TomBell -> RE: Introductory Notes (1/20/2005 5:50:22 PM)
_________Battle of Geisbach!* * __________US vs Germany* ___________US Defends* * ________Geisbach, Germany* _______0800, 28 Marchl 1945* ___________Turns: 15* ________Scenario size: Small* * Designed by TomBell* * American Orders: "Colonel, your task is to secure, and hold, the towns road juction and bridge."* German Orders: "HerrOberst, clear the Americans out of the town of Greisbach and hold the towns crossroad and bridge."* * AFTER OR DOING WHAT FLASHFYRESP SAID, YOU CAN USE THIS AS A TEMPLATE FOR YOU TEXT FILE THAT YOU SAVE IN WORDPAD AND SAVE TO YOU SCEN FOLDER IN SPWAW. *THE UNDERSCORE SPACES, THE * IS AN END MARK OR SPACE, THEN TYPE IN WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY AND SAVE IT AS, SCEN(SCENARIOS NUMBER).TXT. THEN START UP THE WAW AND SEE HOW IT LOOKS AND EDIT TO GET IT RIGHT.