Best Wargame I have played (Full Version)

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Philbill -> Best Wargame I have played (6/6/2000 6:52:00 PM)

I have played many many wargames right back to the ZX spectrum days in the early 80s and i think i can say that this game is the best. In campaign mode it is great. I have played for hours(ill probably be divorced soon if i carry on [img][/img]) It really does show in the design that a lot of effort has gone into making this game great fun and historically accurate there is an unequalled excitement about killing enemy tanks because of good tactics that seemed invincible (In my campaign i am the germans and the Russian T34 and KV1 tanks are tough to kill need to assault them or get very close however I now have the new Panzer 4s with better gun [img][/img]) Its also great seeing the stast of battle go buy in between turns Well done matrix and congratulations I will post some observations i have made in another post I cant wait for War in the Pacific! Shhh dont tell the wife Phil

Grumble -> (6/7/2000 5:26:00 AM)

...and it's FREE! With PATCHES! Who'd a thunk it? You also have to admire the support from the designers; only HP Games (Tigers in the Snow, Panthers in the Shadows) comes close. Lets hope the future games are profitable for the company so this talented group will stick around.

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