Where are the survivors? (Full Version)

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D_ploy -> Where are the survivors? (1/27/2005 11:38:44 PM)


after playing "Meeting of Titans" (me as NATO) I noticed in the verdict the following lines (filtered for a single unit):

12:42     2 Co / 1 / 68 Gds MRR is suffering minor losses at 26,22.
12:42     2 Co / 1 / 68 Gds MRR is taking serious losses at 26,22.
12:52     2 Co / 1 / 68 Gds MRR has been wiped out.
13:00->Activity resolution for the period starting 1300 hrs 7 Mai 89.
        2 Co / 1 / 68 Gds MRR - 1 of 17 steps survived.

So, were they wiped out or did somebody survive? And if so, where, because this unit does not seem to be on the battlefield anywhere? Or am I missing a feature here?


IronManBeta -> RE: Where are the survivors? (1/28/2005 11:08:53 PM)

Hmmm, that might possibly be a teensy little bug. I have not seen it before but I will run it through the debugger and see what I can see. They were indeed wiped out but the internal counter for that unit did not record the final loss of a step. That should be pretty easy to find.

Thanks, Rob.

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