Don Bowen -> RE: So You Always Wanted To Be A Tester (3/27/2005 5:14:07 AM)
Let me jump in here. First, Pry and the CHS guys are not in competition with each other. We have both provided alternate scenarios, each with a somewhat different focus. Players may play either or both as they choose – to the benefit of the entire community. I intend to download Pry’s scenario (once the Alpha rush of CHS is over) and will definitely be buying War Plan Orange. I think that you will find many more similarities than differences in the mods. We took different paths, each did our research, and I suspect that we ended up rather closely on many issues. CHS has considerably expanded the naval OOBs, with many new transport/cargo/tanker classes and many additional ships as well. I know that Pry has long been in favor of reducing them. We have also reduced the capacity of these ships – though probably not by the same factor as Pry did. CHS began by creating new cargo ship classes with capacity set at 90 % of Gross Registered Tons (a better value for capacity than Deadweight Tons, in my opinion). Testing revealed an excess of capacity so we made an across-the-board additional cut of 25% (both new and original classes). Our “Large AK (US)” now has a capacity of 5250 (was 7000). We have also re-classed many ships into different classes – some with larger capacity and some smaller. Compared to Scenario 15 we have a larger number of ships with a smaller average capacity and a smaller total capacity. I do not know how this compares to Pry’s work. I am, not surprisingly, very happy with the large number of cargo type ship classes in CHS as it presents the player with a large menu of ships of varying capabilities from which to choose. And, like Pry, we reviewed and adjusted base supply levels, resources, oil, etc – frequently downward. Same problem recognized, same general action. Players and testing will determine what additional adjustments are required. We have also converted all U.S. aircraft groups to squadrons (except replenish “wings”) in CHS. This is based on the same history and probably the same references that were available to Pry and I suspect the results are very similar. CHS made some decisions – including some “marginally available” squadrons and excluding others - so our OOBs probably do not match up squadron for squadron. Very close I’d guess. There are also at least three variations of CHS coming: Andrew Brown’s “no Middle East/Aden/Panama” variation (with a modified map) Ron Sauracker’s “anti-respawn variation” Lemurs! “uncompleted Japanese ships” variation. So it’s all here for you, WITPers. Play one, play all, take some from each and make your own. Whatever makes the game better for you. Don Bowen