skukko -> RE: Has everybody gone to SPWAW Depot? (4/10/2005 11:12:55 PM)
"eerrhh ... u wont two ket in two spvaaaawww? wots teh uuuurrrll ?" -taxi-driver from deep space version Orig.4.0, yo, Its hard to keep two sites open 18hours a day, read books of next possible scenario, feed yourself, wash socks, ('No smelling socks in this room') play pbem, go to pizza ('How come she wants to go to pizzaroom whilst they deliver it into my door?'), create maps and scenarios, surf thru the 'net to find that one lill' missing link, and then get focused to a game that is irresistable Old Lady who is pregnant and is going to have a baby already named CL [see-LLL], not Jr or something else as a '9th', while some wants baby to be named as .... Both has their places and meanings. When both are standing in adjacent hex, they can have some good battles and make us,- players, feeel good. Got it?[:D]