pompack -> RE: Newbie Asks: When should I use... (8/15/2004 6:18:25 PM)
ORIGINAL: BRZ Newbie Asks series: I've already asked which is the difference between Withdraw and Disband a Air Unit. So, now I ask, WHEN should I use? Which are the situation that I should use one or another? I have yet to find a good use for WITHDRAW [&:] For DISBAND, I use the Mogami Training Method (MTM) with the Japanese 1. Choose some air unit to be a trainee (if necessary move it to a location with adequate support). If the trainee unit is splitable, divide it into its components. 2. Turn on replacements and set train to between 30% and 90% (the higher the number the faster the training but the higher the ops loses; ; Mogami recommends starting at 0% for "Ground School" to minimize ops loses even more)) 3. When unit at max strength, turn off replacements and continue to train 4. When one of your frontline air units (of the same a/c type) needs replacements, move the unit to the trainee (or vice versa) 5. Disband the trainee into the frontline unit and select "return in 90 days". repeat when the trainee unit returns. (Apologies to Mogami for any errors in the above procedure; I am working from memory and that is especially dangerous for me[8D])