Barbu -> RE: GB naval dominance (12/8/2004 10:35:33 PM)
Well yeah there's 3 aspects to this problem. The first is that unlike France or anyone else for that matter, GB can achieve complete AND lasting supremacy and put a deathgrip on the game, because of the difficulties from recovering from a major naval defeat. As a matter of fact, it happened in a majority of the games I played - even if no one in my circle of friends played GB more than once. Another factor is players mistakes; Spanish fear of the french, or the fault of the French player for being too agressive and pushing Spain away. Another common mistake I've seen is a mentally landlocked Russian - seeing his future exclusively in central Europe. Finally, GB by removing vps can make being part of an hostile coalition unattractive. Taking GB's ability to remove vps is an excellent idea I think. It's a bit silly that GB can threaten to become so strong that only a coalition can defeat it, and at the same time even through defeat being able to deny victory to one or more major powers through the use of this rule. In other words, since GB is the only power that can hope to translate significant military success into a quasi certain victory, it shouldn't be so costly to be part of a coalition against what is in many ways the most powerful country - even if it's historically realistic.