DBoutwell -> RE: Mr. Heath, where are you??!! (9/25/2004 9:11:57 AM)
Fidel, the Virginia basically ignored the shot and shell from the Zouave, Cumberland, Congress and shore batteries at Newport News during its attack on the Minnesota and the Cumberland at Hampton Roads. The only thing that kept the Virginia from a direct confrontation with the Minnesota was the fact that the Virginia, whose draft was over ten feet, would have had to run itself aground to do so. In his book "Bloody Crucible of Courage", Brent Nosworthy uses words like "the hapless Minnesota", the "defenseless Minnesota" and "the destruction of the Minnesoata would have to wait till the morrow", which implies an unavoidable outcome not in favor of the frigate. Any knowledge that I have of this subject is secondary, but Nosworthy's description of the battle of Hampton Roads doesn't seem to jive with your statement about the ability of those frigates to consistently destroy an ironclad. On the flip side, Fort Henry's 128 pdr. Columbiad did significant damage to the Union armored gunboats Essex and Carandolet. So, whether it is the penetration capability of the shot or the sheer size of the shot that does the damage, accurately modelling the interaction between the armor of ironclads, tin-clads, cotton-clads and wooden-clad gunboats, etc., and ordinance is more complex than I have the energy to tackle. If anyone would like to undertake a project of this nature, please sign up! You could easily place the Zouve icons in the Russian or Japanese infantry icon file. The problem is, let's say that I create a scenario, buy a few bluecoat regiments, then decide that I want to jump over and buy myself a few Zouave regiments that I have created in another oob. The icons are still going to be bluecoats. The only way that you'd be able to use the Zouave icons is buy starting off with that other nation. But, then ALL of your infantry would be Zouaves, which just wouldn't be correct, unless you just wanted to do a small scenario depicting an action of a couple Zouave regiments. But, if you are going to embark on something like that, why not have butternut uniforms for the Rebs, which would be statistically more common, or all grey early war, or green sharpshooter uniforms. I just chose to stick with the one uniform, and dream of the day when infantry uniforms could be customized the way armor icons are now. But, hey, someone else can work on the Zouave thing in the future, right? I actually totally removed all of the other flags from the nation menu except for US and Confederate. Any choice to be made is between which side is going to be player one and player two. I wanted to build a strictly Civil War game. If someone wants to embark on creating additional oobs for "what-ifs" in the future, more power to them, but I didn't want to open up the huge can of worms of researching the armies of Europe of the 1860's. It wouldn't be that much of a stretch to do a SP:Mexican War mod. Or an SP:Zulu War mod. in the future, but again, as long as you have the infantry icon uniform limitation, trying to represent fifteen nations with confederate and union icons in one mod. would look kind of lame, in my opinion. When I was referring to "fortifications", I was referring to icons for different types of gun emplacements, equivalents to the machine gun nests and gun emplacements in SPWAW, not complete forts. I'd also like to make a few blockhouses, which commonly protected bridges/crossings, etc. The gun emplacement would be used for scenarios such as Spotsylvania, Petersburg and the like. Regards, David Boutwell