lnp4668 -> (2/22/2002 11:24:00 PM)
Just doublecheck Svenemir's theory. Highlight the differences between: 50 cal AAMG: speed: 4, size: 1, RF: 2 AC: 36, HE: 15 ammo: 70 cost 19.
50 cal HMG: speed: 6, size: 0, RF: 3 AC: 40 HE: 16 ammo: 90 + Thompson SMG as secondary weapon, cost 43.
So do the advantages of the 50 cal HMG in speed, ammo, size, RF, AC, HE and secondary weapon are enough to counter the 50 cal AAMG's dual role and lower cost?
Personally, I will be buying more AAMG
[ February 22, 2002: Message edited by: lnp4668 ]