Redleg -> (2/6/2002 1:37:00 PM)
It is a bit tricky to get the AI to reliably use exit hexes but it can be done.
In Watchtower there is an instance of it I know of. I recently used this in one of the Black Brigade scenarios.
Basically, you must place them in such a way that the AI *must* use them. Block off alternative courses that it can take with boulders, cliffs, deep water and such. Put a nuetral v-hex behind the exit hex. When the AI seeks the nuetral hex, it cannot deviate because of the blocks you have put up. Then it will stop on the exit hex.
As I said, tricky but it does work. Undoubtedly, there are others who have found different ways to do this.
With AI recon, I normally don't use them for the AI but when I do, I change the speed to 1 or 2 so the don't rush to an early death. ;-)
They do make pretty good AI spies when speed is set to 0 and they are on a vantage point. Set range to 1.