rtrapasso -> RE: Pilot Allocation. (4/6/2005 7:39:23 PM)
ORIGINAL: SKORPIO Should l allocate bomber or fighter pilots to Avengers and Dauntless a/c. I know they are technically bombers but they are so small. Or doesn't it matter? BTW, just found a very interesting site at www.strategypage.com Thanx in advance. I suspect the answer has a lot to do with your situation. Fighter pilots are alledgedly more aggressive, and supposedly better pilots. They preferentially get assigned to fighter units. Once there, it may turn out they are not so great, but generally you need to test them out. If you want a really hot Avenger or Dauntless unit, you could assign the fighter types, but it will probably shortchange your fighter groups by doing this. Probably best to stay with bomber types - staid guys who stay in formation. You probably don't want your TBF pilots to be aggressive enough to take on a Zero in a dogfight.