jeffs -> RE: Info on PBEM for 19/22 (10/20/2004 3:01:41 AM)
I do not know 22... 19 I suggest USN IJN 100 Japanese sub doctrine off Weather and US damage on. Though I suggest rather than 19 17 with Japan at 130 or 140. Personally I think 19 gives too much away to the Japanese player.. As in 17 he has the initial advantage, but at least in 19 the Allies gain strength over time...Here the Allies do not gain as much relative strenghth... But that is one guy`s opinion. Please tell me about 22 (for that matter 20 and 21!)...I would be interested in the allies (more for 17 than 19, but after talking might consider it (though to be honest the damage control for Japanese ships is a massive advantage (lots of IJN player are very aggressive and use the KB in US waters..The risk is if some of the carriers are damaged, given mediocre IJN damage control they might sink..So the very aggressive strategy, while potential successful, is a gamble...With good damage control, that risk goes down quite a great deal...)[8D]