Khan7 -> Late war German machinery.. (1/21/2002 3:40:00 AM)
Ok, here's an OoB question-- why is the JagdTiger faster than the Konigstiger?? How does this make sense?? From what I've read, the Konigstiger saw a great deal of use (despite the relatively small numbers produced), and the JagdTiger was a huge, lumbering, clumsy, breakdown-prone monster that saw little production and was not practical on the battlefield. So you have KonigsTigers wandering around on rouge missions taking out whole squadrons of Allied tanks, while the JagdTigers sit and don't do much.
But now, with the JagdTiger not only FASTER, but now with a clearly superior gun, as evidently the designers had some sort of celestial revelation between previous versions and SPWAW and decided to give the 128mm not only better penetration but better accuracy and fire control (I don't know the reasons for the change), where it had previously been deficient, it would seem that we should have seen significant production of the JTiger while the KTiger sat around and did not much.
So what's the deal? Why were these decisions made? I don't doubt that you guys have access to alot of data and records that I've never seen, but honestly, the current status of these OoBs makes no sense based on what knowledge I have picked up.