returning player looking for online or pbem game 8.3 (Full Version)

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JediMessiah -> returning player looking for online or pbem game 8.3 (10/31/2004 6:01:32 PM)

heya all,

havent played since verson 7.1 (played a lil H2H) and just recently d/led version 8.3
i would classify myself as an average player and would like to get my feet wet with a small (3000 pt or so) engagement either in pbem or online.
can play fast games and report turns quickly
for live games...will be online all day today
email me or by msn messenger or icq #247-558-628
i prefer late war germans in meeting engagements with c&c off and no more than 10% arty

look forward to gaming again,


VikingNo2 -> RE: returning player looking for online or pbem game 8.3 (11/1/2004 5:47:41 AM)

So this would be " RETURN OF THE JEDI " sometimes i crack myself up[:D][:D]

Welcome back[:)]

JediMessiah -> RE: returning player looking for online or pbem game 8.3 (11/7/2004 8:56:38 PM)

bumping this up to get a new challenger

John Galt -> RE: returning player looking for online or pbem game 8.3 (11/13/2004 1:32:12 PM)



So this would be " RETURN OF THE JEDI " sometimes i crack myself up[:D][:D]


VikingNo2 -> RE: returning player looking for online or pbem game 8.3 (11/14/2004 1:03:52 AM)

ok jedi do you have any challangers yet if not[;)]

JediMessiah -> RE: returning player looking for online or pbem game 8.3 (11/17/2004 5:19:53 AM)

ok viking...ill take ya on...set up a game can deal with anything except c&c must be off

mail it to slot 6 please

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