Mike Scholl -> RE: Could a future patch/mod add... (8/27/2004 3:04:35 AM)
ORIGINAL: Joel Billings Even testers don't get everything they want. First, just because a tester wanted something doesn't mean the entire group, or even a majority agreed. Second there is the cost/benefit analysis regarding how hard it will be to make a proposed change, what are the odds a change will cause other problems (either through bugs or unintended consequences that the tester and the programmers didn't account for due to the complexity of the game). We never claim any game we work on is perfect, in fact it's because we are intimately aware of some of its problems that we often do (or don't do) things that don't make sense to some players. Eliminate a rule and some bad consequences of it and you may find problems that are worse because you eliminated it. Anyway, Mike and the testers continue to work away at improving the game (fixing bugs and adding new features and occasionally even changing a rule), and Gary continues to work on the AI as we get saves. I don't know what more we can do. At some point these people will have to move on to other projects for obvious reasons so I hope that no one thinks Matrix or 2by3 have infinite resources to work on any one game. It's because of this that calls have to be made, priorities have to be set. In the end our hope is that most (if not all) customers will decide that the game was fun and worth the price they paid for it. As for my comment to play the first AI game without reading the rules, I was really intending this for players that have played UV before, because they would know about 80%+ of the main rules (and probably know them well). Of even they should read the rules to avoid problems like activating the Soviet Union, etc. For a player of WitP that never played UV, you should play the tutorial and a few smaller scenarios (and yes read the rules) before jumping into the grand campaign. But when you are finally ready to jump, avoid reading the strategy notes from other players and live with your mistakes. The game will be much more challenging (and in my opinion fun) that way. Once you are ready to play PBEM, that's when it's time to take advantage of all the great tips one can find in the forums. Joel. I would never expect testors to "get all they want". First, they won't always even agree between themselves what is needed; and then, as you pointed out, not everything CAN be changed, or changed within a reasonable budget of cost and effort. I've accep- ted of late, that the map (with all it's flaws) is a SACRED COW that can't/won't be changed and quit bringing it up. Would have been nice if after the first couple of posts on the warped distances 2by3 had put out an OFFICIAL NOTICE that (for whatever reasons apply) the map cannot be changed. Would have saved a lot of posters a lot of finger time. That's what I mean by IGNORED. I would have expected as a testor to at least have "problem reports" answered with some explanation of what was "doable" and/or why this isn't. Ignored doesn't mean disaggreed with..., it means not answered at all. That was the impression I got from the Testors who had mentioned their frustrations. You guys have launched a HUGE project here, and it is probably going to require an on-going "fix" budget for a year if you just chase bugs and fix the obvious problems. Personally, I think it was under-priced (if it was going to be done right), but having seen the screems evoked from other posters I know why you didn't go any higher. If you want to start a "Help 2by3 fix the Problems in what COULD be one of the all-time great games fund", put me down for another $100 and give me the mailing address. That's how strongly I feel about getting as many of the problems that still exist fixed.