Queens Rifles advance at El Aghelia (Full Version)

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robot -> Queens Rifles advance at El Aghelia (12/10/2004 2:59:33 PM)

North Africa El Aghelia: 1600 Hours 4/18/1941

We have been ordered back to the front. We are to advance against the Germans at El Aghelia. The time off was spent getting reinforcements shipped in, and making repairs to our tank support.

We were surpprised to get 12 new tanks in replacement of the ones that were damaged. Twelve of the new Crusier II A10 was waiting at the docks for us. The men were very pleased to see them. Plus we got the parts we needed for all but one of the other tanks that needed repair. We are now up to full strength except for one tank we left on the dock waiting for a new engine.

The men are in high spirits today even had some bagpipes playing as we prepared to move out for the front. There is a light sand storm which cuts the visability down to around 400 yards. This may are may not be an advantage for us. Heard some of our boys at Age Dabia had a real hard time earlier today. The storm really hit them cut vis down to around 50 yards there this made a very tough in close fight.

Commander VII Queens Royal Rifles: Col Thomas Helmsly

robot -> RE: Queens Rifles advance at El Aghelia (12/11/2004 4:12:06 PM)

North Africa El Aghelia: 1625 Hours 4/18/1941

I have assigned the Indians the north flank. They are to move along the north edge past the front VH and then turn south east in a flanking movement. I have told them to get at least 400 yards past the objectives before making the right oblique move. This is going to take the better part of an hour as movement is slow thru the heavy sands. As my infantry is not mech and we are in heavy sands and a blowing wind storm movement is cut down to 50 yards every five minutes.

The British company has been assigned the south flank. They are to take the southern objective. They have around 500 yards to the Vh. After capture and securing of the objective they have been directed to move north east linking up with center. This should allow them to help in center with there objective and also begin the move to the rear objective.

The Canadians hold the center and have two objectives to take. Both are within 150 yards of each other. The Canadians are set up with in 600 yards of the first VH and are holding off the enemy as I write this. The Germans have taken the north VH of the two objectives and are pushing hard on its twin to the south. We have accounted for over 10 APC loaded with troops around these two clusters. The Canadians have 2 plattoons of cruisers on there right flank and one on there left flank. These tanks in the last 15 minutes have kept there barrells white hot. They are not to move yet but hold and defend what they have.

Once all 3 companies are in what i consider the proper position. Then and only then will i give the center the command to counter attack the Germans in front of them. Hopefully we will have them at least partially surrounded and can annihilate them all. The whole plan depends on how tough and ferocious the Canadians are. Also what kind of opposition the North and south flank run into.

We have lost one scout squad and 3 scout cars so far. The center has been under constant bombardment. But so far the north or south flank have not been sighted so far. They have both moved some where around 300 yards with maybe 400 to go. They should be close to where i want them in about another 30 to 40 minutes. Then all hell should break out.

Commander VII Queens Royal Rifles: Col Thomas Helmsly

robot -> RE: Queens Rifles advance at El Aghelia (12/15/2004 3:38:06 PM)

North Africa El Aghelia: 1655 Hours 4/18/1941

We are in a world of trouble. They have far better tanks then us. The enemy are also better shots then us. A lot of the time it takes them only one shot to take our tanks out. Where we must take at least six shots just to make them know we are there. The two pound guns we have just dont hurt these behemouths. Once again we are getting chewed up by there armor. Our troops are better fighters then theres. At least have more guts to be able to deal with what we are up against.

The little fly swatters we call ATR are a joke. Its like shooting a bb gun at an elephant. Even the six pounders dont have much luck against there thick skin.

We have taken out at least 40 tanks so far but they just keep coming. Also there 81 mm mortars are meciless and never seem to run out of ammo.

We are still 100 yards from the south vh and 200 from the center. Have not been able to move at the center at all. We have the center flanked both in the north and the south. They are picking off the outer fringes of tanks that have been heading to wards the center.

In the center there is still at least 20 tanks still visable and god knows how many we cant see as yet. I have my doubts we will be strong enough to continue to the back objectives. Even if we deal with this the time factor will run out and stop us from getting to the rear fast enough. We will take the forward objectives but at a terrible cost to life and equipment. I fear we have already lost way too much to be able to win this battle decisevly.

We have not given up yet even tho I thought about calling for a with drawel a few minutes ago when all the German armor showed up. Ill tell you it scared the crap out of me.

Commander VII Queens Royal Rifles: Col Thomas Helmsly

robot -> RE: Queens Rifles advance at El Aghelia (12/16/2004 3:10:23 PM)

North Africa El Aghelia: 1725 Hours 4/18/1941

We have taken the first two VH of the north center objectives. Also are with in 50 yards of the center VH. The enemy tanks after taking the VH have turned south east towards the south objectives. The British company on our right flank are taking a pounding. never seen so many tanks at one time. We are taking out 3 to four tanks of theres while we lose one. This is not a good rate of exchange for us. At times i have seen at least 7 to 8 tanks of theres in a 50 yard area.

They are starting to lose some ground to us. Still is an awful lot of infantry to force our way thru. Every time one of our squads move forward and encounter the enemy we lose men. Every German we meet must be a marksman with any and all equipment. They have lost over two companies of men. But the sad fact is we have lost at least a company too.

The really bad thing we have to face is trying to keep the men moving forward. For one thing this dam sand pulls at your feet and takes along time to move thru. There 81 mortars keep our heads down where ours just seems to do nothing to them. I dont know what they are wearing on there feet but they seem to move thru this stuff a lot easier then we do.

Who the hell came up with the idea to put these pea shooters on our tanks. They must be WWI vintage they arent worth a dam as far as most of our men are concerned. Oh well must keep a stiff upper lip and all that tommy rot.

We will take our forward objectives but can not see us getting to the rear ones right at this time. Things may change for the better if we can get thru this wall of steel the Germans have put up in front of us. I have put all cooks, mechanics and Head Quarter personal into the front lines. God save the Queen!!!!! We may not be able too.

To top all the misery off we ran out of tea an hour ago.

Commander VII Queens Royal Rifles: Col Thomas Helmsly

robot -> RE: Queens Rifles advance at El Aghelia (12/18/2004 5:28:24 PM)

North Africa El Aghelia: 1800 Hours 4/18/1941

South flank has taken there objective and trying to hold what they have. Still under attack from infantry trying to retake the VH. The company is down to maybe 6 reduced squads and one tank. There anti tank guns and infantry guns have been abandoned. The crews have routed and are trying to round them up now.

The center is about in the same shape as the right flank. They have captured there objectives but are too undermaned to make any kind of push towards the rear. The battle field is strewn with the littered hulks of the enemy tanks. A lot of abandoned tanks are sitting around where there crews have fled. I have set the center to going around and spiking the guns and ripping up the engines of these empty hulks. I have also issued an order that if any enemy crews are seen they are to be shot on sight. Ten minutes ago two of these crews assaulted and destroyed one of our tanks. They must have been trying to slip back and start a couple of there tanks. There is to be no mercy shown to them any more.

The left flank is in a lot better shape so they have been givin orders, they are to proceed to the rear objective with all haste. What with the way this sand holds you back I dont know what haste they will be capable of. Only time will tell what the outcome of this battle will be.

We have at least 70 tanks abandoned or destoyed in the center. At least that will be 70 tanks less we have to fight in our next battle. God save the Queen.

Commander VII Queens Royal Rifles: Col Thomas Helmsly

robot -> RE: Queens Rifles advance at El Aghelia (12/21/2004 3:13:42 PM)

North Africa El Aghelia: 1900 Hours 4/18/1941

Well this blood bath is over at last. Three hours of intense fighting. The enemy losses were hugh but then again we lost way too many men and tanks. We lost 500 men and 28 tanks while taking out 80 of there tanks and there body count was 1431 men. We also took out 20 of there APC and 5 artty.

We did not reach the rear objectives too many tanks to go thru. Heck the south VH was not really completely taken until right at the end. They kept counter attacking the defenders there right up to the end. The men that held out there were against overwhelming odds. I want to give all the remainders promotions and some im sure deserve medals.

I have no idea how we managed a desicive what with our staggering losses. The only thing i can think of is the heavy loss of expensive tanks for them. We are to pull out to the rear for rest and repair. Will this war never come to an end.

Commander VII Queens Royal Rifles: Col Thomas Helmsly

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