Lost Victories Mega campaign problems (Full Version)

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tyche -> Lost Victories Mega campaign problems (2/10/2002 4:33:00 AM)

After playing through several of the battles I got to one called Binglers Bridge. I played through this one and received a score of 2998 the computer scored 281. This should have been a DV victory instead it awarded the computer the DV! But the worst is to come. It said to continue playing LV you must wait for the patch to continue. Please keep your save file to continue later!! I thought this was a completed product that I was buying. Can anyone explain this? Or has anyone got past Binglers bridge?

Supervisor -> (2/10/2002 4:39:00 AM)

First of hearing of this, I'm forwarding this problem to the designers. LV is in the process of being repaired to be released soon to correct these kind of problems. I'll send you the beta patch 7.1 to update the game engine. The Lost Victories patch is coming soon.

gn08979 -> (2/10/2002 9:35:00 AM)

Same thing here, see earlier post. I got the patch and I had an old save file but it did no good. I can can continue no longer. So whats the beta, the patch or the MC?

Supervisor -> (2/10/2002 10:53:00 AM)

Thread had been sent to the developers, awaiting a response.

Supervisor -> (2/10/2002 11:24:00 AM)

From the developers: The problem lies within the .dat file being incomplete. All the scenarios and nodes are being retested along with pictures, document, text files, spelling and improper follow on scenario branching. Upon completion of testing the patch containing the updates will be released so please be patient. The major hurdle now is problems when leaders are lost in battle and OOB issues.

Grenadier -> (2/11/2002 9:15:00 AM)

Well...The patch that fixed the game would have been released by now except for these unforseen problems with the leaders and OOBs. That is why I have ordered a reckeck of all 86 nodes so the patch will be as close to perfect as possible. Yes, you did get a complete game. A patch is being finished now that addresses the lost leader bug and the odd leader stats, the Malin loop and the Binglers Bridge anomaly and the odd loading of units in some of the nodes. The MC is supposed to go to Kiev after Binglers Bridge but instead the old version of this node which put an early end to the MC was loaded instead along with several other nodes that got an old version like Exploitation and The Kolkhoze. I apologize for this and rest assured that these issues will be corrected in the patch. Testing is still ongoing [ February 11, 2002: Message edited by: Brent ]

degen -> (2/11/2002 1:20:00 PM)

Here's another oddity, from the Dubno touch and go scenario (see my earlier post about LV low leader ratings in scenario). I finally got through this battle and held all 13 VH's worth 250 points at the end of the battle and also held the 250 per turn VH for at least 12 turns. Then I destroyed at least 100 ivan tanks, some infrantry, lots of crews, held the 100 end of battle VH hex, and held for varying times the 20 and 30 points per turn VH's. The 250 point VH's combined should have given me a total score of about 6250. However, my final score was a surprisingly low 5849 to the ivan's 1259. Possibly the VH's are incorrectly marked?!? I will take the marginal victory, considering that all the leadership ratings for auxillary forces were 15 rally, then 16, 15, and 18 for infantry, artillery, and armor.

Mikimoto -> (2/11/2002 4:14:00 PM)


Originally posted by Brent:
Timing is everything.
Lost Victories is so big that testing is still ongoing... The decision was made to release it before the testing was finished, making it about the same length as Desert Fox and Watchtower. The patch that completed the game would have been releaseed by now except for these unforseen problems with the leaders and OOBs. That is why I have ordered a reckeck of all 86 nodes so the patch will be as close as perfect as possible. All of the documents, sound files and photos are already included. The Lost Victories.dat file that connects everything is also ready but is waiting for final tests to the end of the MC in order to making any needed corrections in node progression. So, yes, you did get a complete game, but you do not have the dat file to finish playing it out.

I don't think an unplayable game is a complete game. I can't play it until the patch is released cause it was not fully tested in time... This issue recalls to me the yugo-bug with the MCNA... Even the install routines didn't worked, you must install de MC manually. This is not serious, this is not high standard quality...

K G von Martinez -> (2/11/2002 11:15:00 PM)

Well, sorry, I confess I'm really disappointed. I have no problems with patches if bugs and errors are found only after the release. But if you sell a product as complete without saying in advance I have to incur additional costs to get all of it is IMHO or to be polite: not fair!
By the way, what do you assume the people not on the forum will think of Matrix? Do you really believe they will come back to buy another Matrix-product?? I wouldn't!!
Okay, I will try again, but I'm sure I will buy other Matrix-games only after others have tested them long enough to be sure I'm not treated again this way! [ February 11, 2002: Message edited by: kgvm ]

David Heath -> (2/12/2002 5:47:00 AM)

Hi Guys Listen the LV was tested..... It was over nine months late do to testing and adjusting of OOBs and SPWaW v7.0. Also do to its size being more then double DF added to the problems. We have since found errors in the MCLV and have delayed the release of SPWaW v7.1 until we are sure we corrected all the bugs we possible can. So I think Brent may have not made clear what he meant here. [ February 12, 2002: Message edited by: David Heath ]

Grenadier -> (2/12/2002 7:15:00 AM)

This has taught me not to respond to a post late at night when suffering from a high fever. I did not mean anything like the game was released incomplete. The game is complete but the patch to fix the bugs is incomplete, this includes the premature ending at Binglers Bridge, A Sheepish Advance the loop back to Malin and the Kolkhoze and the A0 disappearring, the odd leader ratings and the other OOB anomalies. Lost Victories went thru a 9 month gestation and in the course of that time it was tested extensively but primarily for the average player. Based on this the game played flawlessly to its conclusion. Some of you are Uber players and are getting results that were not realized in the testing and some anomalies have shown up as a result. These are being addressed in the patch, which will be out this week

Grenadier -> (2/13/2002 12:11:00 AM)

One last thing, The OOB's that are the most worked on are the German and Soviet Union. Harry Zahn has found the reason the leaders are disapperring and resultant low leader ratings. It has to do with the core force. Harry has created a new core force to address the problem and so far in testing the AO is remaining unchanged and the leader names of the non core force units are not being affected. This problem never showed up in prerelease testing because it was all done constant in ver 6 OOB's. The ver 7 OOB's had a difference in the setup of a 1941 German motorized infantry company which is the basis of the core force. So far we have found that almost all of the problems in Lost Victories can be traced to this issue and are correcting themselves with the new core force.

Gen.Hoepner -> (2/13/2002 7:55:00 PM)

Well,guys,i have to say that all these complains are......quite...cannot find the right english word,but anyway i do not agree with u.Matrix has proved over these years that it's a serious game-house.Their support is just great!Have u ever tried to talk to other game producers???I tell u this:i bought in december a game from EA:shogun total war.I experienced several problems.I tried so many times to contact the support team of EA.U know what was the result?Nothing.I just cannot play the game.The didn't even answered me.I'm not sayin' that whatever comes from matrix is good just because it's from Matrix,but consider what they gave to us,and what kind of support they keep giving us.

Jeff_Ewing -> (2/14/2002 12:42:00 AM)


Originally posted by Brent:
Harry Zahn has found the reason the leaders are disapperring and resultant low leader ratings. It has to do with the core force. Harry has created a new core force to address the problem and so far in testing the AO is remaining unchanged and the leader names of the non core force units are not being affected. This problem never showed up in prerelease testing because it was all done constant in ver 6 OOB's. The ver 7 OOB's had a difference in the setup of a 1941 German motorized infantry company which is the basis of the core force. So far we have found that almost all of the problems in Lost Victories can be traced to this issue and are correcting themselves with the new core force.
Crud, that means I have to go back to v.6.5 OOBs if I want to finish Desert Fox, eh? Jeff

degen -> (2/14/2002 1:29:00 PM)


Originally posted by Gen.Hoepner:
Well,guys,i have to say that all these complains are......quite...cannot find the right english word,but anyway i do not agree with u.Matrix has proved over these years that it's a serious game-house.Their support is just great!Have u ever tried to talk to other game producers???I tell u this:i bought in december a game from EA:shogun total war.I experienced several problems.I tried so many times to contact the support team of EA.U know what was the result?Nothing.I just cannot play the game.The didn't even answered me.I'm not sayin' that whatever comes from matrix is good just because it's from Matrix,but consider what they gave to us,and what kind of support they keep giving us.

I agree with you 100%. Matrix is a great company and as Mogami said in another post "it's for the grognards!" My post above was to relay an odd outcome to a battle in LV. Being the number-cruncher that I am, I observed that the scoring for the battle was out of whack and was passing it on to the designers here so that they could look into it. With all the work the people have put into SPWAW, I feel very comfortable that Combat Leader is going to be one hell of a game!

Larry Holt -> (2/14/2002 9:31:00 PM)


Originally posted by Brent:
Lost Victories went thru a 9 month gestation and in the course of that time it was tested extensively but primarily for the average player. Based on this the game played flawlessly to its conclusion. Some of you are Uber players and are getting results that were not realized in the testing and some anomalies have shown up as a result. These are being addressed in the patch, which will be out this week

Perhaps then future testing standards ought to involve some testers setting their preferences to guarentee uber results all the way through. Similarly unter-tester settings may need to be tried.

Wild Bill -> (2/14/2002 10:47:00 PM)

Jeff, I don't think you will have to do that. The company included with MC-NA is an modified armor company. We've heard of no disappearing leaders or strange units in MC-NA. So, no I don't think you need to change versions. If any of you do come across such an anomaly in either MC-W or MC-Na, please let me know. bwilder@bellsouth.net Thanks WB

David Heath -> (2/14/2002 11:01:00 PM)

Hi Guys Before anyone goes crazy changing this or that. Wait another couple of days the SPWaW v7.1 and the OOB. Also I expecting Brent to have me a patch for the MCLV in this time. We have serious gone over both MCDF and MCWT and none of them are having this problem. So please wait a week and we should have everything all cleard up.

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