Any chance of getting more supply control (Full Version)

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Behemoth -> Any chance of getting more supply control (3/17/2005 4:49:17 PM)

I'm sorry if this has been covered elsewhere; but with the obvious "End of New Features" coming after the release of 1.5 made me willing to ask. I was wondering if we could ever get MORE control over the pooling of supplies. I know in other threads awhile back this was discussed, ie; Saesabo(i believe) pooling resources it didn't need, supplies getting stored up where they weren't needed, etc. This could be a feature that would allow the player flexibilty when setting up say, forward supply depots or rest and refit bases.
I know in the previous threads it was suggested that a pool supply button could get added for this purpose. I guess my question is: has anyone heard that this might be in the pipeline? Any info will be greatly appreciated, thx.

Mr.Frag -> RE: Any chance of getting more supply control (3/17/2005 6:25:12 PM)

Not in the pipeline, Mike's got enough bugs to fix without creating new ones.

Behemoth -> RE: Any chance of getting more supply control (3/17/2005 6:31:24 PM)

Thx Frag

Nomad -> RE: Any chance of getting more supply control (3/17/2005 8:32:10 PM)

Interesting, I have seen reports of Japanese players not able to keep enough supplies at some Home Island Bases to get repairs done. Does this not sound like a bug in the program?



Not in the pipeline, Mike's got enough bugs to fix without creating new ones.

Ron Saueracker -> RE: Any chance of getting more supply control (3/17/2005 9:02:38 PM)

Like the Auto convoys, auto supply seems to be wonky. Bases where you need supply don't get it, bases where you don't get lots. Chucking this completely in PBEM would be great.

Feinder -> RE: Any chance of getting more supply control (3/17/2005 11:39:42 PM)


Bases where you need supply don't get it, bases where you don't get lots.

Or, you can look at this as a "historical feature".


Mr.Frag -> RE: Any chance of getting more supply control (3/17/2005 11:50:59 PM)


Does this not sound like a bug in the program?

Nope, this sounds like the classic overextention of Japan's resourcing. As Japan, you have to think ahead of the game. Most folks dive right in and run up massive supply shortages then have to pay the bill later. Japan starts with about 190 days worth of stockpiles. Burning them up in 100 days is going to catch up with you.

scout1 -> RE: Any chance of getting more supply control (3/18/2005 12:16:43 AM)


Nope, this sounds like the classic overextention of Japan's resourcing. As Japan, you have to think ahead of the game. Most folks dive right in and run up massive supply shortages then have to pay the bill later. Japan starts with about 190 days worth of stockpiles. Burning them up in 100 days is going to catch up with you.

Oversimplification .......

The issue that has been discussed is the the game (by design) allows the Japanese player
to drop off supplies and/or resources at one or more of the ports on the home islands and that the game engine will distribute the supplies/resources to the various bases (within the home islands) based on need. Instead, there are occurrences where the game engine is like a squirell with its acorns and moves a huge chunk of stuff to a base that has no "apparent" demand. [:-]

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