TAO4 Scenarios? (Full Version)

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humunuku -> TAO4 Scenarios? (10/7/2004 10:19:23 PM)

I notice that TAO4 (included in BiN) has only one Bastogne scenario. Am I wrong, or did the previous TAO3 version (included in Korsun Pocket) have multiple scenarios?

I am currently away from home for several months, so am unable to reinstall KP/TAO3 and verify whether the above is correct. I would appreciate other gamers letting me know the answer to my question.

If TAO3 had more scenarios, can they be ported over into the BiN Scenarios folder, and would they operate correctly with the new BiN system/features?

Thanks in advance,
Bob Cohen

Adam Parker -> RE: TAO4 Scenarios? (10/8/2004 3:22:22 AM)

TAO3 that came with KP included only 1 full campaign scen on release. One of its patches then added Race to the Meuse which was mentioned in the KP rule book but didn't make Gold in time.

Porting KP series scens is possible reading feedback here but scens I believe will not run optimally - again based on feedback. I'm sure the guys at Run5 are making BiN series specific scens now.

JSS -> RE: TAO4 Scenarios? (10/8/2004 3:27:38 AM)

Have a version of Race to the Meuse that works for PBEM. My AI is quite right yet[:-]

humunuku -> RE: TAO4 Scenarios? (10/8/2004 8:20:59 PM)

Adam: Thanks for setting me straight, in that there has been only one (the full campaign) scenario, in both TAO3 and TAO4: I guess I'll have to find something else to fret over! I have also been immensely enjoying your ongoing reports from the Overlord front in BiN. I look forward to more in "Take 2..."

Thanks also to you and JSS for giving me a glimmer of hope that additional scenarios might be produced (or converted) for TAO4, by the gaming community. I really would like to see some short scenarios, lasting up to 10-15 turns.

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