scenario 1 US (Full Version)

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VALENT PHILIPPE -> scenario 1 US (3/24/2005 8:01:34 PM)

[&:] i have some problem to understand how transfer my planes from australia to gili gili and buna. i don't understand the problem of support, support aviation and supllies between all the planes ! each town has planes differents and problemes differents of kind of support and i try many times to save the buna and gili gili bases.
also the transferts of troops from brsbane to gili gili before the Porte avions Japonese arrive.[:@]
excuse my english!!![:(]
where can i put my Cv to prevent loose it?
please help me [:D]

anarchyintheuk -> RE: scenario 1 US (3/24/2005 8:21:24 PM)

Regarding transfers of ac, just check the base screen to see if you have adequate supplies and aviation support for the number of aircraft you have there. It will show up as a red number. It isn't that big of a deal if you are a few ac over the limit. If you are a lot, it slows repair time and may keep your ac grounded. If i remember correctly, gili-gili and buna don't start w/ any aviation support, so any aircraft you send there will eventually become damaged and unrepairable (you can transfer undamaged aircraft to any base in range, undamaged aircraft cannot be transferred).

Your english is better than my french. I took four years of it too.

Whether or not you can save gili-gili and buna depends on if your playing the ai or a human. If it's a human, forget trying to save them. If it's the ai, you can transfer all of your C-47s to either Cairns or Cooktown and use them to airtrans a brigade (make sure it isn't a restricted i.e. northern command brigade) to either gili-gili or buna, I don't think it's possible to save both. The invasion force for buna is smaller and easier to repulse. I haven't played in a while so I may not be remembering this correctly.

Your CVs are pretty vunerable until your CV fighter squadrons expand to 36 and your Devastaters are replaced by Avengers. Again it depends on whether you're playing the ai or a human. Anyplace close to Noumea or below Townsville is pretty safe from the ai. There is no real safe place against a human other than sending them back to Pearl Harbor for AA upgrades. The best defense depends on knowing where KB is and having your CV forces elsewhere.

Finally, even saving Port Moresby against a human opponent is almost impossible if he really wants it. Good luck.

Forgot to mention that you can use your C-47s to transfer parts of a base unit to say buna or gili-gili to help repair any aircraft that you have stuck there. Just remember it's hard to get those little pieces back once you send them there.

Radames -> RE: scenario 1 US (3/25/2005 2:18:48 AM)


The best defense depends on knowing where KB is and having your CV forces elsewhere.


rogueusmc -> RE: scenario 1 US (3/25/2005 2:37:03 AM)


you can transfer all of your C-47s to either Cairns or Cooktown and use them to airtrans a brigade (make sure it isn't a restricted i.e. northern command brigade) to either gili-gili or buna

GiliGili has no airfield at game start, so airtrans is only available by Catalina and that is slow.

edit: KB is 'Kido Butai' the hellacious CV TF the japanese use. It is made up of something like 6 CVs plus cruisers and escorts.

jeffs -> RE: scenario 1 US (3/25/2005 5:53:12 AM)

And some users, rather poetically substitute "The Death Star" in place of KB...The reason is simple, anything in the way of a full [:-]Death Star risks complete and total destruction.

VALENT PHILIPPE -> RE: scenario 1 US (3/25/2005 8:27:56 AM)

thinks for all your responses.[:)]so it is better to understand the game now!


i remember correctly, gili-gili and buna don't start w/ any aviation support, so any aircraft you send there will eventually become damaged and unrepairable

if i understand i have to transfer some engenieur to rise the support aviation ? ans also does i have to make the same thing in transfering HQ to rise the support and of course bring supplies? that is exact ??
planes cannot fly if there ies no supplies ou support aviation?[&:]
which quantity of supplies transport each plane like transport C47 ? where i can see that on the plane?
the same for catalina where i can see the total of transport they can?
what is the use of support , the third number after the supplies, and the support aviation?
how can i rise it , with HQ? is it important if it is in red?
sometimes the number in supplies appears in "orange" in french .why??[&:] the number is greater than the supplies below it ,but it is in orange.
sorry for the questions but it is a little hard to understang!![:(]
thinks to help me

CMDRMCTOAST -> RE: scenario 1 US (3/25/2005 4:43:24 PM)

Construction Engineers, Base forces and HQ will raise support levels
and allow for base growth and increase the range of flights as the
airfields grow in size, also if your base force has radar you will increase
your ability to intercept incoming aircraft and ships.
You will have too build your airfield to size 1 at least too allow
for aircraft too operate and recieve transports and bombers on
supply runs.
If your support is in the red then you are undersupported and
the base and troops will not function at 100% decreasing your ability
too build and repair your base as well as decrease your percentage
of available aircraft to fly and repair.
You have to bring in supplies to support the troops and to build up
the bases as it takes a lot of supply to increase ports, airfields and
fortifications as well as repair damage from bombardments and airstrikes.
If the number is in red or orange you are running out of supply and
the troops will start too rashion supply, further decreasing there ability
too function and recoup from fatiuge and malaria and cause fatiuge.
You can fly in heavy bombers and transports to trickle in supply but
this will not give enough supply too have the base function fully so I would
suggest this.
If you are in frontline combat for the base I would form a fast transport task force
comprised of CA'S, DD'S and APD'S and load supplies and construction engineers and send them too the base too build up the airfield too size one minimum.
Then send in C47 transports and heavy bombers with supply to build up your stockpile, you can also use your transport planes or fast transport task forces to
also bring in HQ and base forces though you will need to ship the radar from the
base forces on ships as it is too large for aircraft.
If your base is secure from attack then send in transports loaded with supply and
stockpile it up, though if your port is 0 - 1 then you will lose supply and waste alot of it
as the base can't support a huge amount of it, so building up ports is as essential
as building your airfields.
The numbers for supplies required means that you need to have that amount
of supply minimum for every month of base operation not including any
repairs needed from bombardments, air operations and aircraft repairs.
also as you bring in more troops you will need more monthly supply so
I would watch the numbers closely as the base proggresses.

Hope this helps....[;)]

VALENT PHILIPPE -> RE: scenario 1 US (3/25/2005 5:17:06 PM)

[:D] thinks to your answer amiral cdmrctoast "ouf " ion french it is hard ypur pseudo![;)]
bref,it is better to load supplies in TF and send to base that planes ?
but the Tf is more time than the planes , no? and there is a problem withe the ennemy CV .
if the support in is red , i have to send supplies? not HQ? what is the use of sending HQ in the base?[&:]
thinks for respond and sorry for the questions !

CMDRMCTOAST -> RE: scenario 1 US (3/25/2005 5:44:41 PM)

Well the first thing is to get your troops on the base.
I would fly extra PBY'S on naval search to pinpoint exactly
were the enemy CV'S are and when they depart too refuel
at Rabaul or Truck I would then send in fast transport task forces
on computer control to the base as they will time there arrivals at night
Pick your fastest DD'S and CA'S and run them in loaded and keep doing
that till your strengths and supplies build up.
I would try to build up the airbase to size 1 first before fortifications and ports
as this will allow for aircraft to land in more troops and supply while avoiding the
The japanese are going to contest this base heavily so be prepared for a few big
battles but if you plan it right against the AI you can hold it.

The first post was to give you an overall sense of the requirements to build
up a base and be an effective force there, the HQ will help in coordinating
your infantry in defense as well as assaulting invasion forces so they are an
important factor in combat situations.

VALENT PHILIPPE -> RE: scenario 1 US (3/25/2005 7:36:01 PM)

thinks very much CDMRCTOAST for your answer.


I would try to build up the airbase to size 1 first before fortifications and por
i have to upgrade my airbase but it take many days, does i have the time to upgrade before the jaonese attacks?
i see now that the Jonese attacks lunga and tulagi with the CV and not where i expected them near buna!! i was surprised.
it is the chance between est and ouest? or better the attacks come ouest?

rogueusmc -> RE: scenario 1 US (3/25/2005 10:09:27 PM)

In UV, Fast Transport is one of your best friends. Use as much as you can. Get those tin cans moving supply at the first of the scenario.

As regards to supply by ship taking longer than by air, it will take a LOOOOOONG time to get a AK worth of supply flown in by air.

Get an airfield size one at Gili-Gili as soon as possible for fighters. Fighters there increase the likelyhood of naval attacks on TF coming around the pininsula.

VALENT PHILIPPE -> RE: scenario 1 US (3/25/2005 10:21:35 PM)

thinks for your answer. ok i shall try to upgrade gili gili airbase.
i ask you for some questions during yhis WEnd

spence -> RE: scenario 1 US (3/26/2005 6:04:53 AM)

J'essaye expliquer en francais. (les mots que je ne connais pas et entre "...")
Si vous voulez mettre un "base" a Gili Gili:
1eme: utilisez les escadrille de PBY pour transporter d'infantrie a Gili Gili et aussi le 91eme engineer (ou quelle que chose comme ca). Au meme temps mettez the 46eme engineer a Brisbane sur un TF Transport Vite composer a le Chicago, Australia, Hobart et les deux DD. Il serai deux ou trois jours jusqu'il peut arriver, mais c'est le meilleur on peut faire. Peut etre, vous pouvez former deux TF Transport Vite et transport des AA aussi.
Aussi au meme temps, sortez des avions de Charter Towers.
2eme: "Send"(Rendez?) les escadrille PBY a Charter Towers et puis transportez le "base force" labas a Gili Gili. A dix jours ou plus vous pouvez utiliser le "base" avec les SBDs. Pour "scenario 1" je crois qu'il n'y a pas de temps pour faire quelle que chose tres bien mais pour les autres "scenarios" il y a des possibilities (pas #19).
J'espere j'ai pu vous aider.

VALENT PHILIPPE -> RE: scenario 1 US (3/26/2005 8:03:19 AM)

thinks to spence for your works in french ,it is better for me to understand the answer.
i think i have understand enough to try to beat the AI!!
if have some question i ask in this forum and thinks for all who respond to me

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