so I gave it a knod and went on my way. If others are offended by my stance feel free to PM me...since I don't care to have any more public debates at this time that are basically B I T C H fests.

Goblin -> RE: Works great (7/21/2004 10:22:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: Orzel Bialy

I hate the idea of being a part of yet another tit for tat flame thread...but you know what? I'll respond anyway.

First of all save the [:-] for someone else my friend.

I for one have never understood the whole concept of "The Game is FREE so therefore we should not complain". If there is something wrong...even for a small number of people...then it should be addressed. For some time now I have seen numerous examples of people where some people were talked down to for voicing their issues...some in the name of the STUPID defense of IT'S A FREE GAME.

As for being thankful and saying so...I've done so. Been here for over two years and I said thank you plenty of times and all without anyone having to remind me or prod me to do so. Believe it or not I do know something of manners and respect.

However, that being said, when there was something wrong I never told people to just be thankful that they didn't pay for a game with some errors. Broken is broken and as far as I am concerned and this is NOT about someone not liking the way the OoB's are...this was referring back to the fact that there are people that can not even enjoy the game because of crash issues. That is a fundamental programming issue in most cases and the more that MG knows about it the more likely it is that they will be able to track down any causes.

That point aside I would also like to point out that I have paid my share of respect to those who worked on the OoB's and I myself even contributed time to the Screaming Eagles Mega Campaign and other projects. So I know something of giving up my free time to help others have a blast. On the same topic I have never personally attacked any of the team members or belittled their efforts...even if I didn't agree with their idea's. Again that doesn't mean that questions shouldn't be asked...or objections raised as long as they are done so in a civil manner.

In ending if you took exception to my post and made it personal (the rah rah statement) that is your problem not mine. Sounds pretty sh*tty...but you know what, I don't really care at this point.

My sole intention was clarify something HG posted...and when he did so I gave it a knod and went on my way. If others are offended by my stance feel free to PM me...since I don't care to have any more public debates at this time that are basically B I T C H fests.

Beer. [sm=00000436.gif]


Losqualo -> RE: Works great (7/21/2004 10:32:36 PM)


KG Erwin -> RE: Works great (7/22/2004 2:01:48 AM)

Alright, guys, let's take a chill. I'm buying the next round, so everyone sit down and enjoy their beverage of choice. A Bud Light and maybe some Jalapeno Poppers for the moderator. [sm=party-smiley-012.gif]

Orzel Bialy -> RE: Works great (7/22/2004 2:20:13 AM)

No worries here Gunny...I'm chillin' with a rum and coke and watching the world go by.

This thread is dead to me unless someone else decides to uncork another one in my direction. [:D]

Goblin -> RE: Works great (7/22/2004 2:54:25 AM)



Alright, guys, let's take a chill. I'm buying the next round, so everyone sit down and enjoy their beverage of choice. A Bud Light and maybe some Jalapeno Poppers for the moderator. [sm=party-smiley-012.gif]



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