Tin Soldiers - Julius Caesar reviews (Full Version)

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Marc von Martial -> Tin Soldiers - Julius Caesar reviews (5/17/2005 1:00:25 AM)

IGN - 7.9/10
"This is a great series. Fans of turn-based tactical games will find this game to be a really tough and rewarding challenge."
Link to review: http://pc.ign.com...

Gamevortex - 84%
"Tin Soldiers: Julius Caesar is a good continuation to a new and interesting series of strategy games. The A.I. has been handled remarkably well. Not only does it use decent maneuvers and tactics, but it is a great place to learn if you haven’t studied the military exploits of the Roman war machine.
Link to review: http://www.gamevortex.com/...

Active Reviews
"I believe “TS: Julius Caesar’s” enjoyable game play, incredible realism, and educational value will make it a winner for a variety of reasons and a variety of gamers."
Link to review: http://www.activereviews.com/...

Deaf Gamers - 8.9/10
Tin Soldiers: Julius Caesar manages to improve upon Tin Soldiers: Alexander the Great in almost every area. Rome Total War may be the Roman strategy game of choice at the moment but the battles in that game just can't compete with those in Tin Soldiers: Julius Caesar. Once again the AI provides a great challenge and strategy fans will love spending night after night trying to outwit such an impressive opponent.
Link to review: http://www.deafgamers.com/...


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