Xargun -> RE: Japan - AG, PT, PC, PG, what to do with these (9/17/2004 11:41:30 PM)
ORIGINAL: KPAX This is the first time that I am playing as Japan. I am playing full campaign, PBEM. 1. What is the best us for each of these ships ? 2. What is an AG ? I see it is a Collier, but what the heck is that ? I haven't really used the AGs yet - but plan on using them in the Solomans, DEI (islands north of OZ) as well as in Burma. They are short range cargo ships that are small, fast and carry a light light... I believe they are harder to spot by aircraft, thus safer to run under enemy airpower than normal AKs... I plan on setting up the cargo runs and turning them into computer controlled TFs to continuously run supplies... BTW, I believe a Collier is a coal ferrying ship (not sure though).. IJN has conscripted them into wartime service. PTs - Japan has a total of 6 I think (at least so far). They are not that useful for japan in the beginning, but will be more useful when you are on the defensive... Put them in a small island chain (Solomans comes to mind) and they can stop invasion forces if you get lucky... But as for warships, they are not that useful... With the new patch and the lowering of the supplies needed at a port to replace torps, they will become more useful.. PC & PG - Use them as ASW escorts or put them into TFs of roughly 10 ships and use them to hunt subs... Use your air power (set to ASW patrol) to locate subs, and then have 1 or 2 of these TFs jump the sub... They will either drive it off, damage it, or sink it.. And if the sub sinks one of these its not a big deal as they are not good for much else. They can also be put into MSW TFs to find / destroy mines... but I wouldn't suggest just sending them in without some actual MSW... I've lost a couple PCs to mines they were trying to clear... These ships are very fuel efficient so you can have them patrol sealanes you plan on running convoys through to keep subs away... They are not the best at sinking subs, but in reality a sub driven off is almost as good as a sunk sub... Xargun