wdolson -> RE: Wish List (4/2/2007 12:38:31 AM)
There are a number of things about how ships behave. Some should be easiest to implement. 1) Crippled ships movement - This should be the easiest fix. Ships with 0 movement points still make 2 hexes a day. That's around 5 knots. I know this is done to simplify having tows and ocean going tugs, but could this be halved to one hex a day? 2) Ships out of fuel combat - Carriers out of fuel don't fly offensive missions, but they do fly CAP, they shouldn't be able to do this either. Additionally, surface ships that are out of fuel fight normally. They should have a heavy penalty if forced to fight in this state. 3) Crippled ships intercepted - Several times I have seen a task force with a crippled ship intercepted by a surface force and the next turn it is one hex away and combat shows a few shots fired by the intercepting surface force before the crippled task force runs away. If there is a large speed difference, like 30 knots, or even 25, vs. 0-5, the intercepting force should be able to dictate the terms of the combat. The crippled ship should not get away. This is exactly the major reason crippled ships were scuttled rather than attempts made to limp them back to port. If enemy surface forces were in the area, all the escorts were at risk as well as the crippled ship. I know #2 and #3 should be tougher to change than #1. And #2 is a case that shouldn't happen very often, so it would be a low priority. However #1 should be an easy fix, and if #1 and #3 were implemented, it would reduce the gamey tactic of saving severely damaged ships that would have been scuttled in the real world. Bill