rtrapasso -> RE: Kimmel and Short: Scapegoats or Guilty (3/10/2005 8:35:45 PM)
ORIGINAL: jwilkerson I do not have the Layton book - but the guy who was doing the work down in the basement ... Rochefort ... I'd certainly agree with putting him on a pedestal ! I was comparing Turner and Gerow to the senior leaders not the doers. My point with the specific Turner letter from January 1941 predicting an attack on Pearl Harbor, in conjunction with USN knowledge of 3 exercises in which Pearl was [ surprise ] attacked by carriers formed a pattern of a possible surprise attack on Pearl Harbor ... that should have removed such a possibility for the realms of UFO sightings ( i.e. .impossible events ). Unfortunately, despite this attested pattern senior leaders DID view the possibility of attack in the category of a UFO sighting. I'd be curious as to why you think Douggie and Marshall got off the hook ! Because it does seem like they got very different treatment from Stark, Kimmel and Short and at least Douggie may have be more guilty than all the others combined. Layton worked closely with Rochefort. His book is excellent. He didn't write anything for years because it was classified. He wrote once they lifted the TOP SECRET status of the MAGIC decrypts and made it public. I think Dougie and Marshall got off the hook because they had money and/or political power (money does not QUITE equal political power, but sometimes one can get you the other).