JSS -> RE: Free Case of Beer: Game Review #1 (9/17/2004 1:16:48 PM)
Obviously there's some minor logistics involved[:)] If your preference is cold that can be arranged. If you prefer it cool (as I do) all the better. If you like it warm, well, that's ok too (I try not to be judgmental ;) Here's the target beer group (one of the following): BBK, Warsteiner, Bitburg Pils, Steinlager, Lowenbrau (Munchen), Grolsch, Tsing Tao, Paulaner, Sapporo/Kirin, Samual Adams, Heinken, Black & Tan, Moosehead, etc... Ok, ok, that's my list of favorite beers[:D] Still that's the idea[8D] JSS