Banquet -> RE: Your top 5? (10/31/2004 11:59:48 PM)
I spent an obscene amount of time playing EQ. The most depressing thing I ever did in that game was type /played (or similar) to see how many days I'd played my main char. It was something awful like 120 days - which is real time. I only got to lvl 52 (Ranger) Although, to be fair, I never really tried to level, just to have fun. On the up side I made a lot of friends. On the downside I don't keep in touch with any of them any more. In the end, no one I knew still played it, and there seemed like there was nothing left but a bunch of uber twinked power players talking in a code I didn't understand who, seemingly, never had to work, eat or sleep. Still, EQ2 coming soon.. and a part of me is still saying 'buy it'