StefanE -> RE: Writing a tutorial to help newbies to pbem (6/8/2005 10:48:45 AM)
When I played my first email game there was a lot of questions. Some of them I figured out myself, some of them my opponent helped me with (thanks Rbrunsman for all the tips). When trying to remember what problems I had I came up with this list (in no particular order): 1. When composing my force there usually are some agreements, for instance 10% artillary. I didn't know which units to count into them 10%. Should the small mortars which some infantry units carry with be counted. Or should ALL units under the artillery button be counted? 2. I really didn't know where to get all the info needed, such as the visibility or just a simple thing as where to change the allowed numper of points. 3. I didn't know (and still isn't sure) which options that affect the opponent also and which just changes the presentation for me. What about the Fast Artillery ON/OFF, or the sound buttons? 4. I still have no clue to the following buttons in the preference screen: Move radius B, Victory frontage, AI Advantage, Time per turn, Comm. interventions, Timeouts, Characteristics or the various Delay settings. I guess this is kind of a RTFM-question, but if anyone intend to write a PBEM-manual I think it would be a good idea to to describe the not so obvious settings. 5. How about the player preferences. Is there anything there to be changed. The following text is copy-pasted from the "Looking for opponents"-forum: "1943, 6k, 10% arty, No air or infiltrators, Vis 22, large map or bigger". For me as a beginner this kind of info seemed to short. There are lot more of settings, what about them? Now I have learnt to handle that, but back then... Little bit of topic but anyway: has anyone found out a way to change the player preferences to have some kind of reasonably fair handicap system? 6. In the PBEM-manual there would be great to have som kind of "recommended settings" for a balanced and reasonably fast-playing game. How much points is suitable at each side in a small map? How many point should each side have in an attack-defence game on a medium map? 7. One of my biggest worries was not to break any "unspoken rule" (sorry, I don't find the correct english words for it. What I mean is the kind of rules that form good sportmanship). A list of "Nice Behaviour in PBEM:ing" would be nice to have in a manual. Hmmm, thats questions I remember at the moment. I add more if i remember any... /Stefan