Bozzaroo -> Will AI Japan get any more BB? (2/3/2005 8:27:18 AM)
I'm a novise on this and are still learning every day I play the game, or check this forum. But I have a question about Japanese ships and rebuild. I'm in my first attempt to run the whole scen.15 against the AI, it's Aug-42 and I have started to build up for an attack to take back Rabaul. Then I just realized that I have most probably already sunk most of the Japanese BB. (been bombing Rabaul to Rubbel, during day attacks .. lost a lot of B17 in the beginning, but I keept bombing and now Rabauls air and port is 100% damage) So will Japan get any BB's back (I'm pretty sure that they have lost Kongo as well, and Yamato is damage), or are the big sea battles that I have been looking forward to already doomed?? And how many AK/AP/TK does Japan have in the beginning of the war, my air units have already sunk almost 500 ships and the war has slowed down to the point that Japan doesn't seem to respond to any unit build-ups anywhere. Just not sure if I already have stuffed this game and should start all over when 1.5 is out? I really wanted to run this scen the whole way, but I want a fight and as I said I'm a beginner so the AI has been very impressive until it started to use up it's whole BB fleet in the port of Rabaul. [image]local://upfiles/12532/Eb867275983.jpg[/image]