DrewMatrix -> RE: CTD since DirectX9C is installed! (8/5/2004 12:46:00 AM)
My theory (see my post somewhere on which sfx/wav files are "bad") is that only a few of the sound files cause trouble, and those only for a few people. You may well have been playing without getting the unfortunate sound/sfx file cmbination that causes the crash. And now (unrelated to 9c) you happened to get it. If, as suggested, you copy *.sfx to *.wav, test the sounds one at a time, remove any file that crashes the Windows Media Player (replacing them with UV files of the same name if UV has that sound) ("remove" means, if 1065.wav crashes the Win Media Player then remove 1065.,sfx from the /SOUND folder), then you will likely a) have sound and b) not have any crashes. It has worked nicely for me.