Harald1050 -> RE: OT: WWII - How West almost attacked Russia twice... (3/8/2005 10:39:04 AM)
ORIGINAL: pauk greetings.... before few years (6-10 years) i read that Stalin prepared for attack on Germany. But, as we all know, Germans strike before it happend. This info, journalists wrote, was based on documents found in the russian archives (opened after the fall of communisam), but after that i never heard anything more about those "confidental documents". My guess is that was "standard exclusive story" by journalists. However, does someone recall this, have additional info? Servus! Interesting topic. Well, here are some titles i was reading or i am actually reading (if WITP PBEMs allow this) about "Unternehmen Barbarossa". They are all written in German language, so don't know any english or other language title. Walter Post; Unternehmen Barbarossa, Deutsche und sowjetische Angriffspläne 1940/41: he describes the political/diplomatic aspects (only a few days before Molotw-Ribbentrop-treaty English and French military negotiated with the Russians for a treaty where the enemy was clearly defined as Germany) and also the military/industrial part (deployment of troops on both sides and the time table). There are some documents of the Int. Military Tribunal of Nürnberg where the highest Generals of the Wehrmacht were questioned about Barbarossa and the time before. Werner Maser; Der Wortbruch; Hitler, Stalin und der Zweite Weltkrieg: it concentrates on the economical part and also mentions the most important points of the diplomatic "war". Further he tells us about the Russo-Finnish war and the conclusions the Russians took out of this disaster. Viktor Suvorov; Der Eisbrecher, Hitler in Stalins Kalkül: this is the very first book written after the fall of the iron curtain, when Russian archives were opened and new documents came up. Suvorov examines more the military and the tactical questions, what the Generals said and did then. If you only take a look at the numbers of tanks, artillery and planes the Russians had compared to Germany you will see that Germany only could win that many battles in the early phase because the Russians were deploying their troops for an offense strike themselves. All mobile troops were deployed directly at the front, airfields, supply points, etc. directly behind the front troops. If you fear an attack you won't deploy your troops that way nor would you clear minefields tear down bunkers and so on. All this did the Russians and of course the Germans. The Germans were a little bit faster. The basic rule for the communism is to establish communist states over the whole world. We all know that. The only way to do so successfully is a war. If there is no war no one would revolt against the establishment/government. We only have to look at the end of WW I. Everywhere in Germany and Austria, and of course Russia, soldiers/navy revolted with red flags. So no war, no revolution, no communistic state. Stalin "needed" Hitler to go to war. Therefore he delivered him the so needed raw materials. Without them the Wehrmacht would have never been able to set a foot on Polen or elsewhere. Hilter knew that, Stalin too. Therefore Stalin cancelled all negotiations with Fance and Britain and made the pact with Hitler. So Hitler had free hand to act the way he did. And Stalin had the World War he hoped for at the time England and France declared war on Germany. If Stalin would have signed a treaty with France and Britain, Hitler would have been isolated, without raw materials and in a case of war the Germans again would have had to face a 2 front war. Allright, enough for now. A really interesting topic where we could discuss and interchange knowledge. Harald