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mogami -> (2/5/2002 1:15:00 PM)

Greetings, much ado about nothing. If manuals appear to be marketably viable some fan with a web site dedicated to Uncommon Valour (they will appear soon after game released)will no doubt print one for sale to those that want one. Or one of the posters to the Uncommon Valor forum will send one when a post requesting it is made.
Most important is to get the game released. I want more AAR's posted here. A complete turn by turn report of a scenario between 2 humans. I'm dying waiting, my mouth waters whenever I see a screen shot (I gaze at them for hours imagining I am playing an online game) Pac War has lost that great appeal it has exercised over me for 10 years. Help me somebody post fresh reports every hour or so. [ February 05, 2002: Message edited by: Mogami ]

Bulldog61 -> (2/5/2002 1:33:00 PM)

Hi Mogami! Here are some features that I like.
You can transfer carrier air groups to ground bases ans back. I've one carrier damaged in port but is airgroup is intact a carrier going into action with a delpeted airgroup can swap airgroups. Thus the hodgepodge airgroups you actually saw on US carriers in the guadalcanal timeframe. In air to air matchups between Zeros and Wildcats, Zeros tend to inflict more casualties but more of the Zero casualties are destroyed rather than damaged. More later, Mike

Dgold -> (2/5/2002 2:09:00 PM)

The computer AI plays a good game, even at Historical level. On each of 3 plays of the
Coral Sea scenario, the computer AI picked different objectives: Buna, Gili Gili and Guadalcanal. I was sweating as the Allied player looking out for those Japanese carriers!

babyseal7 -> (2/5/2002 6:32:00 PM)

Well, I'm at the bottom of a 24.6 connection with no cable in sight. Stone age, but there's still alot of us out here in the hinterlands with ancient copper phone lines. Pdf is fine with me...I'd rather print it out on 8.5 x 11 paper and bind it myself. Then it's "disposable".

Paul Goodman -> (2/5/2002 10:48:00 PM)

What we are hearing from the Beta testers is nothing but good news. Are there problems? Or are we in that most unusual of circumstances where this phase of the development can be actually be compressed rather than extended. Wouldn't that be nice! Paul

Snigbert -> (2/6/2002 2:00:00 AM)

As a beta tester, I've found that most of the criticisms we are making are either A. Nitpicking things or B. Subtle errors in graphics/sound/display. So far I haven't had any crashes, or any commands not work the way the manual said they would.
If I had went to a store and bought the game as it is now, I wouldn't have been upset...I would figure it is the typical computer company rushing a product out and not sweating the small-stuff errors.
But there are things that can be made better and the designers are tweaking/adding certain things. It seems to me that Matrix and 2BY3 are fully committed to releasing the game as they (and I think the players here in the forum) envision it.

Ron Saueracker -> (2/8/2002 10:41:00 AM)

This sounds like a rebirth of my youthful days playing Guadalcanal Campaign instead of doing my assignments on time! I'm new to Matrix so I hope there are no difficulties in acquiring a copy. I can't wait as I think I'm going to have some free time to kill soon.

David Heath -> (2/8/2002 11:43:00 AM)

The real problem with downloads is it cost way to much in internet charges to us. In fact the more that download the higher the cost get. This is one of the reasons we asked Games Domain to post SP World At War for us. The bottom line is we can not afford to do a download version, the cost makes it impossible. [ February 08, 2002: Message edited by: David Heath ]

Ross Moorhouse -> (2/8/2002 12:34:00 PM)


Originally posted by SGT_Saueracker:
This sounds like a rebirth of my youthful days playing Guadalcanal Campaign instead of doing my assignments on time! I'm new to Matrix so I hope there are no difficulties in acquiring a copy. I can't wait as I think I'm going to have some free time to kill soon.
Your youthful days are about to come back. Hope you dont have a family or a job? Because this game is addictive..

Cmdrcain -> (2/10/2002 5:14:00 PM)


Originally posted by Joel Billings:
You can set subs to be run by computer (with the ability to change their deployment anytime). You can set up automated convoy runs, and give the computer control of replenishment TF's and cargo TF's so they can do what they think is necessary. Joel

Sounds good, in old Pacwar it always has been a nusience to manually move supply convoys where needed, I'd like ability to setup an Convoy from Sanf to say Sydney to build up supplies in Australia...I can see other setup convoys from Sydney to other areas near... Big one from USA and smaller ones outgoing areas..

Cmdrcain -> (2/10/2002 5:20:00 PM)


Originally posted by Reiryc:
In pacwar one of the things that used to bother me was that the capacity would show, say 84 aircraft but they would only load 72....

Actually, the CAP is the number of planes that could be stored I suppose but any carrier could only Spot so many planes, rest stayed below decks, I'd also hope that in new one Carriers get their Full Capacity but of course not able to spot all of them at once...

Cmdrcain -> (2/10/2002 5:43:00 PM)


Originally posted by ratster:
A bit of sarcasm, but at the same time I was serious about the download. It seems a waste of my money to spend what will probably amount 6-8 dollars for S&H for just a CD. I have a high speed internet connection, aren't dial-ups a thing of the past and out of "vogue" too, along with paper manuals.
Humphhh.. Considering likely size of the D/l and all plus chances of transmission corruption and all, paying a few dollars for S/H isn't that big a deal. Besides for many, the S/H will be off set by the sales tax savings, unless your in same state Matrix is in.. As to dial ups, their still in use, sheesh, not everyones using Cable.. or DSL...

Anyway 6-8$ for S/H is a bit much in my view I'd think $3-5

Cmdrcain -> (2/11/2002 4:28:00 PM)


Originally posted by Mike Kraemer:
Hi Mogami! Here are some features that I like.
You can transfer carrier air groups to ground bases ans back. I've one carrier damaged in port but is airgroup is intact a carrier going into action with a delpeted airgroup can swap airgroups. Thus the hodgepodge airgroups you actually saw on US carriers in the guadalcanal timeframe.
More later, Mike

Question if can answer, what about Groups being DIVERTED? Some much older games (Midway by SSI comes to mind) had groups divert to useable carriers or nearby airbases. In Real war they did same. You talk of transfer which is a good addition but if say Enterprise is damaged too bad in action, will its groups be able to Divert to another CV or Land base in range?

ratster -> (2/11/2002 7:46:00 PM)

Yep, in another thread one of the playtesters(snigbert I think) mentioned this happening when one of his carriers was damaged. The aircraft were diverted to another base(land base in this case). Some much older games (Midway by SSI comes to mind) had groups divert to useable carriers or nearby airbases. Did you mean Carrier Strike by SSI? [ February 11, 2002: Message edited by: ratster ]

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