mlees -> RE: Ok to Jap Fanboys (and girls) How far will you go! (2/9/2005 5:16:54 PM)
Ok, so you find one ship... it sees you... turns around or takes a long route home while warning the others with some kinda code... so your ´shaddowing´ warship is out of position and the others land as planned... just one write off... not to bad. Your counting on every transport CO to be an independent thinker, with clear and precise picture of whats going on in the wide world around him, and who is willing to take initiative and abort the sailing plan without direct orders. Not likely. Possible for a couple of them guys, but not all. Even inside the military, you can find a bunch of commanders who can't make up their mind to save their own skins. Warship can't be "out of position" in Makassar strait, which, navigationally speaking, is not all that wide in the first place. (20 or so miles max. Visual range.) Nice try, though.[;)] You as a player have more control over every unit in the game, at all times, than was possible IRL. This gives the (false) impression of military manuevers, and coordination of shipping/airstrikes, as being simple. They weren't. Lookit the US airline system. Close one airport for weather, and the majority of the system from coast to coast is SNAFU'd.