Building roads/railroads (Full Version)

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Chairman -> Building roads/railroads (8/31/2004 11:18:33 AM)

Is this possible??[&:]
Would bee nice to bee able to build Railroads atleast.[:)]

Captain Cruft -> RE: Building roads/railroads (8/31/2004 2:21:39 PM)


Chairman -> RE: Building roads/railroads (8/31/2004 6:54:54 PM)

Why do you get engineers that are road constructors then??[&:]

steveh11Matrix -> RE: Building roads/railroads (8/31/2004 7:15:44 PM)

Actually, that's a good question. I hadn't realised those were in the game, and I also had not yet looked to see if I could upgrade roads - although it does look as if they've been drawn directly on the map, not added as another layer.

So the question remains: what are the road construction engineers for?


tsimmonds -> RE: Building roads/railroads (8/31/2004 7:22:26 PM)


what are the road construction engineers for?

they expand facilities and repair damage.

Kereguelen -> RE: Building roads/railroads (8/31/2004 8:18:25 PM)

Just named with the historical unit designations. In the game they function just as other engineers.

UncleBuck -> RE: Building roads/railroads (8/31/2004 8:32:43 PM)

It woudl be nice to improve roads and such. But it is a two way street (Punny Huh?) If you build it so you can move more over it they can move more down it. I woudl say that building a road through Jungle would be teh equivlant of building a Port over size. A trail to a road the same and a Rail road form a road the same. If you can get the supply in you should be able to do it. Not just road engineers but all engineers. Figure 1 month to build Jungle to Trail , a month for trail to road and another month for Road to Rail, using one Japanese Engineer unit. An allied engineer woudl build according to teh difference in game.


Popoi -> Bridge over river Kwai (9/2/2004 10:42:39 PM)


dtravel -> RE: Bridge over river Kwai (9/3/2004 4:17:50 AM)

There are two real world examples that I can think of. The first is the road to Alaska (Can-Am road?) that was built over two summers. The other was the replacement for the Burma road, connecting India to China. That took, what, three to three and a half years? Was started in early '42 and finished May of '45.

While these sorta prove it is possible, the time scale kinda argues against it. Its a moot point anyways, I don't think it is possible given the clues I've seen about how Matrix programmed the map.

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