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Sharkey -> Aces (9/26/2004 11:10:25 AM)

For those which went far in the game.
How much victories obtained your best pilots ?

siRkid -> RE: Aces (9/26/2004 12:33:37 PM)

as of April 22nd 1942 - 18 Kills is my best

plaxx -> RE: Aces (9/26/2004 12:54:54 PM)

7 kills by an AVG pilot[:)]

pauk -> RE: Aces (9/26/2004 2:09:39 PM)

5 kills, by B II pilot...

but, I noticed that on my top score list there is no KIA, MIA WIA pilots who get their kills earlier. Only active pilots. I'm pretty much that some of them were killed or disabled....


edit: January 5th, '42

Hard Sarge -> RE: Aces (9/26/2004 2:15:10 PM)

April 1945 (started in 1945)

VFN-90 has a 31 kill Ace

Jan 1943 (started Aug 42)

got a Cane pilot with 25 and 24 (30 squadron)
a Navy Wildcat pilot with 23
and a few Marine Wildcat pilots with 18

Know that there are a few IJN pilots in the Teens


2ndACR -> RE: Aces (9/26/2004 2:15:21 PM)

Feb 2, 1942.

Japanese pilot with 22 kills. Next closest is 9.

LittleJoe -> RE: Aces (9/26/2004 3:03:21 PM)


Japananese Zero pilot with 9 kills, but he jus got MIA last turn. bailing out over Palembang. A rescue operation is being planned.

Titanwarrior89 -> RE: Aces (9/26/2004 3:24:25 PM)

Started 7 Dec 41 - Now 2 May 43- 56 kills. I think its way to high. I think they changed the moral on the pilots. They stay combat ready much longer. Bombers decline at a much faster rate. The pilot with 56 kills, I think his name is Thurmbull or something like that.[:'(]

Hartley -> RE: Aces (9/26/2004 3:34:14 PM)

After 3 months:


f4migcap -> RE: Aces (9/26/2004 6:37:52 PM)

Started 12/7/41 as Allied against AI historical setting, now 6/20/42. Have a Dutch Hawk 75 pilot leading the pack with 34 kills flying out of Batavia (still hold Java). Also have several US P-40 pilots with over 20 kills....and 6 chinese I-16 pilots flying out of Yenan in double digits in kills.

Gen.Hoepner -> RE: Aces (9/26/2004 8:36:54 PM)

sept 42(started 7-12-41)

I experimented the "top pilot list bug" so i have to check every turn every single group....:-(

BTW, a chinese I-16 pilot located in Yenen has 34 kills, followed by Iverson of AVG with 27

Halsey -> RE: Aces (9/26/2004 8:38:40 PM)

10/42 FLT Sloan I. 453 Sqdn flying Spit VB's 73 Kills! Stationed at Akyab.[:D]

Hard Sarge -> RE: Aces (9/28/2004 4:50:24 PM)

LTJG Raymond S. of VCF-78 is credited with kill number 5

CDR Hayashi, S. of F2/501st Hikotai is credited with kill number 5

CDR Hayashi, S. of F2/501st Hikotai is credited with kill number 6
CDR Hayashi, S. of F2/501st Hikotai is credited with kill number 7
CDR Hayashi, S. of F2/501st Hikotai is credited with kill number 8

LTJG Raymond S. of VCF-78 is KILLED

CDR Hayashi, S. of F2/501st Hikotai is credited with kill number 9
CDR Hayashi, S. of F2/501st Hikotai is credited with kill number 10

LT Kline H. of VCF-78 is credited with kill number 11

CDR Hayashi, S. of F2/501st Hikotai is KILLED

oh well, the AI had a Ace with kills in the teens


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