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Bing -> (2/18/2002 7:30:00 AM)

Spring Lake in in the banana belot of lower Michigan. Very large mosquitos. You woldn't want to live there. Nice place to vacation if you've had your shots, otherwise, no. Most people prefer clean, healthful Gaylord. Bing

Bing -> (2/18/2002 7:58:00 AM)

That's "banana belt ...". sorry. Bing

mao -> (2/18/2002 7:08:00 PM)

...gotta remember to buy some Quinine ...gotta remember to buy some Quinine ...gotta remember to buy some Quinine...

11Bravo -> (2/18/2002 9:23:00 PM)

Hahaha. Hi Bing and Mao. We Michigan guys do know about mosquitoes. State Bird. I might have been mistaken about the malaria and dengue. It might have been just a common stomach flu. Either way, our strength was down to 25% and my wife had to pull outpost duty alone last couple of nights. Can't wait for that Ambush scenerio, but really behind on work and other stuff. Might have to wait until weekend now [ February 18, 2002: Message edited by: 11Bravo ]

11Bravo -> (2/18/2002 9:35:00 PM)

By the way, I really enjoy reading Mogami's AARs. Anyone who is playing Watchtower, please feel free to contribute after action reviews or any comments at all to this thread. The more the merrier.

11Bravo -> (2/18/2002 9:49:00 PM)


Originally posted by Bing:
Spring Lake in in the banana belot of lower Michigan. Very large mosquitos. You woldn't want to live there. Nice place to vacation if you've had your shots, otherwise, no. Most people prefer clean, healthful Gaylord. Bing
Hahahaha. I like all of Michigan.

mogami -> (2/18/2002 10:30:00 PM)

"*&*##@, &@!!$, &%^$@@, and %$#$ Japs all to &^$%#@@!" Captain Neer let loose the last burst from his Thompson and then tossed a frag at the Jap Lt (who had a very suprised look on face and a chest full of .45cal holes) Capt Neer grabbed Sgt Nettles and shook him "Hey you *&*%#$ snap out of it, were going to &^%$% every last one of these &#@!*&& japs, comeon fix bayonets and come-on"
1st Platoon was moving forward, now with the enginners on their left and 2nd Lt Edwards remaining raiders on the right. "HQ this is A0 both flanks collapsing, I am attacking and advancing in the center." Lt Guitierez finished and picked up his Thompson and began moving forward. The japs were still on part of the realestate he wanted for his company.

skukko -> (2/18/2002 10:53:00 PM)

Mogami: mosh

Wild Bill -> (2/18/2002 11:34:00 PM)

I recommend that you save after each battle, guys, just in case of the disaster Christophe suffered. Anyone who knows the old Colonel knows my battle cry..."SAVE, SAVE, SAVE!" God only knows how many hours of design and play I have lost in the ephemeral nothing known as computer memory because I got cocky or very into what I was doing and did not SAVE! Keep 'em coming, Mog and 11 B. You got Bing now in the jungle. I won't quote him on his fights with the Japanese. I would be censored (G). Wild Bill

mogami -> (2/19/2002 11:42:00 AM)

The marines regained the Ridge and pushed out several hundred meters before turning to the south. Sgt Ahrens the .30cal team for 1st platoon had been overran in the last suicide charge the jap mounted at the ridge. In the south both 2nd Lt's Nelson and Easter were dead as the remaining engineers and 3rd platoon fought to hold their ground against a massive jap attack. 2nd Lt Wilders 2nd Platoon had withdrawn from the right flank (extream north) and was now setting up defensive positions on the northeast corner of Bloody Ridge. Hopefully the Marines coming down from the ridge could take the Japs in the flank and recapture the one remaining objective area under jap control. Casualties had been alarmingly high and a very large force of Japanese infantry (and their 75mm guns) were now rushing up from the extreme south after finally wiping out the last members of the para platoon assigned to hold the left flank. Acting platoon leader, 3rd platoon, Sgt Williams had his .30cal set up facing this new threat while the rest of the platoon tried to advance.
(did anyone notice that Major General Vandergrift has an infantry command rating of 39 and an armour command rating of 83? (had to have an eek somewhere didn't I?)) [ February 18, 2002: Message edited by: Mogami ]

mogami -> (2/19/2002 3:09:00 PM)

Greetings, I am going to reinstall my SPWaW and add all the update etc, and then begin a new campaign. I held more points in VH then my score last battle (I held all of them and score was USMC1986 Japan 1586.) There were over 2k in VH? also my roster now has 5 leaders without any rank. (all with names of leaders killed in past battles-with kills and all) Imagine if you will a company of marines, doomed to refight the same battles time and again. Doomed forever to hardship and hunger. Here in the Twightlight zone of Guadalcanal. Maybe this time I can keep A0 alive for more then 3 battles.?
On another battlefield in long WW2 campaign core force of Italians during battle a Russian T-34 fired at one of my 47mm (f) AT guns. The AT gun was given OP fire, when I selected yes (left click) the 47mm Icon transformed into a cargo aircraft flashed several times and then disapeared. I concluded (after I recovered enough to make conclusions) that it was time to repair my SPWaW files.
[ February 19, 2002: Message edited by: Mogami ]

skukko -> (2/19/2002 5:14:00 PM)

Mogami: What you saw with leaders ratings and with ranks is known error. We thought first that its only in LV, but it is also in two other MCs. From what I understood it is caused by changes in command structure in OOBs. . . but really this is not my area of knowledge. But problem is located and cure is on the way. mosh 47AT to plane? wow that is something...

mogami -> (2/20/2002 12:25:00 AM)

Hi, I think my 47mm (f) AT gun knew what was coming. Date of battle was Dec 1942 he saw that T-34 and figured he would get out while he could so he changed into a airplane and flew back to sunny Italy. My core force was supposed to be a Bn in the 82nd Inf Regt (Part of 52nd Infantry Division 'Torino' ) Historicaly part of the 35th Corps in the Italian 8th Army over ran starting on Dec 16th 42 during Operation Little Saturn. In another battle with a Russian core force in mid 1943 on of my infantry squads was reduced to 1 man. He was not the kind of soldier to quit and disapear (like so many others) this ingenius fellow transformed himself into a KV-1 Icon. When he moved he made tank sounds. Too bad for him he still only fired a rifle and dispite his imposing appearence a German MG had no trouble killing him.
When he died he did leave a smoking tank icon. I awarded him a 'Hero of the Soviet Union' medal since he did cause several german units to panic and there by aided my assault . Months ago I found out that Canada had a 'cloaking' device. Tankhead and I were engaged in an online battle of epic proportion. He was moving one of those Crocidile flamethrowing tanks . He could see it fine but it was totally invisable to me. (well it vanished on it's first move) I watched the moniter, heard the 'whoosh' when it fired and saw the hexes my units were in catch fire (screams and all) but I never saw the Crocodile. One by one my squads, mg's and AT teams vanished before my eyes. I was given no chance to OP fire as this beast moved right through my lines. That monster was followed by a platoon of 'cloaked' Fireflys who tore through my reserve platoon of MK-IVH's without me ever getting a shot off. More invisable Canuks poured through and my units went howling off into cyber doom. All this was followed by a massive arty barrage when he finally used all his movement up. When it was once again my turn I suddenly saw the entire horde of Canadians now well through my defense but there was nothing to fight them with. (the worse part of the otherwise very funny event was having to listen on Roger Wilco to that deranged Wildman of the North cackling and hooting as graphicly described the 'Volksgrenadier' BBQ (as he calls it)(every nightmare I had for the next several months had that laugh)(whoosshhhh cackle cackle hehehe cackle whoosh) [ February 19, 2002: Message edited by: Mogami ]

11Bravo -> (2/26/2002 7:10:00 AM)

I'm baaaaaack!! The stomach flu (or was it dengue?) swept through the family, but I'm back with another AAR. Kid 2 was sick twice, and now kid 1 is down with something else. Anyway, here it is.... MISSION 5. Ambush!--Matanikau River (rescue option).
1400 hours August 13, 1942. Raining, Visibility 18. Assault. Operational Area 39X29 hexes, 14 turns. Briefing: We apparently have lost a patrol led by Colonel Goettge, our G-2 officer near the Matanikau River. Some of the patrol made it back to our lines with some grim reports. I'm not sure what you'll find out there. Take a couple of platoons plus special Marine scouts to lead the way along with some native guides. We've been told that the Nips are booby-trapping everything so use caution in and around the village. Find out what you can. We are sending along to SP artillery pieces for support. General Vandegrift felt you might need some help. There will be a battery of 75s ready to assist. Call on them if needed.

Be careful out there. We don't want to lose any more men. Don't assume the Japs are surrendering. That was Goettge's mistake. I don't want you making it too. Forces: 2 Platoons and the FO from the core force, supported by 3 scout patrols, a section of M3 75mm GMC's, and a battery of 75mm howitzers. Collin's pep talk: Returning victorious from a severe bout of stomach flu, Collins weakly gasps, "OK marines, the Japs made sashimi out of Col. Goettge's men last night, so we get to go in and wipe their chins. HQ is calling this a 'rescue mission', so we can forget advancing behind a rolling artillary barrage. We will try it their way, but if this turns sour, we go back to plan A!" Turn 1-5.
Hodgeman's 3rd Platoon and Cpt. Dobbs begins a bound across the river which will eventually bring it to the objectives south flank. Our attached scouts move up to the river to observe the village from the east, followed by Wilder's 2nd platoon. A squad draws sniper fire but nobody can see it. Col. Collins walks into view and draws another shot, revealing the sniper. An M3 is called up and destroys the sniper with several volleys of HE and .50cal, starting its lair afire. Hodgeman's platoon completes its maneuver and stands 50m from the first VH, while Wilder's platoon has crossed the Matinikau and is advancing to link up with Hodgeman's right. A scout loses a man to a booby trap. Collins and the FO move to the beach with the M3's to get a line of site on the objectives north flank. "Pretty quiet up there", Collins thinks just before the distant sound of gunfire erupts. Turn 6.
Native scouts fire on a SNLF squad, while Hodgeman's platoon discovers the rest of the Jap platoon. Their scout surprises and destroys an entrenched LMG squad guarding the first VH, which falls. Wilders scout discovers a similar guard at the next VH and engages the unit while dodging sniper fire and tiptoeing around mines! Both sides exchange grenades, with the Japs getting the worse of it. Wilder's platoon moves up. Both platoons maneuver to meet the threat from the east while artillary is called up. <> The artillary slows down the Jap advance while both sides exchange fire. Sgt. Usher's squad in 3rd platoon was closest to the enemy and suffers 4 casualties while being routed. Turn 7.
Hodgeman makes a bold decision, attack into the oncoming enemy. His men and Cpt. Dobbs turn the enemy's flank and fight a vicious battle with most squads losing several men. His platoon is in disarray, but the battlefield is littered by the dead of 3 more Jap squads. If he holds on this turn, he can sweep through the remaining enemy, relieve the pressure on Wilder's platoon, and threaten the final VH. Is that asking too much? Wilder's platoon is having trouble with mines, snipers and limited visibility, and can't bring their firepower to bear on the enemy. They maneuver and trade shots at excessive range with the enemy. His scout patrol succeeds in finishing off the LMG team guarding the VH. <> Cpt. Dobbs calmly dispatches an enemy MG unit that worked its way behind 3rd platoon while Hodgeman he was reforming his men for another attack. Even as he administers the coup de grace with his .45, two zeros swoop down from the south and strafe the M3's, kicking up mud, panicking the FO, and persuading Collins to take a bath in the river. Turn 8.
Hodgeman's hasty attack finishes off the last 2 enemy squads. He parks his MG on the VH and instructs one of the attached scouts to patrol the south, the direction from which the rogue enemy MG unit appeared. The rest of the platoon begins the trek to the final VH. Wilder's platoon moves sluggishly up and takes their VH. Collins, the FO, and the M3's start crossing the river to support the final drive. <> The sound of gunfire erupting behind him gives cause for Hodgeman to doubt his plan immediately. Turn 9.
A runner comes up to Hodgeman, "Sgt. Moffets recon patrol wiped out a Jap suicide squad!". He thinks he can hold his objective if you give him another squad." Hodgman replies, "Tell him no dice for now, but I will try to spare a squad after we find out what's in those hills overlooking the final objective." Hodgeman reforms his platoon and proceeds into the hills with Cpt. Dobbs. Wilder's men are finally on the move. Sgt. Hunters squad gets too far ahead and loses 6 men to mines, sniper fire and a hidden HMG. None of the other units can move up enough to engage the enemy. The M3's reveal themselves on the beach and start lobbing shells at the enemy HMG. Collins calls up the artillary. <> Enemy 90mm mortar starts falling, setting some trees on fire. Sgt. Hunter is all alone, as the last member of his squad loses a duel with a sniper. Turn 10.
Sgt. Hunter escapes while the HMG shreds a neighboring squad. All platoons crawl toward the last VH. Collin is concerned about those M3's parked in plain sight on the beach, especially with Zeroes around. Turn 11.
Hodgeman's men crest the last hill and spy the Jap HQ in a house. The position is sent over the radio and M3's pound them. Wilder's men are still pinned down by the HMG, but with plenty of time left they crawl out of harms way and hunker down next to the last VH. Collins crawls up to spot for the M3's, draws fire, and loses a man. <> 90mm mortar falls harmlessly, while our 75mm pounds the HMG position. Turn 12.
Hodgeman's and Wilder's platoons collide at the last VH, taking it. Collins attempts to rush the HMG position, but stumbles into a depression in the ground and vomits uncontrollably. Other units move up to the routed unit, which surrenders and the mission is concluded. Decisive victory with a score of 2424 to 129, campaign score/total of 5/23. Collins wins an award for valor. This would be the coveted Distinguished Service award, leaving only the Purple Heart and the MOH from completing his collection. OOB after 4 battles: # Rank Leader Kills/Exp
A0 Col Collins 2/94
B0 Cpt Dobbs 5/95
C0 2Lt Floyd 0/82
C1 Sgt Donovan 0/82
D0 2Lt Avery 1/74
D1 Sgt Nettles 1/81
D2 Sgt Puller 0/82
D3 Sgt Patton 0/82
D4 Sgt Ahrens 0/77
D5 Sgt Lazarine 1/98
E0 2Lt Wilder 1/76
E1 Sgt Phillips 5/84
E2 Sgt Russell 1/83
E3 Sgt Hunter 2/85
E4 Sgt Sprague 0/89
E5 Sgt Ishim 2/96
F0 2Lt Hodgman 1/90
F1 Sgt Silva 5/91
F2 Sgt Nicholas 3/86
F3 Sgt Usher 3/86
F4 Sgt Perez 0/84
F5 Sgt Sgt Moffett 2/93
G0 2Lt Mizerak 5/100
G1 Sgt Nelson 4/95
G2 Sgt Mayer 1/91
G3 Sgt Flemming 6/95
H0 2Lt Jenkins 0/81 Collins AAR: Good work people, we took all the objectives and destroyed a reinforced platoon that ambushed Col. Goettge last night. We did especially well with the scouts, getting some real offensive power from them. Hodgman showed us how the Japs fold when you attack them aggressively. If he waited for the Japs to come to him, he wouldn't have made it to the last objective on time. Good job people. We still need to get some punch out of those .30cals. Next up is First Matanikau, Node 10, Battle 04A. Our core boys get 5 days rest!

mogami -> (2/26/2002 10:08:00 AM)

"Next up is First Matanikau, Node 10, Battle 04A. Our core boys get 5 days rest" Good Luck buddy, watch out for Mogami!!!! (deranged Zero pilot-he likes to drop candy and cookies to his Marine buddies )(node 10 is one of mine) I designed all the easy battles in MCWT. WB and the others felt at least one designer should be kind to the player and since it is well known how kind hearted I am I was the logical choice. In this battle (after you men finish the coffee and doughnuts airdropped before turn 1) You get to make a sight seeing tour of 'Paradise Island' Don't forget to shop at the novelty shops and pick up a few postcards.

11Bravo -> (2/26/2002 7:21:00 PM)

That battle looks huge. I spent 2 hours today sealed in my underground bunker just studying the map and OOB. But a plan is forming in my mind that should allow enough turns for that visit to the gift shop. We have to buy some presents for those Red Cross nurses we invited to the cookout later on the beach.

mogami -> (2/26/2002 9:08:00 PM)

If I remember that map is used for quite a few battles. (not all of it at once) However this time out you don't need to conquer the entire map (half will do nicely) Nurses? ok now you've done it. Mogami's feelings are hurt you did not invite him. He will not bring you any candy or cookies today.

mao -> (2/27/2002 4:24:00 AM)


(deranged Zero pilot-he likes to drop candy and cookies to his Marine buddies)
... and a whole bunch of exploding cigars. Don't trust him.

11Bravo -> Another AAR (3/21/2002 11:30:36 PM)

I've been gone for a while, but I have the next couple of AAR's done. Here is the big battle that Mogami made.

For you newcomers, I highly recommend buying the MegaCampaigns. This WatchTower MC seems to be the least buggy of the 3, but all of them are fun to play.

Here is the after action review:

Mission 6.
First Matinakau -- Matinakau River
1300 hours August 18, 1942. Hazy, Visibility 16.
Advance, Area of Operations 99X159, 20 turns.


Colonel, your force is to accompany the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, who are to attack enemy positions near the Matanikau and Kokumbuna Villages.

Intelligence reports from our scouts indicate the enemy is protecting a small ridge called the "Snake Back." You are to take those objectives.

You will be crossing the Matanikau River. You are also take and hold Kokumbuna. Part of the attack force will be flanking the enemy positions with amphibious landings.

This is the only way we are going to be able to hold on to what we have. We must take the war to the enemy before he hits us.

Henderson Field is nearly complete and ready to receive aircraft. That is going to be a big help to enable us to complet our task. Move out as soon as possible. Good hunting, Marines!

Collins Pep-talk:

This is the big one folks. Delta company has established a base west of here at Kokumbona with plenty of AAA, AT, and artillary. But its weak, defended only by a picket line of listening posts and some MG bunkers. Cpt. Dobbs, proceed west and screen Kokumbona from attack.

Alpha and Charlie companies will advance south of here into the interior to take the Snake's Back, a hill we believe holds the bulk of the Jap force threatening Kokumbona. They will leave the supporting Stuarts, GMC's, and scout cars in reserve. You have a long way to go and the terrain is jungle, streams, and swamps, so don't wear your good shoes.

We have a long string of listening posts stretching down east to Point Cruz, which Bravo company has occupied. They are supported by some Stuarts and GMC's and will advance inland south along the Matanikau River, taking the bridges and fords. They also have a long way to go to take all of their objectives.

On the far side of the Matinakau, we have some Raider platoons who will take and hold Kukum Village and the Camelback hill.

We are supported by the 75mm howitzers we have here, and some 105mm back on Henderson. We might get some air support as well. You have your orders, good hunting.

Turn 1.
Radio report from Kokumbona indicates company size Jap force advancing supported by Type 2 Ka-Mi amphib tanks. Collins orders Cpt. Dobbs to counterattack with his company and all artillary/air to respond to this threat. Companies A, C, B, and Raiders move toward their objectives.

Turn 5.
Collins crawls back to the scout car and grabs the radio. He bailed out as a Jap plane roared overhead and dropped its bombs on the hill where his men were digging in. "Cpt. Dobbs, what is the situation with your company?"

"Sir, Avery and Wilder are sweeping their platoons through this jungle in front of the listening posts. They are using the GMC's you released to roll up the Jap flank. They are starting to engage the enemy now. Hodgeman and Mizerak moved their platoons up the hill and took over the listening posts in this sector. They got bombed and I lost contact with Hodgman. Mizerak is carrying on."

"You need anything?"

"Stretchers, lots of stretchers."

"Jenkins, what's the artillary situation?"

"Sir, we shot everything we have here. Brigade might have some 105 left, but I can't get through. Our air said they knocked out a row of guns, lined up like it was time for inspection."

"Lt. Franco, what is the situation at Kokumbona with your Delta company?" "Sir, we are in deep crap. The Japs are attacking in battalion strength supported by tanks, artillary, and air! All we have out their on the listening posts are 4 man teams. That won't stop them! They got tanks, we stopped 2 of them! I am shifting my men west as Dobbs men come on line and getting everything that moves up front to slow their advance. I need more artillary, more air, more men, and tanks, lots of tanks!"

"OK, son. Help is on the way, hang on. Dobbs company is rolling across your front now and I got some GMC's, scout cars, and tanks on the way. Looks like our air took out their artillary. I'll check back with you in few minutes."

"Cpt. Marino, how is your progress?"

"Sir, my Alpha company is advancing up a spur towards the Snake's Back. We got Charlie company on a spur to our east, and we are drawing some fire from the west. Nothing we can't handle. Over."

"Cpt. Merideth, what is the situation with Charlie company?"

"Collins, we found some good terrain to approach the Snake's Back. Got scouts and snipers up front, no enemy, and making good progress. Only got two platoons with me, haven't seen the third one since we moved out. They back there with you?"

"Some poor marines are still back at the start line getting bombed to hell by some rogue Jap named Mogami. Maybe that's your boys."

"Lt. Nettles, what are the Raiders doing?, ****, can't get through."

"Cpt. Necaise, what is Bravo's situation down there on the Matanikau River?.

"Can't complain, sir. I sent one platoon at each of the crossing points on the river. I am with 3rd platoon and we are closing on the Matanikau Village. Over."

Turn 9.
Collins is back in his scout car looking for the rest of the vehicles which went down the trail ahead of him. He grabs his radio while the driver heads back toward the trail.

"Dobbs, what's happening with the boys?"

"Collins, looks like we got them where we want them. We took over half of Delta's positions just before the Jap tide came in. Mizerak's engineers stopped them. But Hodgman's platoon was nearly wiped out. They made first contact and were bombed just as they were starting their attack. Looks like 60% casualties or worse. They are staying in the line, but their sector is quiet. Wilder's platoon swept through its flank, but I can't reach him now. There is a lot of firing up there. Avery is closer to the trail and killed a company of Jap slowpokes. He said your convoy just drove by and helped."

"Lt. Franco, what's going on in Kokumbona?"

"Collins my center caved in! They're coming in! Where are those tanks?! I'm moving up with my HQ and gun crews now! Out!"

"Cpt. Marino, how is Alpha advancing?"

"Collins, we're at the base of the Snake Back. We got enemy everywhere but behind us. I need to get up there, out!"

"Cpt. Merideth, come in. Sheeez, no contact."

"Cpt. Necaise, what is the situation on the Matinikau River?"

"Collins...2 platoons....still advancing...3rd platoon...attacking the village....got Japs ...in the river!"

"Necaise, are those Japs coming or going?"

"Don't know...lot's of fire...in the middle of it!"

Turn 11.
"Collins, this is Dobbs. Jap attack at Kokumbona has been repulsed. Mizerak's engineers have linked up with Delta's men and erased that Jap bulge in the middle. Killed a battalion of what appears to be second line Jap troops. I'm putting the platoons in the old line of listening posts and sent Avery's platoon to patrol out front. We suffered 25 casualties but we didn't lose any squads. That was the toughest fight we saw yet though. Thanks for the GMC's, they did a good job in the Jap rear. I only saw one of our tanks, where's the other?"

"Dobbs, Collins here. Good job, and pass that on to Lt. Franco and his men of Delta company. We lost a tank somewhere back in the start line. Broke down then got bombed by Mogami. Found the missing platoon from Charlie too. Same story. Tell Avery to link up with us near the burning Jap artillary. I'm forming Task Force Collins from them and the vehicles and heading to the Snake's Back to support Alpha and Charlie in their attack. Bagged me tank crew today. They ambushed my scout car! Must have been 6 other vehicles down that trail before me and I'm the bozo who gets whacked! Touch and go there for a moment. Out. "

Turn 12.
"Collins, this is Cpt. Necaise with Bravo. Our 3rd platoon has secured Matanikau Village, destroyed a Jap company, and is at 60% strength. The fighting was vicious, we still scattered to the four winds but no reports of any Japs, live ones at least. My other 2 platoons are at the Log Bridge with the tanks. The see a Jap platoon on the bridge. We still have artillary and our support vehicles. So far so good. Over."

"Collins, this is Lt. Nettles with the Raiders. We easily took Kukum from a small Jap garrison and have the Camel Back under observation. Actually, we're the ones under observation. No good approaches in the time allocated. This one could be bloody. I could use some smoke on the north side of that hill."

Turn 14.
"Good shooting son, you're one of Avery's boys aren't you. About time you found me." Sgt. Puller had just finished off the artillary FDC center that Collins had left uncleared in his wake. While Task Force Collins was drawing Japs off the Snake-Back hill into a kill zone with GMC's, Avery's platoon was clearing the roads and Jap artillary area of any stragglers. The FDC seemed impervious to fire, and when everyone thought it was suppressed, it unleashed HMG fire on their MG squad. Puller finished off the last of the Jap with the butt of his M1903 rifle. The radio man throws Collins the mike.

"Collins its Marino with Alpha. We fought off the Jap delaying action from 3 directions, and are finally free to assault the objective on the Snake-Back. I called in 105mm and smoke from our 75mm. We will attack east on the hill while Charlie attacks south from a ravine. Between us we must have killed half the Jap army just to get here. Both companies at about 75%, with Charlie still short one platoon. I can see the objective. Its crawling with Japs! We could use those AFV's! Out."

OK, boys. Let's see what we can do about getting those vehicles up that hill. Move out.

Turn 17.

"Col. Collins, these is Cpt. Necaise with Bravo. That Jap platoon my scouts saw at the Log Bridge grew into 2 companies. We changed our plan and decided to attack that objective with both platoons we have left. They worked down the woods on each side of the bridge and got real close. Then they offered some tanks in the open, while our GMC's went around back and took them under observation. The attack is underway and my platoon leaders say that its a thing of beauty. They sent a recon patrol and a squad over to the last objective up the river. With the size of that Jap force on the Log Bridge, they couldn't spare any more. I'm heading that way now. Over."

Collins has arrived on the Snake-Back with his vehicles. His task force infantry is still making their way up. His GMC's and tanks are nearly out of ammo after pouring fire on the bunched up Jap force crowding Alpha and Charlie companies. The Jap are being attacked on two sides by infantry, while artillary falls on them and .50cal and .30cal hoses them down from a third side. This looks under control. I wonder how the Raiders are doing?

"Lt. Nettles, what is the situation?" "Sir, we are on the Camel-Back. The approaches were guarded by snipers and recon patrols. That and the open terrain made getting here pretty tough. We're on the hill now, but a couple of HMG's are chewing us up. We're crawling up and tossing smoke. If you got any more smoke back there, plaster the **** hill! Got to keep moving. Out."

Turn 19.
"Collins, this is Lt. Nettles with the Raiders. Mission accomplished, we have Kukum Village and the Camel-Back hill. Casualties were high. Hard to estimate the size of the Jap force. Maybe a platoon or two. That smoke helped. Was able to bring the flame throwers up to get those HMG's. Over."

"Collins, this is Cpt. Marino with Alpha company. We now have the major objective area on the Snake-Back. Don't know if we or Charlie can take the last VH. You are closer. How about you grab it with those scout cars? We can suppress those last 3 Jap platoons in the valley. I'm calling in the last of the 105's. You might want to find a hole. Out."

Turn 20.
Collins belly crawls up the hill and takes the unoccupied last VH on the Snake-Back hill. Down in the valley, 105mm falls among 3 Jap platoons. Then the guns of 2 marine companies cut them down. Collins pops all his smoke, hoping to get any Jap eyes off him.

Back in the scout car, the radioman listens to the report from Bravo company. The two platoons have taken the Log Bridge, but are trying to hold on from a company size Japanese counterattack. The detached scout and infantry squad found the southern most ford unguarded and quietly took it over.

Everyone holds their objectives and the game ends. Decisive victory :) :) 3084 to 596, campaign score/total is 5/28. This was a great scenerio, the biggest map I played. Really like playing 3 scenerios at once, since there is only limited overlap possible in the different objective areas. Nice job Mogami :eek:

OOB after 5 battles:

# Leader Kills Exp
A0 Collins 5 96
B0 Dobbs 5 95
C0 Floyd 0 82
C1 Donovan 0 83
D0 Avery 1 76
D1 Nettles 3 85
D2 Puller 1 85
D3 Patton 0 83
D4 Ahrens 0 78
D5 Lazarine 5 100
E0 Wilder 1 77
E1 Phillips 5 86
E2 Russell 4 89
E3 Hunter 5 91
E4 Sprague 0 90
E5 Ishim 4 97
F0 Hodgman 1 90
F1 Silva 5 91
F2 Nicholas 3 86
F3 Usher 3 88
F4 Perez 1 86
F5 Sgt Moffett 2 93
G0 Mizerak 8 101
G1 Nelson 6 96
G2 Mayer 2 92
G3 Flemming 7 95
H0 Jenkins 0 82

Notables were Lazerine's 4 kills in this mission. Our recon patrols are improving. Also, picked up our first kill with a .30cal MMG. Ironically, it was in the bombed out 3rd Platoon. Collins picked up 3 kills, one was a tank crew. He got the other 2 on the Snake's Back, both were company HQ platoons. When you ride with the tanks and assault guns, you get some easy kills.

Next up is Ichiki Assault -- Ilu River. I choose the Reinforcing the Perimeter Option.

mao -> (3/22/2002 5:09:32 AM)

[QUOTE]like playing 3 scenerios at once, since there is only limited overlap possible in the different objective areas. Nice job Mogami [/QUOTE]
Yeah... it's a nice scenario. My favorite part when i played it was when 2 recon patrols infiltrated through Jap lines and took out most of those artillery batteries in the center; and any vehicle with a .50 MG rules!

mogami -> Old AAR's (11/11/2002 5:05:47 AM)

Hi, Hey 11Bravo I am dying to find out what happended.

11Bravo -> Hi Mogami (11/11/2002 11:24:08 AM)

I did the next couple more battles and then upgraded to 7.1. Restarted, did about 10 battles and put it away for a while to play UV. Now I'm back playing SPWAW, but doing a long WW2 campaign, and some scenerios. Just did an AAR on Redleg's new Stop Skorzeny scenerio.

The WatchTower MC was/is a lot of fun! Collins is still out there chewing out the MG units for eating beans and weenies while the others hump it to the last VH.

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