michaelm75au -> RE: Chitose & Chiyoda conversion (10/20/2004 1:12:54 PM)
I have re-done the above test, because I started the test again with all four in a TF. disband the next day (1 Jan42), and none of the ships are getting converted. The starting situation is that I have modified a scenario to start on 30 Dec 1942, and all four ships (Ise, Hyuga, Chitose and Chiyoda) are in Osaka. Turn 30 Dec: I create a TF with Ise and Chitose in it in Osaka (docked), leaving other two at anchor. Run forward one day. Turn 31 Dec: The TF with its two ships is still docked and the other two ships still are in Osaka. No change. Run forward one day. Turn 1 Jan: The TF with its two ships is still docked. But the other two are now in the Ship Available queue (conversion in operation). Strangely, the Ise is showing an ETA of 180 days and the Chitose of 330 days, the opposite of what the manual says. Disbanded the TF so that the two ships are at anchor. Ran forward one day. Turn 2 Jan:The two ships have not converted. Even though no other ships have been put in the queue and the over 1200 Naval points available. I will run forward to 1 Feb and see if any conversion happens, but I have the feeling that the conversion ONLY happens ON the 31 Dec 1942. Michael