esteban -> RE: Poor path finding? (7/30/2004 9:18:06 AM)
This will take a little longer than just going straight to Buin, but you could try setting your TF on retirement allowed, going to the hex just southeast of Rabaul, with your home port set for Buin. So when the TF enters the destination hex, on the next pulse it should "retire" straigh to Buin. Once you are in the open water, heading towards Bouganville, you should be able to reset the destination and home port correctly. Not quite what you want, but shorter than going all the way around New Ireland. I have noticed this same issue with TFs around the Phillipines/Borneo. They don't want to move between islands for some reason, and go around the long way. It's nice to know we have stuff to push for in the next patch, though.