7.0 bugs (and a new version of PBEM Helper to fix one) (Full Version)

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Fuerte -> 7.0 bugs (and a new version of PBEM Helper to fix one) (1/20/2002 12:19:00 AM)

1. Can't view map when a secure PBEM game is finished, because it requires passwords for both players. This is fatal! 2. Targetting selects randomly victory hexes for targets. 3. Recon unit movement display when clicked once and C&C is on (it shows the range as if the unit was not a recon unit). Bug 3 is very old, but 1 and 2 were introduced in v5/6 if I remember correctly. [ January 21, 2002: Message edited by: Fuerte ]

RichardTheFirst -> (1/20/2002 12:39:00 AM)

Regarding point 1. I'm not sure that is a crawling insect, but I'm sure all the players would like that. When I finnish a PBEM game I ask my opponent to send me his password and I send him mine. Problem solved. Point 2 - never saw that but I don't know if I understand what you mean. Point 3 - that I really don't understand what you mean. Can't you be more specific?

Khan7 -> (1/20/2002 1:39:00 AM)

You can also expect some highly defensive posts from some vets around here pretty quick. Not that I blame them, this being a free game put together with an incredible amount of dedication. Matt

Fuerte -> (1/20/2002 5:42:00 AM)


Originally posted by RichardTheFirst:
Regarding point 1. I'm not sure that is a crawling insect, but I'm sure all the players would like that. When I finnish a PBEM game I ask my opponent to send me his password and I send him mine. Problem solved.
But one should never be forced to reveal his passwords! Also I don't understand why the end-game sequence is different from any other turn. In other turns you are required to enter only your password. So when game ends, it should work as following: 1. player A sends the turn to player B
2. player B enters his password, and views the map, and then sends the turn back
3. player A enters his password, and views the map Regarding bug 3, Matrix knows it, but they say that it is too hard to fix. These three bugs are the ones that I see in every game I play.

Paul Vebber -> (1/20/2002 5:51:00 AM)

Why on earth is it such an issue to send the password with the last turn??? How hard is it to come up with a password? We felt it easier to send your password than to have to exchange several more emails... With out passwords it is easy for an opponant to surrender, check your positions, reload and restart. We have tried to fix the middle one, but is it so hard to cycle past it? I have not seen this affect gameplay in v7 AS I have said the 99 other times this has been brought up all you have to do is click twice on teh recon unit and its movement radius will appear. Its not worth the effort to save a mouse click.
Sorry, they may be incovenient, but either aren;t bugs or so tiney they don;t warrant the effort better spent elsewhere

Major Destruction -> (1/20/2002 8:01:00 AM)


Originally posted by Fuerte:
But one should never be forced to reveal his passwords!
With a little imagination I am sure that you can think up a new password every month or so. Start with all the names of your ex-girlfriends and you'll surely find enough to last a year or two. Then recycle them..........the passwords.......the girlfriends are already recycled

Fuerte -> (1/20/2002 8:16:00 PM)


Originally posted by Paul Vebber:
Why on earth is it such an issue to send the password with the last turn??? How hard is it to come up with a password? We felt it easier to send your password than to have to exchange several more emails...
One more e-mail. It is easy to generate new passwords in PBEM Helper, for example, but since SPWAW does not support clipboard when entering the password, it is very difficult to enter different password for each game you play. PBEM Helper already puts the password into clipboard. So in practise you must use the same password for each game, and you can't reveal it.

With out passwords it is easy for an opponant to surrender, check your positions, reload and restart.
Not if the end-game sequence works like every other turn. If the opponent surrenders, then he would need to enter my password to view the map.

We have tried to fix the middle one, but is it so hard to cycle past it? I have not seen this affect gameplay in v7 AS I have said the 99 other times this has been brought up all you have to do is click twice on teh recon unit and its movement radius will appear. Its not worth the effort to save a mouse click. Sorry, they may be incovenient, but either aren;t bugs or so tiney they don;t warrant the effort better spent elsewhere
Tiny or not, but these three things are the only bugs that I see in every game I play. And the first one is huge, not tiny. It spoils the whole secure PBEM game.

Fuerte -> (1/21/2002 2:03:00 AM)

Alright, I added a hot key Ctrl+Shift+P to PBEM Helper, so that it now sends the password as keystrokes. This works with SPWAW. And you can generate totally random passwords in PBEM Helper, so this is a workaround to the password problem. Download the latest exe from the link in my signature. [ January 20, 2002: Message edited by: Fuerte ]

Fuerte -> (1/22/2002 3:08:00 AM)


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