tsimmonds -> RE: Defending Gilberts and Marshalls (12/11/2004 7:05:18 PM)
Build pors and airfields to their optimal capacity as quickly as possible and then switch to fortifications I'd be selective about airfield and (especially) port construction. Ports are nice, they help you unload faster, and if its a 3 you can disband there, but these are items of convenience, they will not help you defend. As for airfields, you need to consider how much LBA you are going to be able to commit here, and how much aviation support you will actually need. Yes, it is best to have extra capacity so you will have flexibility in your basing options. But if your defense is going to rely heavily on smaller a/c, a number of smaller airfields may be just as effective as the same number of airfields built up to level 4. The US player is inevitably going to capture them anyway; he is likely to benefit more from your construction efforts than you will. Fortifications are a much higher priority. Level 9s everywhere you can afford them. That's another point. Can anyone confirm whether building up to any given level of fortification costs more and takes longer at a larger base than it does at a smaller one? I seem to remember a discussion of this on the UV forum (of course, my wife will confirm that I also seem to remember a lot of other sh1t that never actually happened). But if this is so, it presents a strong arguement for maxxing out fortifications in advance of any base expansion.