Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (Full Version)

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toraq -> Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (11/5/2004 3:27:30 PM)

Well it seems that After action report for Uncommon Valor is almost dead so Iīve decided to write some words about my recent game.
Iīm playing as allies in Scenario 19. This is my first PBEM game and my opponent seems to be a veteran in this game and in this scenario.

Well, now Iīm in June 8, so Iīm going to sum up the last days which were very bloody...

During the first days, my opponent assume a passive role, it seems that heīs waiting the CV from Midway in order to try a major attempt to my main objetives: Noumea, Brisbane, and so on.

At this moment the Allied General HQ states his strategy:

1- Reinforce the main bases. Noumea and Brisbane. The HQ decides that PM is worthwhile so engineers, AA units and one Australian brigade will reinforce the base.
The reason for this is that if the enemy tries to invade PM, this has to be a major engagement for him, so he will need to divert some valuable units if he wants to take it. The more enemy units trying to take PM, the less units left to attack Noumea, Brisbane or Luganville.
On the other hand, if he decides to avoid PM and attack directly Noumea or Brisbane, the air units could easily be transfered to these bases to protect them. The value of PM is his airport!

2- Some land units will disembark in GG and Lunga. Less than a 1000 in each case. The reason is to avoid that a fast transport with a Naval Garrison could easily take these bases. If the enemy wants to invade them he will need more naval resources.

This two points are just traps for the IJN. At first stages USN canīt win agaisnt the WHOLE IJN power but he can strikes back against A PART of his navy power. If IJN divides his forces USN has an opportunity

3- Allied HQ approves the operation HAMMER a major attack against TRUK which should be prepared by May 20 or so.

toraq -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (11/5/2004 7:09:39 PM)


Objetive: Attack supply convoys that transport IJN troops between Truk and Rabaul

Reason for this attack: Because this is scenario 19, it is assumed that IJN player will attempt a major attack against PM, Luganville, Noumea or Brisbane. To archive this goal, IJN needs troops and CV to escort the invasion fleet.

Allied HQ know that it is almost impossible to win in a major engagement against IJN carriers until 43 or so. The only way to stop a IJN invasion is to destroy his troops. No way to smash them easily in a land battle so the best way to kill troops is to sink the transport that transport them. Sinking a transport is a easy thing for airplanes if they can attack without being disturbed by CAP. Obviously IJN carriers will escort troop transports...Always?


1-Allied HQ assume that between Truk and Rabaul transports are most of the times without CAP or even without strong surface escorts.

2-Between turn 18 and 22, IJN receives (normally) 4 troop regiments. This mean a lot of crack troops that will be ESSENTIAL for IJN operations.

3-It is possible that these troops will be transported in a convoy to Rabaul inmediately, so there is a CLEAR opportunity to sink the convoy by an air attack.

5-If we manage to sink two or three IJN regiments, it will be a victory for the USN. IJN player will have to think twice if he wants to attack allied main bases because his lack of troops in the first stage of the war.

5-Early in the war it is possible to sneak a TF from enemy spotting through Santa Cruz Island to the huge sea GAP north of Lunga and Short.


Take aircraft carriers Lexington and Yorktown and his airwings, though the "sea gap" and attack supply convoys by susprise. Then withdraw the main force back to Luganville.

One TF will bombard Shortland just to divert the attention of IJN player. This force will replenish from Neosho and stay in the "sea gap" to counter attack again in the Short when the carrier TF withdraw.
Neosho will replenish the ships on withdrawing from objective (both, CV and bombard TF)

If the carrier TF is spotted before reaching his objective, will withdraw and Operation HAMMER automatically will be cancelled


It is assumed that if one carrier is hit, and its speed slowered, would be necessary to abandond it. BUT if our objective is accomplished (3 or 4 regiments out of the war), one CV is spendable.

Here is a map with the main lines of Operation Hammer


toraq -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (11/5/2004 7:16:04 PM)

Well this is the plan (May 5), the time to get the place to attack is almost 14 days so it is expected to reach Truk by May 19 or 20, just the moment when the main troop convoys are surely to travel from Truk to Rabaul.
The results, in the next post...
Hope you agree with the plan: daring, simple, original and can change the course of the war... but risky in some sense[sm=nono.gif]

toraq -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (11/10/2004 5:28:18 PM)

Well after several days travelling through the sea gap, the US naval forces arrived UNDETECTED to a point near Truk on May 20th. NExt day was going to be the surprise attack to whatever ship the TF might encounter.
There was a doubt, however. What happened if the strike TF may not encounter NOTHING???!!!. The TF would be discovered without having the opportunity to launch an air attack. TO solve this problem, Allied HQ decided to move to a point 7 hex from Truk and change the SBDīs second target to port attack, choosing Truk as the target!. Only 10% of the F4F would be set to provide escort, the rest (fully rested, due to the lack of CAP over the "sea gap") would fly CAP over the ships.
There were good news the previous bombardment of Shortland Island had been a partial success. A naval TF of PGs and PCs was surprised .Three of them were sunk by our ships, and others were left on fire.
On May 21, the weather was partly could. At dawn, engines started to spill smoke and crews jumped to their planes, hoping to revenge PH.
Naval spotting!!!, about 7 hexes away, south of Truk and another one 4 hexes from Truk.
About 69 SDBīs took off from the two carriers and attaked the first objective: a TF with APīs, one DD and a CL. The Yubari (a CL) was hit by 11 bombs, the Uzuki (DD) by 4 bombs and two APs with three and one bomb hit.
The second strike found a TF with AO and TK, escorted by one AV and a DD. Three bombs hit a TK and the AV while one AO was smashed by two 1000 lb bombs.
SUCCESS!!!. That was the first impression. The IJN had been surprised completely!. No air opposition was found and neither an air counter attack from Truk was launched!. The losses were ridiculous, because the lack of IJN escorts...
BUT, after the reports were analysed, Allied HQ realised that much of the succes was in the number of hits but not in the results. We have found a TF with tankers and oilers (no troop) and the APs were only lightly bombed. Moreover there were no evidences of troops inside them. So our final objective had failed!. Allied HQ started to think "What if we strike again?"


toraq -> A bloody end (11/16/2004 7:17:03 PM)

Finally Allied HQ decided to strike again. The plan was as follows:

1-It is assumed that IJN carriers are in Truk and would probably sail out to a poin south-east from Truk in order to meet our carriers.
2-There is a posibility that they wonīt sail out and will transfer their planes to Truk and lauch counterattacks from here to my carriers. (no risk to them)
3-There are still possibilities to strike more APs that are in route to Rabaul that were not spotted in last turn.

Assuming this, the USN carrier force decide to move to a point somewhere south-west from Truk, at ten hexes from this base and at ten hexes from the expected movement of IJN carrier force.
From this place, we can reach the AO and TK attacked in the previous turn and a new task force that is expected to be navigating to Rabaul. At the same time we are out of range form aircrafts from Truk and IJN carrier force. The drawback of this alternative is that withdrawing our TF to a safe port will be dangerous because we have to cross the Lae base until we get to PM port.
THis is the plan.

The results were not as we thought because I made two mistakes:

1-I donīt know why but I counted 12 hexes from the initial point of my carrier force to the point (ten hexes from Truk and ten hexes from the expected position of IJN carriers) it would be at the end of the turn. And Air TF ONLY move 10 hexes with normal movement.

2-The worst thing: with the first air strike some statements about my carrier TF had changed and I didnīt notice it!. THe "do not react to enemy" had changed to "React to enemy"

So, at first everything was perfect. In the morning, I spotted again the TF with AO and TK and more than 50 SBD launched their bombs and even some Devastator dropped their Torpedoes. 7 AO and TK were hit but one more strike with only 10 SBD attacked a new TF, about 9 hexes from my TF. They were the IJN carriers!!! My SBD failed to reach the ships but IJN launched a cpounter attack with about 20 Vals. Despite my 90% CAP 8 of them reached my fleet and one bomb hit Yorktown.

But the worst was about to come. REACT MOVEMENT from MY CARRIERS! So in the afternoon fase we were so close that we we able to lauch completed strikes.
I was first and about 45 SBD without escort attacked again. A disaster! half of them were turning back and only 1 bomb was put in Shoho carrier (even one CA was attacked by my stupid boys instead of a CV!!!). I knew that the end was near. More than 40 Kates and 25 Vals, escorted by Zeros smashed my fleet. Both carriers were hit several times.
I lost the entire airgroups because my total damage was more than 50. Both were hit in the engine so their speed was so lowered the I could not save them. [sm=00000003.gif]
The next turn Yorktown was again torpedoed and sunk and Lex so badly damaged that it was a question of time to lose it too. Fortunately my escort fleet managed to reach Port Moresby without problems.

So the balance of the Truk Battles has been as follows:

Allied losses
CV Lexington
CV Yorktown
About 180 AC (the entire CV airgroups, although I will recover them in 100 days as a reinforce)

IJN losses
Ships sunk
1 CL: Yubari
1 AV: Sanuki Maru
1 DD: Akembono
3 TK
2 AO

Heavy damaged
DD Uzuki 4 bombs
DD Kizuzuki 1 bomb
DD Sazanami 1 bomb 1 torp
AP Chowa Maru 3 bombs
1 AO ( 3 bombs)

CV Shoho 1 bomb
1 AP
1 AO
1 CA (torpedoed by support submarines)

Also 33 Kates, 24 Vals and 14 Zerois were lost by my opponent


I have to admit my complete defeat [:@] but it could be avoided if I hadnīt made my two mistakes. So analysing the whole battle in deep I can conclude:

- It is possible to reach UNDETECTED a point near Truk and strike unescorted convoys
- 16 ships were sunk or damaged in 4 attacks (about 200 SBD), which is worthwhile
- It is difficult to know when your opponent is going to transport a determined land unit [:-]. However I catched the TK and the AO.[:)] Without these (he only receives 4 AO in the entire game, all of them sunk or damaged), he will[sm=00000612.gif] suffer from lack of fuel in front bases. Both, the possibility of attacking far allied bases (brisbane, lungaville or Noumea) and the pace of new conquest have been affected (I think)

Shadow of the Condor -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (11/17/2004 1:23:19 AM)

Hats off to you, sir. A bold first move I wouldn't even contemplate for the American carriers. Admittedly, it didn't turn out as planned; but kudos still for the effort.

I am puzzled as to how you weren't spotted. One would think every Nell and Betty would be on Naval Search/Attack, and every Mavis would be scouring the sea. Of course, having never played as the IJN I can't speak to their air force availability at the start of the game.

But once again, congrats on the planning and the effort. [:)]

toraq -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (11/26/2004 9:17:13 PM)


The situation has been deterioreting during the last weeks. All battles have been

lost or a bitter draw in the better cases. Here are some big events

1-Naval battle of the Shortlands: Coastwatchers signed various AP in the Shortlands. A naval TF with various CA and DD is send to intercept. They found a combat surface TF with various CA and DD. The nignt naval battle begins and 1 of our CA is sunk and some other ships are damaged but are able to escape to Noumea. The enemy get some Shells and 2 of his CA are damaged. The results: draw.

2-IJN navy disembarked in Lunga and Tulagi. Fortunately allies had evacuated both islands and in the process the enemy hits several mines (japanese ones!) and some AP are sunk. With the newly arrived USN CV a TF is sent to bomb the APs. They did it perfectly and the enemy retreated but the surface TF sent to destroy the retreating ships didnīt intercept them. Moreover, no troops are killed while sinking his ships. It seems they only carried supplies. This is the only victory of our troops. And the last one for now.

3-The disaster of the Enterprise. In the previous battles the enemy had lost 6 MSW. After analysing the reality of mines, the Allied HQ decided to strike Shortlandīs port to sink some MSW that had been spotted there. It was a risky task, close to his Rabaulīs level bombers but it is carried on. Enemy CV were still in Truk. In the next two days some bombs hit PC and ML but no MSW were found.[&:] The enemy CV were watched coming from Truk and the carrier Cv is ordered to retire, without engaging enemy. But some strange things happened and for two times one of my carriers, the Enterprise, due to react to enemy carriers, got closer to enemy TF, although the order was clearly DO NOT REACT TO ENEMY[:@][:@][sm=00000018.gif][sm=00000612.gif]. Subsequently, the enemy KB caugth the poor carrier [sm=00000028.gif]which is sent to the bottom of the FuC***ing ocean where his stupid captain still tries to fish whales with a stick!!!. A complete disaster!. The entire air squadrons are lost. More planes to add in the Operational losses list...

4-The disaster of the night hawks. Just a few days after the Enterprise loss, a surface TF, the "Night hawk", is sent to disturb the enemy convoys between Truk and PRabaul. Although the Allied HQ knew that this strategy is almost impossible to accomplish, is sent to distract some IJN forces. This objective was fulfilled. Two IJN carriers and about 40 betties were dispatched to Truk, far away from SOlomons. But in the process they were scouted before a bombardment run to Truk and in the next few days they were all sunk. 2 CA, 1 CL and 3 DD were lost.

The morale has reached its lowest levels. Even a kind of surrender was on the table for some hours [sm=00000924.gif].
Some big changes have been made in order to avoid a complete disaster for Allies. But fortunately surrender is not an option!

The enemy has now 7 CV and 2 CVL which means 500 aircraft. This is so much power that he could batter ANYTHING[sm=00000028.gif]. But to my surprise, he is not making use of this huge advantadge.[&:] Iīm still holding PM and GG and although my P-39 and P-40 are just destroyed [sm=00000106.gif]every time they take off to engage enemy (which has been forbiden unless a Convoy is arriving) I consider them ESSENTIAL places for counter-offensive movements.

After the "dark days", Allied HQ are planning the next movements. Most of them will be defensive ones and base construction. But some others...

toraq -> Hard days... (11/30/2004 5:05:10 PM)

Very hard days over PM.

Huge air battles over Port Moresby. More than 200 Zeros escorting like a hundred of level bombers. This is the second air battle. Yesterday a similar force bombed the base with good results from our CAP.

The reason of these huge battles are the B-17 based on PM. Theyīre stuck in PM due to Runaway service damage, so until it is repaired we must defend our 30 or so fortress. But the cost has been heavy as you can see:


Weather: Clear

Air attack on Port Moresby , at 10,40

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 157
A6M3 Zero x 58
G3M Nell x 12
G4M1 Betty x 72
Ki-46 Dinah x 6

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 52
P-39D Airacobra x 33
P-40E Kittyhawk x 14

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero x 12 destroyed
A6M2 Zero x 1 damaged
A6M3 Zero x 4 destroyed
G4M1 Betty x 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat x 34 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat x 8 damaged
P-39D Airacobra x 3 destroyed
P-39D Airacobra x 3 damaged
P-40E Kittyhawk x 12 destroyed
P-40E Kittyhawk x 2 damaged

LTJG F.Kurakane of F2/Tainan Daitai is credited with kill number 5

SLDR I.Gilmour of No. 76 Sqn RAAF bails out WOUNDED and is RESCUED

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 105

Airbase hits 9
Runway hits 40

P-40 Squadrons are out of action. There are only 4 planes left (from 28 or so two days ago).
P-39 are just avoiding combat and retreating.
F4F4 are just the only ones capable to fight to those zeros, but they are also retreating in some cases. All my F4F squadrons are now based at PM. Highly risky!
Japanese are reaching its upper level and fatigue have to affect the pilots soon. Today, Jap Op. Losses reached a peak with 10 aircraft lost.

This is like Malta (Mediterranean battle), take off just to get kill...

toraq -> At last, bad weather! (12/1/2004 10:59:36 PM)

I was getting very nervous due to the lack of bad weather. But this were not the only good news: his daily attack against PM ceased and was turned to GG. This has permitted to withdraw the depleted air groups to Australia and get essential replacements. The last day, only 35 F4F were able to take off from PM, just to get kill before retreating.

This is the situation:

Air-battles [X(]

During the last 7 days, IJ has launched a massive air offensive against PM. Iīve never seen this before, seven days, day by day, without stopping. Where is the moral and fatige effect???.

Iīve lost
87 F4F
34 P-40
14 P-39

My entire air groups have low morale and normal fatige. But they just can hold on more time. Iīve replacement for the F4 but the P-40 are just dead for a long time and P-39 have their morale at 10 or so.

IJN has lost

84 A6M2
16 A6M3
Plus a dozen Betty and 5 or so Nells

Finally, today I managed to retire my groups to Australia where they will rest. There was no reason to defend PM but the B-17 landed there. Now that they have been allowed to transfer to Australia, Iīll avoid massive air battles were zeros are just superior to my fighters

Invasion of GG

This is serious. As you can see in the map, there are three transport TF near GG. Iīve launched two air attacks but my 60s experience boys were unable to get a single hit into a transport. More than 35 planes and nothing!.

Iīve retired most of them because I fear that surface TF that Iīm sure is going to raid GG with his 2 BB. However, I put 2 Avenger squadrons in GG to see if the can score some torpedoes against one of his TF: my enemy was not capable to protect his ships with CAP so letīs see if he pays a price...
My forces in GG are 1 INF, 1 Base Force, 1 Engineer and 1 HQ not much but I hope my 6 level forts can ghold the enemy for some days


Just a few planes left here, the damaged ones, and some newly arrived ones to strike unprotected ships.


Contructing bases in Wunponku? and Nevea.


Transferring some LCU and surface TF to see if they can hit the enemy transport TF. They will only attack if thereīs a clear option.


toraq -> RE: At last, bad weather! (12/6/2004 12:28:35 AM)

August 22th, Partly Cloudy

Itīs been a hard battle since August 7th when the offensive to occupy GG started with massive air attacks to PM.

The last 4 days have seen some action in the area which I summarize

Attack force

I put two squadrons of Wirraways in GG to bomb the invasion force, 2 squadrons of TBF, 2 of B-26, 1 of Havocs and 2 of SBD in PM to hit hard. I rotate some of them, and finally I stationed 2 SBD squadrons in GG to bomb at 100 ft. They score a great succes with almost no losses.

Wirraways hits [;)]

Poor aircraft, good results. About 80 missions, 9 hits on 5 AP, 1 DD, 2 CL and 1 APD. Some on fire but 250 lb cause little damage. 10% of hits.


When they put 1000 lb bombs, theyīre just lovely. 55 missions normal ceiling, 4 hits (7%). 45 missions at 100 ft, 12 1000 lb hits [:D] (27%). These groups have 71 of experience.

TBF [:D]

90 missions, 10 torpedoes found their targets (12%) including 3T on Kirishima. However he managed to escape unspotted. Very strange because with 3T he should have moved quite slow.

B-26s and heavies [:@]

Just cry[:(]. B-26 have flown about 100 missions. Two or three hits (3%). Heavies are not better: 42 B-17 missions, 2 hits (5%) but with heavy op. losses: 8 in ione turn!!![X(]

Results have been poor because APs were hit after landing the troops and only one BB wasbadly damaged but not sunk. To show you and example in one mission with 86 aircraft they only managed to put 1 torpedo on Kirishima. Very heavy AA but not heavy CAP, no more than 15 planes or even without CAP sometimes[&:] Why?.

His carrier based aircraft were mostly flying escort missions to strike my decoys AKs

Land combats

Enemy has landed almost an entire division, with many guns but with no engineers![:)].
Iīm transporting one Rgt. of aussies, and more will be fast transported. I know Iīm gonna loose them but I need him to strike GG with his airforces instead of PM.
Forts reduced to 4, and last attack reached a 2:1...

Enemy air offensive

Unbelievable. I show you some numbers, planes flying from Rabaul (mainly), Short and Lunga.

August 19th, 9 Zeros, 77 Betties, 9 Nells to PM
August 20th, 75 Zeros, 32 Betties, 6 Nells to PM
August 21th, 59 Zeros, 58 Betties, 10 Nell to GG
August 22th, 48 Zeros, 83 Betties to PM, 25 Betties and 13 Nell to GG [X(]

And this almost everyday since the 7th!. His Op. losses are high but not enough to stop the offensive. They just keep flying and flying, disrupt my forces and put out of action PM unvariably. Allied CAP useless

Someday this [sm=00000028.gif] has to end...

toraq -> End of first battle for Gili-Gili (12/9/2004 9:19:11 PM)

August has almost ended and with some Thunderstorms the first battle of GG has ended. Now, new air attacks are announcing the second battle.

I sumarize the figures of the first one:

Air losses

Not much to add to the figures already mentioned in the last post. Allied suffered some air and AA losses while Japanese operational losses were high (mainly Zeroes from his LCAP over GG).

Naval losses

Japanese losses by air attacks: 4 AP, 1 APD
Japanese losses by submarines: 1 AP (although they scored many hits in some others)
Japanese losses by naval attacks: 4 AP, 1 APD, 5 DD

This naval combat took place in GG beaches. Three transport TF were surprised at night by an Allied surface TF with 4 CA and 5 DD. They were almost destroyed entirely, only 3 AP survived (the ones with troops[:@])

At least 4 or 5 AP were damaged, the BB Kirishima and 1 CL and 1 DD were also hurt.

Allied losses by air attacks: 2 DD from the Night Hawks (surface TF sent to acttack convoy between Truk and Rabaul). Surprised by Betties and finally sunk by Vals and Kates. 4 AP and 1 DD, during the attempt to resupply PM. They were discovered by Betties (Thunderstorms day!) and ended by airplanes from the KB.

Allied losses by naval attacks: No losses. 1 CA and 1 DD damaged during the naval battle in GG

Many ships damaged, at least 3 DD, 5 AP, all of them while disembarking supplies in PM.

Allied losses by submarines: No losses or maybe 1 AP but not sure

Japanese losses have been high, thatīs why I will resist in GG as much as I can. The only way to have some victories because in dogfights I never get even a draw!.

toraq -> Second battle of GG (12/10/2004 3:53:45 PM)

Well, it seems my opponent has read this AAR because the things he did wrong (at least under my point of view) he has just change them!

1st--- He has put PM out of action using Betties from Rabaul and Vals and Kates from KB
2nd-- He bombed GG with a naval TF, thus putting out of action GG also
3rd--- Heavy escorts in his transport TF, no way to surprise them again!
4th--- He has moved 2 or 3 engineers to GG to help to reduce forts. One more full Rgt. has landed to increase his power.
5th---Strong LCAP (from KB which is 4 hexes from GG, to reduce op. losses) over GG. Today about 80 Zeroes!![X(]
6th--- Strong air attacks to the poor aussies defending GG. 7th bde. 100% Disruption today[:(]

Here is the report


Weather: Overcast

Sub attack near Gili Gili at 17,42

Japanese Ships
AP Boston Maru, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage***Sunk, the only victory today[:'(]****

Allied Ships
SS S-46

Air attack on Gili Gili , at 17,42

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 21

no losses

Air attack on 7th Aus Brigade, at 17,42

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 13
A6M3 Zero x 17
G3M Nell x 15
G4M1 Betty x 45

no losses

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 115

Attacking Level Bombers:
G4M1 Betty at 8000 feet
G3M Nell at 9000 feet

Air attack on 7th Aus Brigade, at 17,42

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 20
G4M1 Betty x 11

no losses

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 17

Attacking Level Bombers:
11 x G4M1 Betty at 7000 feet

Air attack on 7th Aus Brigade, at 17,42

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 25
A6M3 Zero x 20
D3A Val x 27

no losses

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 25

Ground combat at Gili Gili

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 33779 troops, 434 guns, 50 vehicles

Defending force 14323 troops, 79 guns, 19 vehicles

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 3)

Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0-- *****This is the end, my only friend, the end****

PO2 R.Chiyoshima of BII-1 Daitai is credited with kill number 3

LT J. Yamashita of F2/1st Daitai bails out and is CAPTURED
Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 202

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 296
Vehicles lost 1


GG is close to his surrender. Jap have so many resources that I canīt stop them now.[:(]

toraq -> RE: Second battle of GG (12/10/2004 3:54:24 PM)

The map


toraq -> Operation Revenge: Day 1 (12/13/2004 6:37:01 PM)

Oppps I think the days of GG are ending.

He has bombed the base again with airplanes, so the supplies have been reduced below the requested number.
Fortunately two things happen at the same time:

1) Thunderstorms, that means that PM will have time to repair airbase damage
2) KB is retreating to Rabaul, leaving the two transport TF alone (only with some escorts) in GG

When this two things happen, the Allied HQ start Operation Revenge: a heavy attack to Rabaulīs port to catch the entire IJN navy (especially tge CV) there.

The plan has been on the table since one month ago. Precisely, many B-17 were written off in PM when it was about to be launched.

It consist in attacking Rabaulīs port while the IJN carriers are inside Port facilities, with a force between 60 to 70 heavy bombers from PM.


1) CAP over objective is quite heavy, from 40 to 60 Zeroes and Oscar.
2) The bomb run will be at 11000 feet to avoid AA
3) Casualities are expected to be high, from 4 to 6 aircraft

The objective is

1) To hit and set on fire at least 2 or 3 carriers,

2) Reduce, at least for some months, operative IJN carriers to 4 , similar to the USN carriers now in South Pacific (3, Hornet, Saratoga ans Wasp)

3) Force the IJN carriers to withdraw to Truk

4) Avoid future carrier operations in NG, thus protecting PM from a massive invasion supported by the entire KB which means: no way no hit transport TF.

To sum up, the main objective is to change the course of the war. Quite impressive [8D]

So, during the first day, all available B-17 groups which had been resting in Cooktown, (they did not have any participation in GG invasion) are sent to PM.
To support their operations every F4F is sent to PM to provide CAP

The numbers

These are the forces committed in the operation

B-17 groups: 28th, 42th, 26th, 63th, 98th, 431th, 72th. Number available: 58
B-24 group: 329th, with 4 aircraft

F4F squadrons: VF2, VF8, VF71, VMF223, VMF121 with about 90-100 F4F available
P-40: 8th
P-39: 35th and 80th

Meanwhile in Cooktown 1 VMF with F4F, 1 P-39 and two P400 squadrons are set as a reserve which will be transferred to PM when needed (if morale drops to low levels)

Next day will be Op. Revenge. Allied HQ has decided not to launch the operation while the weather is Thunderstorms and the pilots (due to the transfers) are with some fatigue.

Next day dawns rainy...
Will the IJN carriers dock in Rabauls port?. There was no recon flight recently so it is only a guest
Will the weather permit the B-17 to take off and attack?
Will the IJN player attack PM as always, thus catching the B-17 on the ground as the last time?

toraq -> Operation Revenge: Pacific turning point? (12/14/2004 9:39:55 PM)

Well here are the results of the very long planned air mission to hit japanese carriers


Weather: Rain

Night Time Surface Combat, near Gili Gili at 17,42

*****This battle took place in Gili Gili. Again the React movement Fu&&&& me. I had my surface TF at 12 hexes from GG, just waiting for the good moment. Some IJN ships arrived at GG (MSW I think) and my TF reacted, attacking at night*****[:@]

I was lucky because there was a IJN TF with two BB around GG but they didnīt attack

Japanese Ships
CL Abukuma, Shell hits 54, and is sunk
DD Akatsuki, Shell hits 19, on fire, heavy damage (and sunk)
DD Nokaze, Shell hits 20, and is sunk
DD Numakaze, Shell hits 23, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
AP Aiyo Maru
AP Meiyo Maru
AP Tenzan Maru
AP Toei Maru
AP Tokyo Maru
AP Unkai Maru #3
AP Yamagiri Maru

Allied Ships
CA Chester, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk *****Ohhh no******
CA Louisville, Shell hits 3, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage ****He will make it but with 60 & 60 daamge****
CA Quincy, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
CA Vincennes, Shell hits 1
CA Canberra
CL Nashville
DD O'Brien
DD Benham
DD Sterett
DD Gridley
DD Maury
DD Conyngham
DD Tucker
DD Porter

Sub attack near Basilaki Island at 18,42

Japanese Ships
SS I-123

Allied Ships
CA Quincy, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage (and sunk)

Actual losses of CA are 5 [sm=00000116.gif] Enemy has lost no one.[:(]

Sub attack near Port Moresby at 10,40

Japanese Ships
SS I-172

Allied Ships
DD Lamson

Air attack on Rabaul , at 21,28 ****************Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 21
A6M3 Zero x 13
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 30

****Heavy CAP, some M2 retired but the others, including the Oscars stayed until the end

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 48
B-24D Liberator x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero x 1 destroyed
A6M2 Zero x 3 damaged
A6M3 Zero x 3 damaged
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 1 destroyed
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 3 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress x 18 damaged *****Actual losses 10 B-17 [sm=00000117.gif]

But here are the results [:D]

Japanese Ships
CV Akagi, Bomb hits 1 ****Nothing*****
CVL Zuiho, Bomb hits 1 ****Nothing*****
CV Hiryu, Bomb hits 1 ****Nothing*****
CV Junyo, Bomb hits 1, on fire ****Explosions below deck*******
CV Shokaku, Bomb hits 1 ****Nothing*****
AP Iwaki Maru, Bomb hits 1, on fire
CV Soryu, Bomb hits 1, on fire ****Critical Damage*****
DD Makinami, Bomb hits 1
CV Kaga, Bomb hits 3, on fire *****Yes, yes, yes Critical Damage, Severe Fires & Severe Fires Below Deck*******

Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 147

Port hits 20
Port fuel hits 1

Attacking Level Bombers:
All B-17E Fortress at 11000 feet

*******Well thatīs it. Good attack From arounf 70 heavies available, 51 took off, that is, 73%, not bad. This was due to the lack of supplies in PM. Losses are about 20%...[&:]
My intelligence says that all CV are withdrawing to Truk. This is without doubt, an strategic victory.
CV that are on fire got surely between 20 and 40 of sys damage, that is, out of action for some weeks.
Still got 4 CV, 2 or 3 CVL and one small CV= 400 A/C
I got 3 CV= 256 A/C

This means I did not gain naval superiority but he is quite weaker than before******

*********And here is another turning point [:)]*********
Air attack on Port Moresby , at 10,40

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 96
A6M3 Zero x 59
G3M Nell x 30
G4M1 Betty x 91
Ki-46 Dinah x 6

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 70
P-40E Warhawk x 8

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero x 17 destroyed
A6M2 Zero x 2 damaged
A6M3 Zero x 9 destroyed
G3M Nell x 1 destroyed
G4M1 Betty x 5 destroyed
G4M1 Betty x 2 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat x 37 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat x 14 damaged
P-40E Warhawk x 9 destroyed
P-40E Warhawk x 1 damaged
PBY Catalina x 1 destroyed
PBY Catalina x 2 damaged

LTJG H. Nishizawa of F1/Tainan Daitai is credited with kill number 6

LTJG F.Fukada of F2/2nd Daitai is KILLED

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 166

Airbase hits 17
Airbase supply hits 3
Runway hits 78

This is the first air victory for the Allies. For the first time air to air losses were heavier on the Jap. side, 36, against 35 allied losses.
Total losses were as follows:

Allied (51)

29 F4F
10 B-17
7 P-40 E
4 Seagull (from the CA)

Japanese losses (51)
19 A6M2
11 A6M3
11 Betty
5 Nell
2 Alf, 2 Jake, 1 Oscar

Air attack on Gili Gili , at 17,42

Japanese aircraft
Ki-46 Dinah x 2 ***********(Still got 20 Zeroes of LCAP*****

no losses

Air attack on TF, near Port Moresby at 10,40

Japanese aircraft
G3M Nell x 11

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M Nell x 2 destroyed
G3M Nell x 8 damaged

Allied Ships
DD Laffey
DD Ralph Talbot
DD Farenholt

Attacking Level Bombers:
3 x G3M Nell at 200 feet
2 x G3M Nell at 200 feet
4 x G3M Nell at 200 feet

Air attack on TF, near Port Moresby at 10,40

Japanese aircraft
G4M1 Betty x 9

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M1 Betty x 1 destroyed
G4M1 Betty x 7 damaged

Allied Ships
DD Selfridge
DD Stockton, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
DD Cummings

Attacking Level Bombers:
1 x G4M1 Betty at 200 feet
3 x G4M1 Betty at 200 feet
4 x G4M1 Betty at 200 feet

Ground combat at Gili Gili

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 34534 troops, 431 guns, 50 vehicles

Defending force 13564 troops, 79 guns, 19 vehicles

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 0)

Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0

Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 111
Guns lost 1

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 369

toraq -> Gili Gili has fallen (12/14/2004 11:02:17 PM)

[:(] Yes and I lost 15.000 men. No way to send reinforces. 2 BB were avoid such movement, together with 30 to 40 Zero CAP.

I tried to send C-47 but I lost many of them. In one day 14 were lost. I couldnīt permit such an attrition rate.

With the fall of GG, the next question is Can I hold PM?? This is a question for anyone whoīs reading this AAR (if any)

Some considerations are:

Bad ones, the things that make me to retire from PM

1) He got almost 200 Betties, and 350 Zeroes (Naval and Land based ones). He can launch strikes with about 100 Betties and 120 Zeroes, which put PM out of action and cause heavy losses to my CAP

2) He got 5 heavy CV, 2 CVL = 400 aircraft

3) He got Lae (Airport size 5), and GG (Airport size 4)

4) Regiments available: 8 at least (the others are in Lunga, 2, and GG with 4) so enough power to invade PM

5) Warships available(at least): 3 BB and many (maybe 6) CA

Good ones

1) 3 AO lost, 3 TK and more than 30 AP lost which means some difficulties in forming another Armada

2) I got 60 heavies and in 20 days Iīll get another 36. B-26 are around 80. 5 Squadrons of F4F (3 naval ones and 2 from Marines), 2 of P-40, 4 of P-39. This is the force I have to avoid the attempt

3) I have enough LCU ready to be transported to PM. Luganville got 5 Rgt. Noumea the Marines, Brisbane 2 Divisions. I got 2 Rgt of aussies in PM and three more in Townsville ready to go to PM

4) Plenty of DD but only 1 BB is coming and I only have 5 CA left.

Looking my reinforces, I can say that by December or so I will have enough forces to avoid any major IJN offensive. But itīs still mid september so my question is still

CAN I HOLD PM??????????

toraq -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (12/15/2004 3:03:33 PM)

No air activity in the South Pacific area. Only recon missions to PM.
I guess he is preparing his forces for the next step

toraq -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (12/16/2004 4:03:30 PM)

I tried to surprise again but this time with poor results. Rabaulīs airport was packed with 600 aircraft (with airportīs level of 9) so I decided the attack with my heavies. At maximum range from Cooktown.


Weather: Rain

Air attack on Rabaul , at 21,28

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 15
A6M3 Zero x 8
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 3

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 36
B-24D Liberator x 12

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero x 2 damaged
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 3 destroyed ***Destroyed on the ground, very disapponting***

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress x 1 destroyed
B-17E Fortress x 4 damaged ***6 B-17 lost [:(][:(], I canīt permit this rate of attrition (17% losses)****
B-24D Liberator x 1 damaged ***two written off, 17% of attrition****

Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 64
Guns lost 1

Airbase hits 7
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 34

Attacking Level Bombers:
All B-17E Fortress at 14000 feet

anarchyintheuk -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (12/16/2004 11:22:18 PM)

This is a fun aar. Keep it up. I generally look at worst case scenarios first and go from there. Worst case is your opponent has his PM invasion fleet organizing or on the way. Considering he probably has the lift capacity for 9+ rgmts, there's not much that you can do to hold PM. Actually, that's not the worst case . . . think about your opponent showing up at Noumea, Brisbane, Townsville, etc. with a 9 rgmt invasion force. Would you have the forces necessary to stop him? I'd write-off PM and try to get as much out as possible.

As an allied player at the start of scen. 19, I run away and retire everything I can get my hands on back to the auto-victory sites, ignoring Luganville at the beginning and maybe leaving a brigade and some base support in Cairns and Cooktown. I build up forts and upgrade all the ships that need it as soon as possible (especially carriers and cruisers). You've seen how much your fighters suck early on, so you have to rely more heavily on flak than the IJN does. Couple of general rules for USN carrier ops: 1) upgrade your CVs, 2) fight big or stay at home (i.e. fight the Death Star w/ all your carriers, not just a portion), 3) no CV battles until most, if not all, of the Devastators are replaced and the fighter groups expanded to 36 per carrier, 4) don't operate w/i Betty range of Rabaul until KB has been bled, 5) fight the big CV battle under your lba, 6) don't fight the big CV battle out of flak ammo and, 7) constantly check the status of your react/do not react and patrol/retirement commands in your CV TFs. Just remember that while carriers are extremely important, your real war winner is your LBA. Seemingly minor places like irau and nevea become critical because of that.

toraq -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (12/17/2004 12:27:03 AM)

anarchyintheuk, thx for the replay.

Yes I agree with everything you say. Only some considerations:

The PM topic: I think I will stay here. Itīs mid september.

1) He has 2 Rgt. in Lunga and 3 in GG. This mean he has about 6-7 Rgt available to invade PM. My forts there are 6, increasing everyday. 4-5 Rgt could stop him...

2) If I lose it, it would be very difficult to recover. If I lose it, I could not invade NG without carrier superiority (which I wonīt have until I can fight the KB, that is, mid 43) because there are not close bases to PM or GG. I canīt cover an invasion of both from Cooktown or Caims (16 or more hexes). I need carriers and if his KB appears...dissaster!!![:(]

3) If I hold it, Rabaul wonīt be a save place for his CV, so their reaction time would be quite long. Enough to try an invasion of Lunga, fx, and avoid a carrier battle.

4) From PM I can strike everything with my heavy bombers (Short, Lunga Rabaul, etc)

5) From PM I can start the GG invasion without carrier support (I can over it with P-38, F4F and so) and from there, the entire NG is in my hand.

What Iīm thinking now is how to avoid his invasion with the forces available. But everyday I get stronger [;)]. In 60 days I think I will be too strong for the IJN to try the invasion of PM.

Luganville is now fort 8 and got 5 Rgt of garrison. Brisbane same, and Noumea has the 1st Marine Div and soon the second will arrive. Forts level 9. Too much even for his great power.

anarchyintheuk -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (12/17/2004 12:33:57 AM)

Good luck in the attempt. It will be fun to watch the contest of attrition/wills. [:)]

toraq -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (12/17/2004 3:55:38 AM)

Just a few more considerations:

1) Iīve been reading the IJN reinforces (expected) and they got at least 8 to 9 Rgt available for an invasion. 4 to 5 Rgt wouldnīt stop them [:-]

2) In the entire game, scen 19, IJN playet receives 36 heavy Rgt. [X(]

3) 8 to 9 Rgts means 800 assault points. To avoid the invasion I need 600 at least. I already got 257 assault points. I would need another full division. More forces in PM less in Australia.

4) Could it be possible to invade Australia now (sep 42)?. He has now only 4 CV and 2 CVL...400 A/C. If he packs 200 Zeroes and 200 Bombers I could only stop him with my heavies...Would they be accurrate enough to hit CV?

4) He already has 8 datais of Betties, 5 Nells, 10 land bases datais of Zeroes, 3 of Oscars. More or less: 200 Betties, 40 Nells and 350 Zeroes and 75 Oscar. This without counting the naval based Zeroes: which can add 7-8 datais more (200 Zeroes)
This is impressive[&o]. Are the Allies able to stop this?????????????

Difficult decission...

toraq -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (12/18/2004 6:00:33 PM)

A bad day for the allies...
4 Destroyers were discovered near PM and waves of betties torpedoed them. 3 of them lost. The other one heavy damaged.


Weather: Partly Cloudy

Air attack on TF, near Port Moresby at 10,40

Japanese aircraft ****All come from GG, almost 150 there********
D3A Val x 8
G4M1 Betty x 7
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 20

Japanese aircraft losses
D3A Val x 5 damaged
G4M1 Betty x 7 damaged

Allied Ships
DD Tucker
DD Farenholt
DD Porter
DD Aaron Ward, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage

Air attack on TF, near Port Moresby at 10,40

Japanese aircraft ****All come from Rabaul, it is interesting to see that he can put more than 100 Zeroes in the air, but thatīs all. 8 Zeroes lost due to Op. losses****

A6M2 Zero x 69
A6M3 Zero x 40
G3M Nell x 12
G4M1 Betty x 42

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M Nell x 4 damaged
G4M1 Betty x 4 damaged

Allied Ships
DD Porter, Torpedo hits 5, on fire, heavy damage
DD Aaron Ward, on fire, heavy damage
DD Tucker, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
DD Farenholt, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage

Air attack on TF, near Port Moresby at 10,40

Japanese aircraft
D3A Val x 3
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 15

no losses

Allied Ships
DD Tucker, on fire, heavy damage

Air attack on TF, near Port Moresby at 10,40

Japanese aircraft ****120 Zeroes!!! and increasing but I can cope with this****
A6M2 Zero x 81
A6M3 Zero x 41
G3M Nell x 10
G4M1 Betty x 14

no losses
Sub attack near Basilaki Island at 18,42

Japanese Ships
AP Tenzan Maru, Torpedo hits 1, on fire ***probably carrying supplies***

Allied Ships
SS S-42

A TF is trying to entry into GGīs port so I decided so start a mini offensive. Operation Crossbow:
1) My heavies will strike GG airport,
2) B-25 will try to attack transport ships, Beaufighters will escort them
3) 2 DD sent to in a surface run to GG (only 1 IJN DD reported as escort)
4) 2 SDB squadrons and 1 P-40 to PM to attack transport TF
5) 5 PT sent to GG to surprise enemy ships there
6) Two subs hunt around GG

A little army!. Well, the objective is to show the teeth, try to impress my opponent, to show how difficult would be a PM invasion.

More heavies coming as reinforces and 2 B-26 sqd. in 10 days...[:)]

toraq -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (12/20/2004 3:04:19 PM)

My`planes went to that supply convoy in GG. They score some hits, even a precious MSW is sunk. They donīt have many of those[;)]. Before that my B-17 devastated GG. 3 B-17 down. The Ki-43 are very good intercepting heavies. I think I have lowered their morale

Air attack on Gili Gili , at 17,42

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 15
A6M3 Zero x 6
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 39

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 33
B-24D Liberator x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero x 6 damaged
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 5 destroyed
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 3 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress x 16 damaged ***See how good are oscar interceptiong heavies!*****

Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 405

Airbase hits 8
Runway hits 33
Air attack on TF, near Gili Gili at 17,42

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 15
A6M3 Zero x 6
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 27

Allied aircraft
SBD Dauntless x 23
P-40E Warhawk x 32

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M3 Zero x 1 destroyed
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 3 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
SBD Dauntless x 2 destroyed
SBD Dauntless x 4 damaged
P-40E Warhawk x 5 destroyed ****10 lost[&:]******
P-40E Warhawk x 5 damaged

LCDR L.Doikawa of F1/253rd Daitai is credited with kill number 4

Japanese Ships
MSW Wa 1, Bomb hits 5, on fire, heavy damage
AP Shinko Maru, Bomb hits 2, on fire
AP Nojima Maru
DD Shiokaze

And his bombers visited PM. It was a long time ago since the last visit. Airport out of service but my engineers are working hard tonight. Iīm FT a Sea bees unit there to increase the contruction of the forts (only level 6 yet!!!)

Air attack on Port Moresby , at 10,40

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 39
G4M1 Betty x 101 ***2 lost*****

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M1 Betty x 1 damaged

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 175

Airbase hits 24
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 61


toraq -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (12/21/2004 1:49:18 AM)


Itīs discouraging to see how one blitz can put PM out of action. Discouraging also to see how supplies disappear, like eaten by a dinosaur.
Supplies are now "orange". The more I think about it, the less sure I am. Should Iīll be able to hold PM. Maybe Iīll send a big convoy, with strong CAP and during bad-weather days. Iīm planning it.

Air attack on Port Moresby , at 10,40
Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 6
A6M3 Zero x 22
G4M1 Betty x 109

no losses

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 142
Airbase hits 6
Airbase supply hits 3
Runway hits 87

No losses and they were bombing at 8000 feet. What happens to my AA. I have to check it out.

Hit and run

Last convoy to GG was only light damaged (1 AP, 1 MSW lost, 1 AP damaged). I send my carriers to a place 9 hexes from GG. A small TF has been spotted there. Possibly MSW.

It is very risky. Timtom will disapprove it.[:)]. But I got 120 F4F. Iīm far enough or at max. range from Zeroes at Rabaul. Of course, there are some Betties in the Short and Lunga. But my CAP will avoid any attempt. Iīm sure.
Why I do this? Iīve sunk most Jap. MSW. Maybe heīs got only 2 or 3 left. Since Iīm mining everything, MSW are strategic targets. Thatīs why my 3 CV are trying to hunt them.

timtom -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (12/21/2004 2:12:10 AM)



It is very risky. Timtom will disapprove it.[:)].

Hey! I'm not timid, just stupid! Cheeky sod... (grumbles)

toraq -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (12/23/2004 5:03:27 AM)

Well nothing went as planned.

The little mission
My CV refused to launch the strike despite some enemy ships were within SBD max. range.[:(]
My PT attacked but if they donīt get a surprise (at night) attack they are floating coffins. I think 4 of them sunk due to surface guns. And because they were out of fuel, they suffered 2 massive attacks from rabaulīs betties. Another 4 sunk. [:@]
The good news (if any) is that he lost like 10 betties, most tof them operational losses. Attacks took place during a thunderstoms turn.

SDB attacks
My SDB attacked APs near Lae (from a supply convoy I guess). 2 of them on fire. Yeah SBD keep US honour high.
I retired them (fatigue high, morale low) and send some hudson and mitchell to PM. They should blow up some APs at a greater range.

Enemy anti sub activity
Well if there is a master in this kind of warfare is my opponent. [&o].
You canīt imagine what Iīm saying. I already lost 3 subs, two more damaged. It is not ASW patrols what heīs using but airplanes. Mavis, Emilys, Jakes, Petes, Betties, Vals and Kates. I donīt know how they manage to do it but they always spot my subs and attack them several times, so they run out of fuel.
This has caused that my subs have forbiden areas: Rabaul, Truk and (soon) GG. My subs canīt be within 6 or 7 hexes of range from these bases because theyīre spotted immediately and attacked most of the times.

toraq -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (12/24/2004 1:29:15 AM)

Little battles over the South Pacific


Weather: Overcast


Visited by 80 enemy bombers. They but the airport out of action (again!) and my supplies dropped 2000 points. No written offs on the ground. Good[;)]

Air attacks
Gili-Gili: a very accurate carpet bombing over GG. My B-17 brought the hell over there. 14 planes destroyed on the ground. 2 B-17 lost. I guess I can cope with this losses.
Lae: my bombers from PM dropped some bombs over there

Japanese Ships
AP Keisho Maru, Bomb hits 1, on fire
AP Kano Maru
DD Yugiri
AP Mikage Maru #20, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage

I sent my Beaufighters and A TBF squadron there to increase the anti-shipping power. 3 TF over the area.
Total losses for today were 22 on IJN side and 7 on US side. A good day for the allies.

Next actions
Iīm going out til January the 3rd or so. My next actions may be:
1) Reinforce PM: I still think is worthwhile to hold PM. He got maybe9-12 Rgt ready to invade whatever he wants. Iīm sending a recon platoon to GG to see if he has been withdrawing some of the troops there.
PM got a 6 level fort, ready to add another one within a week. 2 divisions there, with enough BF and engineers. 2 sea bees units there to increase repair capacity. The problem here are supplies. Got a convoy with 36000 supplies around, waiting for a bad weather to come.

2) Take the offensive when possible: I want him to have fear of invading PM. Last turns he has sent some recon planes to my foward bases at Nevea and Wunkupunko?.
The more time he delays his planes, the stronger I will be.

3)Reinforces: in 20 days I will receive another BB, and some DD and CL. 1 P-40 sqd, in two days and during october P-38 will start coming. In 2 months I will have enough forces to reinforce my foward bases, start a oofensive against Lunga and increase PM garrison.

4)It would be a good idea to send the Night Hawks again. Last time they were discovered around Truk, followed and sunk. But they could act like a cheese, so some enemy CV will try to catch them again but this time with my carriers waiting them. Too risky Iīm afraid, but we will see.

toraq -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (1/5/2005 3:24:44 PM)

Little action today. But enemy lost 8 precious betties while attempting to launch torp. against a supply convoy.
Today is Thunderstorms so I ordered op. Pedestal. A big supply convoy will sail to PM. Iīve moved 4 P-40 and 3 F4F sqd. to protect them.
My CVs are around to see if they can hunt some preys (PCs or MSW). So risky that yesterday Hornet was torpedoed and itīs on its way back to Noumea for extense repairs.
Anyway I keep on to complete and cover the Pedestal operation.
I donīt want big air to air engagements: in 20 days Iīll recive my lost sqds. (the ones from the York. and Lex) so I need replacements to complete them.
Iīve calculated that until december or so I canīt start any big offensive. This is when my bases and P-38 sqds should be ready. Anyway, I should wait until F4Us arrives. They are tough guys and can shoot down Zeros quite well.


Weather: Partly Cloudy

Air attack on TF, near Basilaki Island at 18,42

Allied aircraft
SBD Dauntless x 8

no losses

Japanese Ships ***Mine sweep mission***
PC Ch 11, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
MSW Tama Maru
MSW Noshiro Maru #2
Air attack on TF, near Luganville at 53,53

Japanese aircraft
G4M1 Betty x 10

Allied aircraft
P-400 Airacobra x 10
P-39D Airacobra x 21

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M1 Betty x 2 destroyed
G4M1 Betty x 8 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
P-39D Airacobra x 1 damaged

Allied Ships
AP Feland

Attacking Level Bombers:
4 x G4M1 Betty at 200 feet
3 x G4M1 Betty at 200 feet

Air attack on TF, near Basilaki Island at 18,42

Allied aircraft
SBD Dauntless x 5

Allied aircraft losses
SBD Dauntless x 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
MSW Tama Maru
MSW Noshiro Maru #2
Air attack on TF, near Luganville at 53,53

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 18
G4M1 Betty x 4

Allied aircraft
P-400 Airacobra x 10
P-39D Airacobra x 17

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M1 Betty x 1 destroyed
G4M1 Betty x 3 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
P-400 Airacobra x 1 destroyed
P-39D Airacobra x 1 destroyed
P-39D Airacobra x 3 damaged

Allied Ships
AP Feland, Torpedo hits 1, on fire

Attacking Level Bombers:
3 x G4M1 Betty at 200 feet



toraq -> RE: Scenario 19, Allies strike Truk (1/5/2005 6:05:46 PM)


Weather: Thunderstorms

Sub attack near Darubia at 18,41

Japanese Ships
PC Ch 10

Allied Ships
SS Grayling
Air attack on TF at 19,41

Allied aircraft ***From my CVs***
F4F-4 Wildcat x 4
SBD Dauntless x 16

no losses
Japanese Ships
MSW Noshiro Maru #2, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
PC Ch 10, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
MSW Tama Maru

Sub attack at 19,42

Japanese Ships ***retiring from GG***
AP Shinko Maru, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
SS S-42


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