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bchapman -> (1/19/2002 8:25:00 AM)

I vote for the CD, but it would be better for the overseas people to have download capablity. As has been stated before, the only problem with this is verification. I have downloaded several programs that I paid for over the web and haven't had any problems,also downloaded full SPWAW ver 4.5 (only took 3 nights!!, Thanks S.W. Bell ) without any problems in getting a complete file. So either way, I will buy it.

Wild Bill -> (1/19/2002 10:30:00 AM)

Good answers and good comments. I'll make sure that the honchos at Matrix are aware of your desires. As for offering it both ways, it sounds great. Whether or not it could be done is something that David would have to answer. I like having an alternative for you guys that have to pay all that extra money to get the goodies. Good stuff here. Many thanks...WB

RichardTheFirst -> (1/19/2002 2:56:00 PM)

Just to add to my post here. Of course the download alternative should be one more alternative to the CD. But the CD should remain for those who prefer it. Also 2 different mailing schemes - 1 fast, reliable and expensive (as today) and 1 slower, less reliable and a lot less expensive - would be nice. There are countries, like most of the European ones, where the normal mail is very reliable. One just picks the method: A - download
B - fast mail CD
C - normal mail CD [ January 19, 2002: Message edited by: RichardTheFirst ]

Mikimoto -> (1/19/2002 6:30:00 PM)


Originally posted by RichardTheFirst:

One just picks the method: A - download
B - fast mail CD
C - normal mail CD [ January 19, 2002: Message edited by: RichardTheFirst ]

That's great, Richard! I have to mail one music CD to South America, by certified (more expensive) airmail, and the costs are, more or less six €... It's a good option, if you want the CD... Las tres opciones son buenas, Ricardo.

Panzer Capta -> (1/19/2002 9:28:00 PM)

Just a thought on the matter. When Steven King wrote "The Green Mile" he published it in multiple installments...it was quite an interesting way to present. So, what if one could buy into a new mega campaign 2 to 3 scenerios at a time with the option of continuing or terminating the subscription at any time.

Christophe Jaureguiberry -> (1/19/2002 10:00:00 PM)

I would say DL. When the first MC was in preparation, I preordered it at 20$ (or was it 25$? I don't remember), but I never received it. It did not really bother me since I was not particularly interested in that theater from the German point of view, and I had done it more to contribute something to Matrix's efforts to develop the game. However, now I am interested by the Pacific MC but I am wary of buying it just in case I do not receive it again. If it was available by DL I would purchase it straightaway, as well as the new one if I like the theme (a collection of mini-campaigns). Christophe

Fredde -> (1/19/2002 10:33:00 PM)

I would personally very much prefer a download. Perhaps a downloadable campaign should cost less also, because the organization around it could be kept much much smaller (no printing, no shipping, no deals with shippers, no boxes, no manuals, possible to make completely automatic.. etc etc etc etc.. in economic terms, simply, much less overhead costs). To pay for the internet connection.. well, I'd have to spend hundreds of hours on the phone until I would reach the shipping costs for getting the thing over to Europe. There is no way I will sponsor a freight company with the same amount of money as I pay for the game.. even though I would be glad to pay for Matrix products and I think many others feel the same way. Also, in Sweden/Finland at least, but also in other European countries broadband connection is almost more common than modem connection these days.. a cd burner is starting to become common equipment as well (I'm not saying all got it.. but its heading that way). About the security issues.. well, why not keep the download free.. server open for all.. MC possible to start but will stop after the first scenario as a teaser and the greatest advertisement you can get.. but instead pay for a personal password/security code which allows you to really get the goodies. Hacker problems.. yes indeed.. but that's the case in a printed copy as well. My prejudice also tells me that wargamers in general are more mature and honest than first-person shooters/arcade gamers.. [ January 19, 2002: Message edited by: Fredde ]

ruxius -> (1/20/2002 1:08:00 AM)

As it seems keeping available both the ways will be the final formula for buying a game
I would then ask for splitting the download file into more separated downloads available after connecting to the passworded site Such a way the most important files of the game should be available eventually for a second safer download..also people may decide to download the game by several steps..structure of directory should be showed..if ever my PC would crash during my nightly downlo I would be very frustrated to think about do it again . -------- One more comment about Downloads :
think to people who payed the shipment , $game+ $taxes = $game x 2 ..some of them would have bought the CD anyway..but the others may have given the "$taxes" amount maybe to purchase another MEGAcamp !!! Since now it's clear there is a group of guys who will surely buy more than one game , Matrix would surely gain more benefit from downloadable versions... I agree that most of the players will buy the MEGACD without any doubt...but if ever a crack will appear for cracking a MEGACD we will have the same result we actually have with payment based on honour..Loyalists buy the game...the others do not... Surely these guys are equally welcome as they contribute in some way to spread Matrix name around the world and so I do not think the attitude should be punitive..
Anyhow I think it would be better to have a password and a login after money arrived from users than a code protection policy. Since Fredde had a good point about the value of demonstration I would say that a little demo presenting the campaign should be available for downlo into the main page, following the common concept of all gaming companies , but the game should be kept safe from cracking.
P.S Richard your words made me feel very happy and somehow worried : I hope the game gave you that inner and proud feeling you did something "concrete" to help this game growing up..
Matrix trusts on few of us ! now you are one of these few ones !
Tahnk you ! [ January 19, 2002: Message edited by: ruxius ]

RichardTheFirst -> (1/20/2002 1:08:00 AM)


Originally posted by Fredde:
There is no way I will sponsor a freight company with the same amount of money as I pay for the game.. even though I would be glad to pay for Matrix products and I think many others feel the same way.
My friend, how well do I understand you. When I payed Desert Fox I felt almost like I was swallowing a living frog. Ruxius and his loyalist call made me do it

RichardTheFirst -> (1/20/2002 1:52:00 PM)


Originally posted by ruxius:
Richard your words made me feel very happy and somehow worried : I hope the game gave you that inner and proud feeling you did something "concrete" to help this game growing up..
Matrix trusts on few of us ! now you are one of these few ones !
Tahnk you !

Weird my message appears after your's, isn't it? Don't get me wrong, I was kind of kidding when I said you made me do it. You did it in a very positive way. And besides Desert Fox being excellent, I also had "half" that proud feeling you mentioned.
The other half went to the mailing company's pockets... My thanks for your kind words, my friend. Ave Ruxius giocatori te salutant (You already knew latin is not my strongest ) [ January 20, 2002: Message edited by: RichardTheFirst ]

Unknown_Enemy -> (1/22/2002 1:33:00 AM)

Another vote for download. If the technical problems can be solved, I am sure the european fans would prefer to give money to matrix rather than fedex.

Bing -> (1/22/2002 1:54:00 AM)

I say: Give us both. First of all, the download is attractive in view of ongoing severe problems with Matrix shipping. 1) Interrupted d/l's CAN be handled perfectly well, it is a problem that has been solved nicely by the shareware associations, it happened to me and I had no trouble at all resuming the d/l - I believe a unique customer ID is assigned before d/l begins. You could d/l multiple copies, but if the ID doesn't match, a different end user would be out of luck. 2) There are at least two good download utilites that feature segmented d/l's: Do it a Meg at a time over thirty days if you want.

3) Seems to me that the CD could be done on a custom basis, have a volunteer burn a few at a time, the way we've done in the past. Setting up a source for this overseas would be very good for the fellows over there. Face it, for some people the shipping issue couldn't get much worse. Why not give the customer a choice??? Bing

MARTIN HALL -> (1/22/2002 6:38:00 AM)

For my 2 Cents I would prefer a hard copy /disk version. Living in The UK, now that LeDuchet have now started bringing Matrix games into England, I feel that a lot of the delivery problems to Europe have been resolved.

ruxius -> (1/23/2002 8:18:00 PM)

To Richard the First :
(Riccardo Primo Cuor di Leone I suppose ...) Weird my message appears after your's, isn't it? RUX: eh eh .I simply "edited" my previous message rather than writing a new one..."
Don't get me wrong, I was kind of kidding when I said you made me do it. You did it in a very positive way. RUX : I've already learned you are a very good guy ! Ave Ruxius giocatori te salutant
(You already knew latin is not my strongest ) RUX : Yes I can remember , but consider that your latin is much more precious than your gramatic as it comes from a very distant region of the Empire...

Ave atque Vale Lusitaniae gubernator
Recaredus Primus
Faecundiam et prosperitem longa vita tibi fert !
Ruxius Pontifex Maxiumus et Praefectus Urbi

RichardTheFirst -> (1/24/2002 5:16:00 PM)


Originally posted by ruxius:

Ave atque Vale Lusitaniae gubernator
Recaredus Primus
Faecundiam et prosperitem longa vita tibi fert !
Ruxius Pontifex Maxiumus et Praefectus Urbi

My latin as opposed to my internetian: Latin
I can understand it pretty well but can't write it correctly. Internetian (lots and lots of abbreviations)
I can write it fluently but I have a lot of difficulties in understanding it. Cheers,

MarkFroio -> (1/25/2002 4:50:00 AM)

Just my two cents. I've bought all three MCs, but if they were only downloadable, I wouldn't have bought any. I don't have high speed internet access, and I don't have a CD burner. When and if I update my computer, I'd be all for downloadable software. However, I don't see that happening any time soon. I understand progress, and all, and I can see why this would be an attractive option, it's just I can't see doing it with the computer I have now.

RichardTheFirst -> (1/25/2002 5:09:00 AM)

Everybody: I would like to clarify one thing: I cannot imagine Matrix abandon the CD system and replace it by a Download system. I always regarded Download as an ADITIONAL SYSTEM (if Matrix decides to adopt it) to face the needs of part of the market, not a replacement of the present one. It would be abandon part of the customers to serve other customers - hara-kiri if you like. So lets focus here please people .

AbsntMndedProf -> (1/25/2002 5:26:00 AM)

Speaking as someone with a 56K dial-up modem, I don't think that the savings in postage and handleing would make up for the endless time it would take to download something as large as an MC. If I ever can afford a DSL or cable hook-up, I may change my opinion. However, for now I like things the way they are. Eric Maietta

swagman -> (1/25/2002 9:33:00 AM)

Download is the go..MC costs isn't an issue in the US but it is BIG in most other places... a MC disk costs $105 delivered in Australia...closer to $150 in NZ...How many US SPWAW fans would pay that for a megacampaign? Now there is a local distributor...a MC costs AUD$60 which is still a big hit on the wallet, but what about everyone else...downloadable is the only way. As far having a copy for re-install purposes, that can be easily handled by backing it up to a CDR. An alternative is for Matrix to permit multiple downloads of a purchased MC...for example purchase of a MC generates a unique purchase key (like the order number), which is entered to authorise a download...anyone who needs to reinstall can simply download the game a second time. Of course, this is open to abuse...what is there to stop someone giving the key to his friends so that they can all download the game...well nothing, except the hassle of a half hour download...just as there is nothing to stop someone sharing the current disk with their friends...or someone copying a purchased download to CDR and passing it round...nothing except copyright.

Wild Bill -> (1/26/2002 4:36:00 AM)

A live frog, Richard? Maybe a live lizard...;( Wild Bill

RichardTheFirst -> (1/26/2002 8:59:00 AM)

Well, I adapted it from a native expression, WB. Wasn't sure if it would work... Maybe lizards are used in USA, we use frogs (don't know which is more unpleasant).

Belisarius -> (1/26/2002 9:25:00 PM)


Originally posted by MARTIN HALL:
For my 2 Cents I would prefer a hard copy /disk version. Living in The UK, now that LeDuchet have now started bringing Matrix games into England, I feel that a lot of the delivery problems to Europe have been resolved.
I hear you. And it's fairly cheap as well. They only charged me ONE pound sterling to ship it to Sweden...and it only took, like a week. That's fast considering what I had to pay.

Mark Ezra -> (1/27/2002 12:30:00 AM)

I think both downloadable purchase and postal delivery should be offered. When marketing a product a company should make the sale as easy as possible. DLing would increase sales abroad and with those who have broadband. Mail for those who wish to incure the expense of a hard copy. I have purchase many a program by dl...never a trouble and that's with and without (sniff, sniff) broadband

bobaloo000 -> (1/27/2002 12:49:00 AM)

I vote for both. I would be willing to pay a few dollars extra for the CD if I had to, but the thought of downloading 35 meg on my phone line gives me a headache.

Viriato -> (1/27/2002 6:08:00 AM)

hello all A downloaded MC , by all means , mail order by credit card please ... the shipping to portugal of a MC was about 68usd , that would buy 18+GB on my isp ... it was worth it but how many MC could I DL with 18GB ?

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