toraq -> My personal advices (1/25/2005 2:58:41 PM)
Timtom has written clues or advices regarding to Allied strategy in our last scenario. In most of the cases I agree but there are some exceptions. I´ll try to point out some ideas: 1. I was quite surprised when I saw Timtom didn´t have reinforced Lunga. Not a single unit or supply sent. If I had played the allied side I would have tried to defend Lunga with more untits. The best way to reinforce it is, in my opinion: a) Use the C47s to air transport 1 BF, 1 Sea Bees, 1 AA and 2 more Rgts. b) Use the DDs to send supplies, vehicles and the CD least until Lunga is isolated which can be archived in 4 days, when the BBs arrive in the area. c) Mine Lunga before it is completely isolated d) Place some PTs in Tulagi e) Put SS even in coast or shallow hexes. Lunga has to be effectivelly covered by SS. I think I avoided many sub contacts using different Tokyo Express routes. Allied player needs to cover this routes way is to put subs near to Lunga. More or less what Timtom says, but I disagree with not placing aircraft at Lunga. Put at least one SBD there. My vision is that if you want to defend Lunga, you have to use every defensive option: aircrafts, ships, LCU, and subs. Imagine this: Jap player sends wave after wave of bombers and ships to reduce Lunga but in one turn one DD is lost to PT action, another day one CA hits a mine, BB torpedoed by a sub, another day one CA which hits a mine is later sunk by SBDs based at H. Field...Look at my AAR. I remember that in one turn I could not send my Tokyo express to close Henderson and SBDs managed to take off. And if you send one Sea Bees and one more BF, they should keep Henderson open more often. 2. In this scen Timtom used his B17 strategically. Superb. Players usually use them as a tactical weapon: destroy airbases, planes on the ground, ships in port... But Timtom avoided the evacuation of Lunga forces and the construction of the base (=VPs). Very good in deed!. Of course there are other objectives. Send your bombers to close enemy airports, precisely when they are weak. When I was LCAP my invasion forces, Vella Lavella or Short were easy and important targets. If you close them NO LCAP over invasion forces any more! 3. Yes, build up Irau as soon as possible. This could change the couse of the scenario. When Timtom built it, I had many problems: my MSWs could not operate around the area, APs were unable to close Lunga, CVs were in really danger...A nightmare! Regarding to NG, I think Timtom plans were superb but they needed more resources or more time. If you want to invade NG send your forces quickly, just before the IJ player can reinforce the weak garrisons there. When Timtom attacked my forts were so high and my ground forces so many that it was impossible to overun my garrisons. So two options a) Send some FT TF with forces to ocuppy/help to ocuppy Salamaua, and Finch. Yes they will be visited by Jap LB or Bombardments parties or even your FT TF can be surprised by enemy TFs but you have to take some risks sometimes. b) Send every Rgt. to Buna or Salamaua so you can overun them!. The more things you want to take the less forces you have to take them!. I had the entire Jap,. fleet and many IJ divisions and I only used them to take LUnga! In both cases, try to avoid IJ reinforces...subs, surface TFs, airplanes...are welcome. Sometimes you only need a impressive victory to force your enemy to change his strategy. When I lost 20 LB during my air raids to Irau, I decided to call off the air offensive and the invasion!. I had "only" lost 20 VPs but in some way I realized that it was going to be too costly to invade/attack the base!.