SeaWolF K -> RE: Repulsing a early Japanese invasion (1/7/2005 1:42:52 PM)
ORIGINAL: SeaWolF K At the risk of reigniting the land combat debate, how does one repulse an invasion by a Japanese division. Case in point, just started playing my brother PBEM (he just got the game) and he invaded Naga with the 16 div into 2 PA divs. I rushed 2 more divisions to Naga and they arrived in conjunction with a Japanese shock attack (0-1 odds and 1800 Japanese losses). Three turns latter I counter attack and get 3-1 odds, the next turn 4-1 odds, the next 3-1 (air strikes) (inflicting a grand total of 450 losses over three days) and on the next he lands two more divisions and I get 0-1 and the next turn am evicted at 2-1 odds. Is it possible to exploit a short term weakness on the Japanese or if they get a division ashore is it best just to pull back and make him attack me?[&:][&:][&:] A little clarification, there was no valid retreat path for the japanese to take (all valid hexes were under allied control. The attack odds were Japanese attack 0-1 (D+1), Allied attacks 3-1(D+3), 4-1(turn D+4), 3-1(turn D+5), 0-1(turn D+6) and then Japanese attack 2-1(turn D+7). The Japanese landed on turn D (which was like 10 Dec) and then again on turns D+6, D+7 and I am assuming he has continued to land more since then) and I got lucky in that he was reduced in asualt strength from 400ish (He landed the division off of 30 transports) to 200ish after landing (shore defence batteries hurt him greatly approx 900 losses) and his failed shock attack. I was hoping to counter attack and exploit the fact that he was weakened and that reinforcements had not landed (I controled the base until my final retreat) My units involved were the 4th USMC, 31 USA RCT, 41 PA, 51 PA and one of the PS RCT. I called off all attacks as soon as the unloading over the beach message occured. Oh well, at least my brother confirms the 16th division has 50% of its squads disabled (but no real losses)