Alexandra -> A joke I found very amusing (2/20/2002 10:28:00 AM)
Earlier this evening, as we tend to, my husband and I were watching ESPNs 'Pardon the Interruption' which is a cool little show.
Well, during one segment, the host Tony Kornhauser, was doing a spiel and the segment of the show was about which was more fun to talk about, French Poodles or the French Skating Judge. Tony chats on about various things French related, and ends up telling this joke:
Q: "Why did the French grow two beautiful rows of trees on either side of the Champs Elisee?" (I hope I spelled that right!)
A: "So that the Germans could march in the shade when the occupied the country!"
I laughed and laughed so hard I missed the next segment, and worried my husband quite a bit, since I'm not supposed to laugh that hard right now!