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Sarge -> Sports (11/25/2004 11:12:18 PM)

With the game Maximum Football being released from Matrix is sport threads still a NO-NO [&:]


KG Erwin -> RE: Sports (11/26/2004 11:58:42 PM)

Well, sarge, I would think that football would be OK, wouldn't it?

Let's test it-- GO PACKERS! [;)]

Football --the great American wargame. We have blitzes, bombs, offense, defense, ground attacks, aerial assaults, and best of all--"we are now deep in enemy territory, and we are going for it" [:D]

RBWhite -> RE: Sports (11/27/2004 12:14:29 AM)

Hey Sarge


Don't see any flags on the field

VicKevlar -> RE: Sports (11/27/2004 3:21:22 PM)



With the game Maximum Football being released from Matrix is sport threads still a NO-NO [&:]

If/when an announcement is made....I'm quite sure MF will have it's own forum. As for generica sports threads about non-related things.....I pretty much doubt it.

a19999577 -> RE: Sports (11/27/2004 5:02:48 PM)

I guess that the forum's description is going to have to be updated then:


Gamers can also use this forum to chat about any game related subject, news, rumours etc.

Seems to indicate that if there is a sports game by Matrix, sports discussions would be game related...

Goblin -> RE: Sports (11/27/2004 5:39:21 PM)





With the game Maximum Football being released from Matrix is sport threads still a NO-NO [&:]

If/when an announcement is made....I'm quite sure MF will have it's own forum. As for generica sports threads about non-related things.....I pretty much doubt it.

Vic, could you ask for us please?

I think it would be pretty cool, and I don't see it turning into a flaming troll fest like a political thread.



Paul Vebber -> RE: Sports (11/28/2004 10:49:09 PM)

IF people want to talk about football interm so f what they like in football games and how it applies to Maximum Football - that is fine.

As soon as a thread degenerates into "your team suck" it gets closed.

Any thread praising the Packer or Patriots is OK ;) But don;t denegrate any other team doing it.

We will play it by ear...

As to modding, it looks like a lot of the game data is in Access compatible format, so exporting for offline processsing at the end of a season should be possible, and if I read the designers forum correctly, modding and "external play aids" will be encouraged.

Goblin -> RE: Sports (11/28/2004 10:52:27 PM)

Cool, thanks for responding, Paul, appreciate it.[:)]


Sarge -> RE: Sports (11/28/2004 11:39:05 PM)

Thats more then fair [;)]

Veldor -> RE: Sports (11/29/2004 3:27:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: Paul Vebber
As to modding, it looks like a lot of the game data is in Access compatible format, so exporting for offline processsing at the end of a season should be possible, and if I read the designers forum correctly, modding and "external play aids" will be encouraged.

Given Marval's recent lawsuit against City of Heroes Developer and Publisher, is there not a tiny bit of concern that a lawsuit could arise from a game such as this that is just BEGGING to be modded with what would otherwise be illegal content were the developer to do it themselves???

I mean would it not at least be wise to include SO much detail in the game that you couldn't even begin to be accused of making a shell of a game ultimately meant to be finished by players themselves? Including only 5 or 6 teams from the get-go seems like pretty much an admission that no one is gonna play with the built-in ficticious teams.

Of course if you included 100 ficticious teams no one would use them either. But at least then the argument doesn't hold as much water.

Anyone know if Marval is likely to win or lose? I haven't followed it much since it first started but know it will set a huge precident as far as gaming goes. Some games do probably go a bit too far with how they are meant to be modded.

I hope this game isn't going to be one of them 'cuz although I don't mind sports titles its the other Matrix titles I want to buy most and I want Matrix to still be around to finish them. :)

David Winter -> RE: Sports (11/29/2004 7:48:53 AM)

Hello Veldor

I'm David Winter, the developer of Maximum-Football. I have been browsing these forums for a couple of days now since I first noted that there are people discussing Maximum-Football on here.

Real details of the game can be found on the Maximum-Football forums found at

Anyway, the real reason I've chosen now to respond to a thread is your question regarding the Marvel lawsuit. While both Maximum-Football and City of Hero's allows for creation of your own artwork, the big difference, and major point in the Marvel lawsuit is that City of Hero's is played on the central server of the developer company. Making that company 'responsible' for its users and responsible for any copyright/trademark infringement. I disagree with this 100% but that's just me. From a legal stand point this argument doesn't apply to Maximum-Football because there is no central server hosting the game. The game is played on end user machines only.

If the CFL, NFL or other league were to take the Marvel argument against Maximum-Football they'd not have a leg to stand on. It would be kin to Lucas Film sueing Descreet Software because 3D Studio allows for making 3D models of X-Wing fighters and generate little movies with them. Another example is that I can draw a picture of 'Spider-Man' in photo shop but Marvel can't go and start litigation against Adobe.

So, the short version of a long story, is that I'm not at all worried about the feature set of Maximum-Football.

I hope people will enjoy it, even if it isn't the traditional genre of Matrix Games.


Veldor -> RE: Sports (11/29/2004 9:54:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: David Winter
the big difference, and major point in the Marvel lawsuit is that City of Hero's is played on the central server of the developer company. Making that company 'responsible' for its users and responsible for any copyright/trademark infringement. I disagree with this 100% but that's just me.

Ok. It was just a curiousity. I figured that to be the basis (The Server Component) but hadn't actually seen reference to that yet. Thanks for clarifying.

I do agree, for the most part, that developers and publishers shouldn't be accountable for such acts.

However, shouldn't the actual persons that DO DO IT be accountable? I mean (so as not to seam like I am picking on your game which I am not) lets take a Space Simulator. If you made the best Space Sim of all time and it was so extremely flexible and modable that basically no other Space Sim could ever compete... Then good for you and the Publisher right? Absolutely 100%. So people MOD it for Star Wars, Star Trek, everything under the sun. Not your problem agreed 100%.

But THOSE people are the ones that are STEALING copyrighted and trademarked materials. DENYING and DIMINISHING their value to the rightful owners. Potentially making the next STAR WARS space sim or STAR TREK space sim a less profitable venture. Those games being less profitable simply because your space sim is already out and "uber great" you can't be faulted for. Just because you made the game ultra-modable you can't be faulted for.

But again.... Aren't the "Little people" the next most obvious target? In the same way the music industry has gone after them?

Wargamers wantonly scan in and make all kinds of "computerized" versions of trademarked and copyrighted boardgame materials. Others feerlessly put out Star Wars and other mods to games. Aren't they stealing?

You might argue that Lucas has enough money already. As if thats any kind of argument. But even if I agreed with that what about the Wargamers? What about the guy that wants to make a legitimate commercial version of a wargame but can't because some guy on the net has already released a do-able rip-off complete with scanned graphics and all?

Sure it doesn't preclude it wholely or completely devalue such a venture but it does diminish its value to some measurable level. Just as in the Star Wars reference. Or Marvels case where they planned to release their own "Super Hero Game".

I think that's the real point.

People need to learn that they can't just do whatever they want on the net without any reprecussions. The time during which the internet and anonymity were synonomous has since past within the last year or two. Nowadays nearly EVERYTHING you do on the internet can be traced back to you and you can be held ultimately accountable for your actions.

More-so isn't that the way it really should be? There are no breaks in real life. Why should the "cyber world" be any different?

BTW this is more of a "Devil's Advocate" style posting and doesn't necessarily wholely represent my own beliefs. Just curious if anyone else had an opinion on it...

David Winter -> RE: Sports (11/30/2004 1:00:17 AM)


Ok. It was just a curiousity. I figured that to be the basis (The Server Component) but hadn't actually seen reference to that yet. Thanks for clarifying.

A news service article can be found here;

Marvel Lawsuit

Whether or not it's a valid complaint will be up to the US court system. Personally I think it's just sour grapes. If City of Hero's wasn't bringing in more money than any Marvel licensed game, they'd not be worried.

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