Oleg Mastruko -> RE: Hatred for the Enemy (12/25/2004 1:48:14 AM)
Good thread. I belong to those who can play any side in any game. Of course there are sides and games I came to prefer, but it's based on their weapons and tactics or the challenge of playing any given side, not politics. For instance I became "Japanese fanboy" in WITP, simply because it's more challenging and more rewarding to play Japanese in that game, but realistically speaking there's no army, no political system, no state in XX century that's more distant from me as person and my personal beliefs than Japanese militarists were during 30s. They may be fascinating in their own way, when you start to read about them, but they (Japanese leaders and soldiers) are utterly strange and totally not likable as human beings, historically speaking. Not the kind of guys I'd be drinking beer with (or sake). In fact just the total opposite. Bunch of crazy weirdo bushido sadists. Japanese Navy may be somewhat more sympathetic, but still... I am able to detach myself from history and my own personal opinion, enough to play some "role playing" games with my PBEM opponents, if they are willing to take a joke, like screaming Banzai in e-mails, threatening with Kamikazes, Gulags, NKVD, SS, whatever is appropriate for any given side. Perhaps, once you start to "role play", and when it's clear to both you and opponent that "its only a game", then it's kinda more fun to play the bad guys. Of course, how it came that we can turn global mass slaughter into enjoyable activity (games) and fun associated with it (e-mail "threats" and role playing SS commanders) is unexplainable paradox some posters already mentioned. But there you go, we're wargamers and that's it. But I can surely understand guys who get emotional about it, especially considering something so recent as 9/11. In Croatia our conflict with Serbs is still very recent, and I remember very well the hatred I felt when Serb rebels shelled my hometown in 91-92. In that moment I certainly could not have played any game dealing with Croat-Serbian conflict (luckily there are almost no games and scenarios deling with this conflict anyway). But, years passed, war came to an end, we won what we wanted, so... past is past. I could drink beer with Serbs now with no problems (in fact I did that, and will be doing it again), I communicate with them every once in a while, talking about everyday things or doing business, and would be able to emotionally detach myself enough to even play as Serb side in any wargame scenario deling with the conflict. But somehow I think I would not be playing with my heart in that game [8|] Its perhaps good that there are no games delaing with this conflict so I don't even have to think about it. O.