Clockwork_Shrine -> RE: "Illuminati", literature (3/26/2005 3:36:58 PM)
ORIGINAL: coregames According to one of the many websites devoted to the subject: "its professed object was, by the mutual assistance of its members, to attain the highest possible degree of morality and virtue, and to lay the foundation for the reformation of the world by the association of good men to oppose the progress of moral evil." From what I understand, there was a conflict within the Illuminati about their aims. Weishaupt and Knigge saw the goal as creating a freer, more secular society. Later, rumors emerged that more radical elements had risen up in the organization, favoring bringing the system down from within, including abolishing Christianity. At that point, accusations were leveled against the Illuminati, and Weishaupt in particular, that led to Weishaupt's banishment. So this was a rather innocent organization merely interested in teaching and maintaining morale order, somewhat like Christianity, however were made into fiends by a few of thier own renegade members, and then, eventually, transformed into monsters by modern day sci-fi novelists. =) I wonder what benefit it served those members to bring the original Illuminati down?