timtom -> RE: Mogami's last attempt. (1/23/2005 2:16:14 AM)
I haven't got WITP yet, and must confess that certain of the game's features (read: ground combat) is giving me second thoughts about buying it and sinking the better part of my available gaming time into it. To my mind, the main weakness of UV - a game that I have enjoyed tremendeously - is the ground combat model. I gather that the WITP ground model is basically the same as in UV. Purely annecdotally, in my most recent game, I had eight regiments and three battalions wiped out on Lunga. It cost my opponent less than 23 VP's worth of destroyed troops, in the 13 days of gruelling combat it took him to achieve the dread 2:1 odds. However, over the week following the fall of Lunga, my air force destroyed the same number of Japanese troops (if VP is anything to go by) as the Marines had done at Lunga - but that's another story! Just before surrendering, the worst bashed up Marine regiment had a load cost of 4,118, or 213 down from full strength. Disruption, however, was total, and combat power nil. I think it's great that troops degrade - and fast! - in combat, but it seems to me that because ground combat causes disruption rather than destruction, it creates a "winner takes it all" situation: Combat will disable many squads but destroy few until whoever is the stronger forces a 2:1 attack. Then the loser is utterly destroyed, and the winner is left with tired but otherwise hale troops. Is the late-war Japanese strategy of bleeding the Americans possible in WITP? Will there be any Iwo Jima's?