rbrunsman -> RE: 8.2? (7/28/2004 9:00:55 AM)
Kerg: If you, or anyone else for that matter, mails me a SASE I'll be happy to burn the CD for you. I'll even supply the CD. Just make the envelope big enough and safe enough to hold the CD. Some guys forget that minor detail when they send me their SASE. I'm not as nice as the guys that will just ask you for your address and then mail you a CD. I don't want to have to go to the post office to mail the CDs and it's nice to see a little effort on the part of the receiver of the CD before the sender does the sending. [;)] I'm happy to do it though and I usually burn the CD and mail it the day after I get the SASE. rb P.S. Just PM me and I'll send you my address.